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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. Barrow Kings? Is that why Kemmler got moved to the mountains in Total War Warhammer2?
  2. Your speculation is 👀 The ruination chamber could very easily be damage focused mages and magical weaponry/artillery... "Ruination" is defined as widescale destruction, so my personal guess is that chamber opens when AOS gets siege warfare or large scale ruleset.
  3. sorry for the third post, I just caught up and the Hysh aelves get me so excited 😅 But, those rumor engines coupled with the teaser for Underworlds: Beastgrave is pointing towards a Ghur-themed Wanderers faction. I've mentioned it in another thread, but I see this as part of the old faction splits--whereas Sylvaneth are the (Wood) Elves who merged with aspects/spirits of Athel Loren (LIFE), the Wanderers would be the Wood/High Elves who merged with the primal aspects (BEASTS). Aelf-centaur immediately reminds me of the Wild Hunt and Kurnous. The lion model could mean we will see some High and Dark Elves included in the Wanderers, since all 3 have rangers (shades, shadow warriors, waywatchers) and all 3 have beast-taming aspects. This ALSO lines up with the Ulgu and Hysh aelves still to be released: Ulgu is the Dark Elf split from Daughters, and Hysh is the High Elf split from Idoneth. I am not sure if those current aelf factions are tied to a realm specifically...but the parallels/mirror are definitely there. This can eventually lead to a shared tome too, like what happened with orruks.
  4. I am so down for spirit soldiers/constructs fighting alongside angelic, geometric aelves... Please GW take my MONEY
  5. anything faery-esque will probably be given to the Sylvaneth, as the new Wanderers are most likely going to focus on the primal aspect of aelves and the beasts that they share Ghur(?) with
  6. This is my childhood dream come true 😨 thank you for this!!!
  7. Beastgrave is setting up for a full Wanderers army it seems, unless Underworlds is going to expand factions where AOS can't. And I think Grungni dwarves are on the table as well? Either as a Dispossessed+Ironweld fusion or re-release that is separate from Fyre and KO. So to me, Order alone has 4 more factions to go: 1. Wanderers/Beastmeld aelves (where Sylvaneth are treemeld) 2. Hysh Aelves, Tyrion (and Teclis?) 3. Ulgu Aelves, Malerion 4. Third Dwarf faction, Grungni or revamp Dwarves split into 3, Aelves split into 6 (2 apiece, esp if you count Deepkin as Teclis' high elf split). Humans technically will have 3 if you count it as Stormcast, Freeguilds, and Slaves to Darkness. Honestly I am hyped as heck to have such different takes on the three archetypical fantasy races, and I'd definitely want to see them expand orks to stick with this 3-split they have going on.
  8. Well thank the gods then... been waiting far too long to see dwarves and elves actually team up, with none of the overdone "allies by necessity" trope. That part does make sense; the new models they are adding are obviously cavalry, and it does flesh out that big question of "what happened to the elves that didn't become Sylvaneth?" -- it looks like the answer is that they melded/transformed with their beasts in the same way the sylv revenants melded with dryads/Athel Loren(?)
  9. Redwall army!!! I could die happy if I could put armored badgers, otters, and hedgehogs on the table...
  10. I was about to say, that's definitely a hoofed lower body. Wanderers seem weird to start with rather than Hysh or Ulgu aelves, but maybe there's more truth to that Wanderer x Ogor box rumor (which would also mean new ogor tome) that people have been throwing around.
  11. Have they ever said the World That Was animosity kept up in the Mortal Realms? afaik there's no War of the Beard here... it would be kind of stupid to continue that grudgin' without a serious fracture in the Order Alliance storyline.
  12. the chambers yet to be opened are the most intriguing to me, so I can't say I'd be upset 😅
  13. Still, with how the terrain is set up on that demo board, I can't imagine you'd ever use/need 30" range
  14. I will have to go back and read those stormhosts in full then oops!! The Hallowed Knight lore is "Since Alarielle gave her blessing to the Hallowed Knights during the Realmgate Wars, there has been talk of a glowing figure sighted in and around their foremost Stormkeeps. Known only as the Silvered Saint, this androgynous, feather-winged being appears in reflections and even bodies of water to lend its blessing to those afflicted by doubt in times of great need." Warhammer wikia says Lileath "granted the last of her ebbing divinity to her daughter, before sending both her and Araloth forth into a new world of her own creation " so I don't think they are the same being, but it also doesn't outright say Lileath died--whether this is because it's incomplete or not I don't know. However it seems more likely we'll see Lileath's daughter instead. Not sure if I'd want that Silvered Saint to be a World That Was hero-turned-(demi)god, or a new demigod entirely
  15. Stormcast models for Warcry were confirmed https://ageofsigmar.com/warcry/ I wish we were able to use Prosecutors instead of Longstrikes especially since I expect LOS to be more limited. They feel like overkill for a small skirmish game. I get why they didn't give us Palladors though.
  16. Did you post this on reddit too? 😝 The Winds of magic infused with a bunch of the Heroes, who are now the new Gods in AOS. There's an End Times synopsis on the warhammer fanwiki that is? ongoing? but it's a bit spotty and sometimes not coherent. The ending parts about the Winds of Magic splitting out of the Vortex were good to know for AOS though. I don't recall what happened to Ulric, but if he DID survive we can expect wolf humans for free peoples perhaps
  17. the 3 from SC Vanguard are now useful as a unit 😅
  18. lore-wise it makes sense, though I'd guess the only reason Deepkin can use eels is because their range is so limited... otherwise cavalry doesn't make any sense to include. Kinda wish we got prosecutors instead of longstrikes
  19. this is also my biggest issue with 40k... you have armies upon armies of traitor legion and demons, but no traitor guard models? there's not even that many CSM and they can't make more!
  20. Having specific Order vs Chaos and Destro vs Chaos dioramas on the pages for narrative play, maybe I read too much into that though. It does feel like they'd be better off fleshing out all the rules for the 6 Chaos members before going fully into other warbands for competitive/matched play.
  21. from that album of leaked pages, it looks like non-Chaos warbands will be allowed first in Narrative/Open play only? I can't say I mind that, if we can only use specific existing units.
  22. Before Cypher released it would have been Splintered Fang no contest. But I really love how their design is like a Slaaneshi-Tzeentch fusion, so they take 1st for me! Now after SF is corvus because it reminds me of the zealot healers from Warhammer Online and corvids are my favorite birds too Honestly, the fact that GW has made a diehard non-Chaos player want THREE warbands of Chaos minis at all is a testament to these designs...
  23. I think the next stormcast warband will probably be for whatever chamber is opened next, but that probably won't be season 3
  24. if they are badgering you for that rule tell them to look it up in the Azyr app
  25. ah mostly because that's what has been mentioned for the past couple pages, but that might be my brain stuck in Warcry... Wanderers would be cool, but I think GW would do something with Hysh (Teclis or Tyrion) before Wanderers. Sylvaneth already cover the tree vibe, and we still have yet to see the twins or Malerion
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