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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. oh ALL the way back... the pics I'm finding still don't show any fire orange hair 😅
  2. The hair doesn't remind me of the old Wardancers, though old to me is like 6th-8th edition! It is just a seriously weird design choice to paint Ghur inhabitants in a scheme that is immediately remniscient of Aqshy.
  3. The Kurnothi leg poses look...strange. Like GW wanted the difference between them and Beastmen to be overly clear... What's also weird is the hair makes me feel like they are from Aqshy rather than Ghur 🤔 I'm happy my guess about feral aelves was right but why oh why do they look like aelven fyreslayers
  4. Could have sworn I added more... meant to say either way take some prosecutors with a hero.
  5. top looks like Bonesplitters but the bottom is a dinosaur
  6. models are wonderful, for the kit the javelins I think are the better choice for harassing as even with axes they aren't that killy. With 20 sequitors a Castellant (120) would be amazing. Heraldor (100) has good MW output utilizing faction terrain.
  7. how TF did a guy riding a giant snail kill a God... Ulric was the patron god of Middenheim
  8. Then they wouldn't be a Death faction; the whole thing with Death is that it's Nagash's faction as The Sole God of Death.
  9. I've heard a lot of complaints about 40k though, where army comps want to go first to obliterate their opponent with ranged/arty. None of us can control the dice, which are technically what drive the game.
  10. this is the best response against the double turn that I've read, and I am curious if there's an official count for double turns that goes with the W/L rate count
  11. If they don't drop Part 2 for The Tithe I will be sorely disappointed...
  12. Vanguard Hunters are now 110 points, which is 10 more than Liberators but 20 less than Sequitors. They have the same bravery, wounds, and save as other battlelines with +1" to move. You can Mystic Shield them to have the same save effect as shielded Liberators, so I don't think they're pitiful--though you easily find better places to spend points.
  13. Would that be three big releases for AOS then? Ogors getting their due, new Death army/faction, and Wanderers getting a Battletome? Because Beastgrave is heavily implying Wanderers will be a Ghur faction.
  14. Ahh okay my bad. If TK do come back let's hope the lore reason is sound then
  15. I wouldn't call that gravestone Tomb Kings aesthetic, unless you're referring to something else? edit: I've been looking, and I can't find any Tomb Kings art that uses candles... I know this is a bit semantic but I don't think it's a TK faction based on that. I do think that picture is Death related though.
  16. did you take a picture of that art with your phone or snip and enlarge it?
  17. TBH I don't think I want Vampirates on the tabletop... they are a cool idea for TWW2 but a lot of us are still salty they made that entire faction without doing Kislev or Araby first : / Also have they even talked about oceans or seas in the Mortal Realms aside from Idoneth? I can't imagine too much happens with that entire Empire scouring around for souls... I think I'd much rather see Eastern/Asian themed undead than any kind of pirates edit: I KNOW I don't want Vampirates in AOS 😨
  18. You need some cavalry or shooting in this list, am not sure how you'd want to switch it up to achieve that though. Htf is your friend taking 4 bloodthirster though? That matchup feels more like an issue of him cheesing
  19. Pics please 👀 I have not attached her shield yet so I'm willing to try some extra conversion
  20. Agree with the first part: I'm more interested in narrative and casual play, but I'm here for the competitive knowledge to guide what I buy and to keep up with news. Seraphon have their own entire community over at Lustria online, so they may not be a good example for your second point (or maybe it reinforces it more?)
  21. I really would prefer new Freeguild models, that incorporated different races within units (separate boxed units that can be mixed on table with cohesive rules anyone??). And it would be great to not have the same floofy holy Roman Empire look... but unfortunately we will probably only see the current boxes repackaged with circle bases, and some metal models made plastic. While needed, this book isn't for new players. Whether they keep the HRE look or not, the poses need to be changed because as of now they are designed to be regimental-fit. Personally I don't see how every single Mortal Realm could end up with the same medieval Europe look for their Freeguilds, but its the lore to table disconnect that always happens. I do not think "just convert your own!" is a proper answer either, since that requires an even heavier investment in both time and money unless GW decides to make proper conversion kits for AOS.
  22. The rules she comes with are "officially" just a Prime, but you're exactly right and the cape she gets means it's a no-brainer proxy. Questor seems like more of a narrative pick than matched though.
  23. this is why I'm upset Leena Stormspire was a Liberator Prime and not a Questor... who tf is taking liberators with swords are you saying the swords are a closer matchup, since they'd go up to 4+ and not 5+?
  24. is there an explanation between these 3 things somewhere? or we're waiting on that still... I do find it most likely that this fight doesn't involve Sigmar, though I am hoping Ogors don't go back to the weird/vague Mongolian theme. The Tyrant doesn't look like anything historical in particular besides his stache the wiki mentions nothing about him being THAT old, but definitely around since Sigmar's mortal life.
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