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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. Looks more like Wanderers than Hysh Aelves though... Or Harlequin-esque even. Very intriguing, where is this from?
  2. you buying secondhand doesn't give GW money? And most models still need to be painted, which all of those tools and pots can definitely add up. sure it's not a cheap hobby, and few are, but telling people to "just buy secondhand" is basically asking for Warhammer stores to close. That isn't sustainable
  3. where are y'all seeing these points and rule changes? Neither Forbidden Power or GHB linked here have the points or savage strike errata edit: just going to link this whole thing https://www.warhammer-community.com/faqs/
  4. Even so, I think the fact that we can use them is evidence that they are willing to allow 'crossplay' between the non-wargame and wargame models, and then splitting the wargame itself into 3 types--two of which allow for a very varied way to play.
  5. I don't think they will, especially with Apocalypse being re-released for 40k. Their goal should be to have a variety of methods to choose to play, which seems to be what's happening even if balance still needs hammering out. This is most evident in the fact that Underworlds and Warcry models are/will be usable in AOS.
  6. I will be finishing my vanguard-raptors with aetherwings, and painting (at least) my first mini after 10 years...
  7. How badass is it if you have a unit of immortal soldiers wiped out to MW through fight first 🤣 I guess my issue with being a new player is...price tag that comes with a wide unit range. Yes SCE are versatile, but I just heard that GW prices are going up again. I don't have the money to buy enough units to mix and match, especially when it feels like we need basically ALL of the Stormcast heroes. Maybe that means I should be playing casually anyway! Doesn't feel too great though. This is why I like the Meeting Engagements; 1k lists, easy to swap around, seems like they will be more tactical than relying on certain 'gimmicks' armies need 2000 points for. I'll keep this in mind, sometimes it can be easy to forget forums skew competitive. It's definitely nice to get advice on which units to look at/purchase first, though the hobby part is what I enjoy most (even when the dang stormcast torsos slip around!)
  8. I don't understand how you're "supposed" to win 70% of games, and it certainly sounds elitist to proclaim that anyone playing a certain faction should have that level of winrate or ~you're bad~
  9. I bought some javelin bits, can i use these on that kit's prosecutors?
  10. Question about kits for y'all... does Thunderstrike Brotherhood come with javelin option for the prosecutors? It seems to only have hammers for the liberators and paladins
  11. I really do like the Vanguard Chamber...I wish there was more play between it and Sacrosanct!! Good to know this list was doable, just got some longstrikes to go with my Soul Wars Actually looking at this again, you probably want to fit an Incantor in there so you can unbind enemy spells, which would be a big issue outside casual I think
  12. "Brother let me heal you!!" -Lord Arcanum probably
  13. I plan on running chain lightning for matched 1k, and I was told lightning blast is best for Meeting Engagements. Whatever you take, Incantors seem to be best on offense casting. I give my LA the Halo for support since you want him near infantry for the heal anyway.
  14. Went to the wiki to double check this, we have THREE more unopened chambers Ruination Chamber Covenant Chamber Logister Chamber -Ruination sounds like it must be Artillery, possibly larger city-destroying spells? Maybe some actual behemoths from Azyr's wilds too. -Covenant immediately strikes me as a Sisters mirror, probably a healing chamber? Whatever it is, I'm down for all ladycast armies. -Logister may not have a board presence besides support heroes, as logistics is more battle table than battle field. I really need Ruination and Covenant chambers to be opened...
  15. -How do you have blades from the Soul Wars box? -Lord Ordinator points might be better put towards an incantor, since you only have 2 ballistae
  16. which is fine, I'm not opposed to that! But the loooore 😅
  17. it'd probably be 6" since they're mostly going by 3's for lengths
  18. Do you need 3 units of Hunters for that battalion? you're going to want some tankier infantry in this list, which liberators would be perfect for. You also got some extra points back with the new GHB update! From what I remember: -20 on aquilor -40 on 20 hunters -20 on 6 longstrikes -40 on palladors this list now has an extra 130 points up from 10- I'd go with 5 liberators for 100 or maybe even 5 sequitors for 130.
  19. @tomcabator15 Vanguard SC box only has half a unit of gryph hounds so personally I don't find it worth the money, on top of Hunters not really being used. Though if you absolutely want the Palladors (and Lord Aq) you can't go wrong paying 35USD more for the box. the hounds are (hopefully) likely to go to multiples of 3, not 6
  20. It does feel like all Vanguard Chamber units should have an Overwatch rule since...that's the entire point of a vanguard.
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