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Everything posted by Jabbuk

  1. That's great. Yeah I looked at the summoning table just now and I think that's just what I'll do. I'll summon 10 blues for 10pts. And I also totally agree about why I would ever want to summon brims for the same points, lol.
  2. So, after ordering the Battlebox and thinking of being smart, I told myself "hey, there's a Gaunt Summoner in there, I might as well buy some Blue Horrors, they're free with the warscroll ability" thinking he could summon those. This morning I looked at the warscroll and he can only summon pinks So if I understand correctly, you can only summon pinks, but you can field blues and brims as part of your army, using points, is that correct?
  3. Great read and very interesting to hear your understanding of the faction as a new player. I can't help much but I'll be reading the answers to this post Glad you posted.
  4. I would also love to read that Just saying.
  5. What a great timing with the Battleforce that's coming up. Amazing! Thanks for taking the time to write this.
  6. That's so cool, man! Thank you very much for the advice. You didn't mention anything about horrors. Is it because I said I would buy those already or they don't fit into this direction? If you could clarify that, I'd really appreciate it.
  7. Hello friends, I've been wanting to get into Tzeentch for almost a year now since I really like the aesthetic of the mortals and with the announcement of the new Battleforce Box for Tzeentch, I'm gonna take the plunge! The content of the box clocks at 1200pts and is a nice starting point. Any advice in which direction I should go to add to that base? I was thinking a box of pink+blues+brims for the free summon from Gaunt Summoner. But then what? Screamers are really good I think? Thanks for your help in advance guys Edit: The content of the box is: - LoC/Kairos - Gaunt Summoner - 20 Kayric Acolytes - 10 Tzaangorz - 3 Tzaangorz on discs (enlighten or skyfire)
  8. I would tend to think so, yes. The unit is considered to have run so it cannot charge in the next phase. Ive always played it as a normal move myself to guarantee the charge. Besides, MD is extremely strong with GGs and MawKrusha. Their movement is plenty where you don't really need to run anyway. I might be wrong though.
  9. Looks really amazing man, nice job. I really love the Atlantis miniatures Ogres and I bought a Butcher myself for my upcoming army. I searched all over the internet to find some size comparisons with the gw ones and I couldn't find anything. How do the Atlantis Ogres fit with the GW ones in terms of size?
  10. So, what happened to the Great Mawpot? I'm interested to get into Mawtribes faction but the thing has been out of stock for so long now, what's up with that? I'd like to be able to get that terrain piece as well. Does anyone know anything?
  11. Weirdnob is also a popular option for general sometimes. This one is difficult. He gives movement shenanigans options with the teleport and is almost mandatory in my lists now but at 1k, sometimes the games are simpler. If you play on the 4x6 table format, he's definitely a big asset. The other big perk is that he can help dispel an annoying endless spell in your face that would wreck you for several turns. Some people nowadays are more of the opinion that Ironjawz shouldn't even take a caster because of magicdom armies but at 1k, I don't think you'll see incredible magic combos. The Megaboss is a good fighter too. To me he equals another group of fighters. He's very durable in Ironsunz. He's fricking slow though. Perhaps consider taking the Megaboss in Bloodtoof. You get the free TP, charge bonuses, etc. All in all, just try it. There's no perfect lists. You gotta test it out yourself. One thing that is inevitable though, Megaboss and Brutes are slow as hell. Gotta use movement shenanigans with them.
  12. Yeah man, I think it's much better. Now, depending on your scenario, you might want to split your units differently, (3x5 Ardboys or a 10 and a 5) for more versatility. But you have a good hammer (GGs) you have a durable anvil w/Ardboys that could be buffed to become a hammer too and some Brutes too. You could also play with splitting your GGs in 2x3 to become screens/anvils, while your 15 Ardboys are the hammer. Overall, I think the base is good, at least it would be for me I know Ardboys have lost popularity as of late because of their point increase, groups of 15 particularly, but I haven't had the chance to test it out. I know that a group of 15 in a 1k game is pretty tough, though. Good luck
  13. It depends on your playstyle but I think you're lacking bodies. I mean any cheap chaff of 10 bodies will outnumber you and score objectives. Plus you have very limited mobility. Brutes are slow as hell and you don't have a weirdnob. Personally, I like to play in the higher wounds numbers for my army. For 1k games, I would go for Megaboss on foot, 1-2 Warchanter, weirdnob or fungoid, and a lot of bodies. I like Ardboys a lot. If you want a nuke, bring 6GGs. I would try to play with that. Hope it helps.
  14. Megaboss on foot is OK for smaller games or redundancy. He's nothing stellar though. Generally you want 2 Warchanters, Ardboys and Brutes to your liking yeah. And get a MK
  15. I think you could try adding Brutes instead and see how it goes. Choppas lists haven't really been discussed that much so it would be interesting to see how it fares. I say, since you already have your MawKrusha, perhaps a unit of 6 GGs is less needed as they act as one of our hammer. I'm not a big fan of Brutes in 5. They often die too fast. That being said to your question of is it worth it to have more bodies, I think they answer is yes. Bodies in this current meta is a big plus, with all the shooting and MW. Not that I have a ton of experience myself but it seems to be the general thinking, even in the Orruk Warclans forum. I myself am currently going to go for BigWaaagh to include a big block of arrowboys to up my wounds. Hope that helps.
  16. Hey guys, So with the new GHB dropping and the changes to the "special rule", am I right to assume that Ardboys with shields can only use one 6+ dpr now? I'm asking because I had heard somewhere that text written on the warscrolls themselves was unaffected and it was only the allegiance abilities that were. So, I guess to make it as clear as possible: can Ardboys with shields, and with the right amount of Waaagh! points, use their 6+ to shrug off a wound and then use the 6+ save of Laugh at 'Em if they failed that first try? Or they can only use one and I need to choose. Thanks for clarifying.
  17. Hi guys, I've been reading a lot of pages on army comps and have been thoroughly reading @EnixLHQ beginner's guide to NH (several times actually, it's just so good) and I've managed to come up with a 2k pts list and I'd like to have your feedback on it. Maybe thoughts on how to play it optimally. I know posts like ''please validate my list'' are kinda annoying but I figured that in these COVID times, the forum is a bit slower and maybe some of you wouldn't mind having a look. Here it is: Allegiance: NighthauntDreadblade Harrow (90)- GeneralGuardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (140)Spirit Torment (120)Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)20 x Chainrasp Horde (160)6 x Spirit Hosts (240)20 x Grimghast Reapers (320)10 x Bladegheist Revenants (180)10 x Bladegheist Revenants (180)2 x Chainghasts (70)Black Coach (220)Shroudguard (110)Extra Command Point (50)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 2Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 115 The general thought is that a have the big blob of Grimghasts that is rather killy, I have 2 units of 10 bladegheists with KoSoES in a shroudguard battalion that can either pop up behind, or be the front line if I decide to have the chainrasps in Underworld. I'm choosing the Dreadblade as general for the little teleporting tricks that he can do, Hopefully the Spirit Torment and Chainghasts create a nice little bubble, and I have the black Coach for support/healing until it's ready to charge in. I have a group of 6 Spirit Torments that I wanted to use in a 1k list but I managed to fit it in here as another screen/objective holder, along the chainrasps. I could potentially have another 20man chainrasps painted too. Would that be better? Let me know what you guys think in terms of army comp and how to play it, thanks Also, I have a question about deepstriking bladegheists with a Spirit Torment. I find it's extremely hard to have them wholly within 12 when I try to charge a unit. I was wondering how you guys proceed. Do you try to charge with the Spirit Torment first, and then if it misses, you cancel the idea of charging the bladegheists? In that case, you're just sitting ducks waiting to get destroyed next turn. I've had issues in the past game I had and it made me think that maybe bladegheists are made to be on the starting line and move quickly with support, rather than missing their charges in the back, or attacking without the ST buff (which makes them a lot less effective). Anyways, would appreciate feedback on this too Thanks again!
  18. Hey guys, here's a quick question. I remember before our new book, that building brutes was a no-brainer. You build them with Choppas in groups of 5 with the boss Klaw. Now that everything has changed with the new book for Brutes and that this configuration is less useful than let's say, a group of 10 with Gore-Hackas, I'm looking for ways to make my brutes useful and sometimes (only sometimes) just field them as a group of 10 w/hackas but they all have Choppas on You guys have any ideas to bash them into Gore-Hackas? Or is the only solution to buy 2 other kits? (And since their warscroll is meh, I don't see this as a good investment)
  19. Hey man, will try to answer to the best of my ability: - I believe you can, unless it has changed. A lot of strategies discussed many pages back relied on this. - Always max out your shields. 2 per 5. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain since the new warscrolls. - I don't know what BB is.
  20. Hey man, apparently she does. Ash McKewan (spelling?) a very good Nighthaunt player in the tournament scene, uses her a lot. He talks in depth about her in AoS Coach Nighthaunt Faction focus. Check it out on YouTube
  21. Hi everyone, I'm looking to get into Idoneth Deepkin and do a fun 1k build as a starting point. I don't necessarily want to go hard on the eels and be ''too strong'' for my club. We're more casually competitive. I was thinking of this list, based off the start collecting base. What do you guys think of it? Allegiance: Idoneth DeepkinVolturnos, High King of the Deep (280)- GeneralIsharann Soulrender (80)10 x Namarti Thralls (130)3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (170)3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (170)10 x Namarti Reavers (130)Total: 960 / 1000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 200Wounds: 57 Thanks in advance for your feedback
  22. I can't believe the pain you went through in assembling them... You're a hero. That being said, I finished my first group of Bladegheist Revs and I absolutely love the models. I tried to go for a cursed blade look.
  23. Any thoughts on the lists I presented above? I also did a build at 1500pts including a group of 40 chainrasps and with discount, it was damn cheap and was dead on 1.5k. When should we use a group of 40 rasps? I haven't seen such a big blob in lists, is it better to go 2x 20 instead?
  24. Good day fellow ghosts, With the halt on GW orders and the current situation, I'm trying to see what kind of list I can do with the NH models that I have and that I want to play. Here's a list I came up with following @EnixLHQ guide and I am at 1320 points . I am, however, unsure how to fill up points to 1500. Initially I had a 1000pts list in mind (Dreadblade, 6 Spirit Hosts, 20 Grimghast and 5 Bladegheist, a Spirit Torment and a Guardian of Souls) and I realized that I have enough stuff to go to 1.5k I think. So here's my list: Allegiance: NighthauntKnight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (140)Spirit Torment (120)20 x Chainrasp Horde (160)20 x Chainrasp Horde (160)20 x Grimghast Reapers (320)10 x Bladegheist Revenants (180)Chainguard (120)Total: 1320 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 86 Now, I think including the Chainguard batallion would make sense here to pair with the chainrasp and GoS. It would make them really durable. The Grimghast would kind of be on their own as a force and bladegheist and KoSoES in Underworld for deep strike. Seeing as I have 6 Spirit Hosts and a Dreadblade Harrow that are painted, I am wondering how to complete my 1500 pts with something that makes sense synergistically. I am fairly new to NH, this is my first shot at creating a list, so I might be missing some cool tricks to work with. I also have a Lord Executioner that I can paint that can be like a hero killer in the back on his own. Could you guys provide some advice as to how to round up this list to 1.5k pts intelligently? (The models I have to round it up are: 2x Dreadblade Harrow, Lord Exec and 6 Spirit Hosts) Thanks in advance for your help. I'm gonna include some pics of my paint job so far Edit: On a second d thought, perhaps I could go with a list like this at 1750pts? Allegiance: NighthauntGuardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (140)Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)Spirit Torment (120)Dreadblade Harrow (90)Lord Executioner (80)20 x Chainrasp Horde (160)20 x Chainrasp Horde (160)20 x Grimghast Reapers (320)6 x Spirit Hosts (240)10 x Bladegheist Revenants (180)Chainguard (120)Total: 1730 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 114 I basically added my group of the Dreadblade Harrow and Spirit Hosts as a standalone threat that can move around. If I had the models I would add a Black Coach and another group of Bladegheist but I don't Let me know what you guys think.
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