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Everything posted by Landohammer

  1. Its probably best to determine what battleline troops you want in your army and then base your purchasing decisions on that. With the new codex, all three of our battleline troops are viable. Spites and Dryads are great for medium-large units. Tree Revenants are better in small units. If you want Spites/Tree Revenants. Then Looncurse is the way to go. Try to find someone to split it with, (or check ebay for just a Sylvaneth half). It also comes with Kurnoth Hunters and an Arch Revenant. Note that Looncurse boxes are getting tricky to find so you might not want to wait too long to buy. If you prefer dryads, then just pickup a Start Collecting box. Many prefer to convert the included Branchwych model into a Branchwraith, as its a bit more competitive. The new codex has the army in a good place. Pretty much all of our units are viable to some degree. Though some may argue that the Treeman Ancient is a bit overcosted. So just buy what you like! Good luck!
  2. So as fun as Pyrofane list sounds, it is going to cost you 440pts in battalion tax alone. So while I love the fun special rules these battalions provide, i worry that it might be a bit of an handicap competitively since you only have 1560 points left for actual units. That being said, if you want a mortal character, consider the Ogroid Thaumaturge for killy fighting, and Gaunt Summoner for killy casting. If you somehow manage to squeeze tzaangors of any kind into your list, the Tzaangor Shaman is great for buffing them.
  3. Hey guys, just in case you were still on the fence about the Gaunt Summoner with Familiars, looks like the new GHB 19 FAQ put it to bed. Q: "If a unit's Pitched Battle profile is not included in the General's Handbook 2019 or its Official Errata document, can it be used in a Pitched Battle? A: "No"
  4. Problem with Warsinger is that you have to give up the option for a Glade to even get a command trait option. Since Glades lock in your command trait and there is no way to get second traits. As I mentioned early, I can't imagine any instance where you sacrifice the Glade buffs. Spiteswarm hive is definitely a cheaper alternative to cogs, but doesn't it also require a 3+ to trigger? Cogs is a guaranteed thing (once its cast). I hate that there are endless spells that require additional rolls to activate. Because you pay points, you have to get it off, not have it unbound, and then trigger the 3+. That's a lot of investment for something that fails 1 in 3 times. Fair point. Though personally I have just never been a fan of our battalions, and the glade buffs being free are just another nail in battalion's coffin. Maybe I am in the minority here.
  5. Thats fair. The change has definitely pushed the Treelord from a solo tank into a support unit. Yea it seems a bit of a waste providing so many cool artefacts and command trait options, but then locking them out with Glades. The Glades are so good that I can't foresee anyone giving them up. Only instance it becomes an actual choice is if you field all named characters. But even then, Drycha with Winterleaf or Alarielle with Dreadwood are terrifying!
  6. We may just use Tree lords differently. I send mine to tank big hordes or threats that other parts of my army can't deal with efficiently. I have found him ideal vs low rend/high attack hordes like Tzaangors, undead, or even Witch Aelves. I guess the ultimate question becomes this: What mitigates the opposing unit more? -1 to hit on all of their attacks, or the damage from a round of Treelord's attacks? Whats the average wound output of a fully healed Treelord? 6-7 wounds before saves? If you are fighting heroes or behemoths, I will grant you that its probably better to swing first (again, when fully healed). But if you are fighting hordes, the -1 to hit will be MUCH more beneficial than just pulling 6-7 models off the back rank.
  7. So objectively, if I wanted something to womp for 200pts, I would just take Kurnoth Hunters. The tree lord is there to tank and grind, and the -1 hit to made it pretty good at that job. This effect became progressively more useful later in the game when the treelord had taken a lot of wounds and wasn't doing much damage. The change is even more apparent on the TLA who tends to struggle in combat, especially late game. Many times the -1 to hit has saved his bacon and kept him in the fight long enough to heal/teleport/get help. Now I'm not gonna say the new Treelord is bad. At his current price, you get a solid behemoth for what many armies pay for mediocre characters. But he is definitely worse at his job now.
  8. Oh apologies! I went back a few pages but obviously not far enough. I will go catch up. I do wish the codex shipping issues would resolve so we can all get on the same page. The derpy part is more about just the attack itself. The always strike last component of stomp is pretty cool. I actually however, do prefer the old -1 to hit. Mostly because it was useful vs multiple units and tended to multiply the Treelords survivability. I don't really bring treelords to wipe out units before they swing, i bring them to tank scary stuff.
  9. Not sure if this has been discussed yet, but per the leaked Durthu rules on Reddit, looks like Groundshaking Stomp and Massive Impaing Talons are significantly changed. These will be assumable shared with Treelords and TLAs. Ground shaking Stomp - At the start of the combat phase, pick 1 enemy unit within 3" and roll a dice. On a 4+ that unit fights at the end of the combat phase, after the players have picked any other units to fight. Massive Impaling Talons - 1A 3+/3+ R2 D1 - On a unmodified roll of 6 the attack does d6 mortal wounds. This kind of explains why there was such a significant drop in the Tree Lord points. No more -1 to hit and Massive impaling talons is pretty derpy without a natural 6. Hopefully Sweeping blows remain unchanged.
  10. @Caspeur Agreed. Its sloppy. It puts the burden onto your opponent which makes things awkward. But what happens when someone ends up on a top table in a tournament and their opponent refuses permission? Like would they just not field the model? The GS is particularly tricky since many people field him as their general. Personally, until we get clarification, I am just going to field the regular non-familiar version. I don't want there to be an asterisk by any of my games. The GS is already an effective enough model IMHO.
  11. Thats rough man. Could you maybe use the wolfriders as spider riders? Are those still around? Might take some base engineering but you could also maybe use them as squig riders. I have found that most players are pretty accommodating when it comes to models with discontinued rules. We have all been there.
  12. I don't necessarily disagree, and I am sure a FAQ will clear this up soon. But the sentence on page 1 of the pitched battle profile booklet specifically says that it cannot be taken without opponent's permission. The intent of that sentence can't really be argued, at least not for now. I don't think we can rely on the existence of Warscrolls in the App as justification for the units belonging in matched play. Warscrolls are used by all play styles. I am actually more annoyed that GW even releases matched play profiles for limited models. It leads to situations, such as the Gaunt Familiars, where some players have access to highly competitive models that others don't.
  13. RAW the familiar version is no longer legal. So in matched play there is only one option if you want Infernal Flames. (at least until we get an FAQ or a new codex) However I recommend you give him Arcane Sacrifice and, if you have the points maybe Balewind Vortex. If you keep him relatively near the LOC, and use Arcane sacrifice, then you end up with a rerollable cast with a +1. So you have a pretty good shot at hitting that 8.
  14. RAW: You cannot use models that are not in the Pitched Battle Profiles 2019. Though make sure you check the "Destruction" section. Sometimes legacy stuff is stripped of key words and dumped to grand alliance (aka some older woodelf units losing wanderer keyword)
  15. @GoddammitGary Yes but this would have filled the "later publication" clause since FAQ's are definitely publications. Additionally this very specifically applies to the Errant Questor and wouldn't necessarily apply to other models. Hopefully the incoming FAQ in July will address this (and all other) issues. I for one am kind of hoping they retire the GS w Familiars. Its in nearly every Tzeentch list and the model is difficult to procure. Also the model itself is a bit confusing since its 5 models that effectively act as 1 and its OP to boot. So its just a lot of trouble altogether lol.
  16. The Gaunt Summoner with Chaos Familiars discussion is a hot topic over in the Tzeentch section. I think its pretty straight forward: The Gaunt Summoner with familiars is not in the Pitched Battle Profiles, therefore it is not legal for matched play. The only real argument against this is if you consider Warscroll Builder/Azyr a "publication". I do not. I know this is heresy as a Tzeentch player, but I always felt like the version with Familiars was kind of an oversight anyway. It was literally just a better version of the Gaunt Summoner for the same cost.
  17. Gaunt Familiar aside, other notables changes (at least for me) -Cogs went up 20, which puts it at a whopping 80pts. Spell Portal, Swords, Nids, Shackles and other favorites also went up. However, note that Balewind Vortex remains at 40pts. So this makes a regular GS + Balewind still a relatively good deal. -Soul Grinder went down 10pts. Not a huge fan of the model but at 250pts this guy is pretty effective. Also note that Azyr isn't necessarily 100% updated. The Tzeentch section appears done but the Sylvaneth section hasn't been touched yet. (not sure if related to their pending codex or what)
  18. @Rentar I see your point but I don't think the Warscroll Builder/Azyr counts as a publication. The GS w/ Familiar would have to be released with points in a new codex or subsequent FAQ to be eligible for matched play. However you do have a point regarding the Realmgate terrain piece now being one of the primary terrain options for the terrain rules. This is a pretty significant buff for the regular GS though it would feel a little gamey bringing a realmgate to a pickup game. And in a tournament I already have to carry around quit a bit of models for summoning, so I doubt I will add 10 more for the odd chance I find myself on a table with one.
  19. Yea I guess we still have the regular version no matter what which is cool. But I think the whole "special permission" clause rules out bringing the familiars in a competitive matched play environment. This ends up being a pretty crucial change since this removes the inherent +1 to cast. So outside of the LOC or Arcane Sacrifice buffs, you are now relying on a natural dice roll to get infernal flames off.
  20. So I just got my copy of GHB 2019, but I am not seeing Gaunt Summoner with Chaos Familiars in either Tzeentch or Everchosen section. Additionally there is a sentence in the pitched battle profiles booklet that says "Only units that are included in this book, or that have a later publication date, can be used in a Pitched Battle game without your opponent's consent" So does that mean the Chaos Familiar version of the model is no longer fieldable in matched play?
  21. You should never be forced to play a game that you don't want to play. If your priority at warhammer is to win, then you are going to have a bad time vs toxic players. If your priority at warhammer is to have a fun game, then you are in control. Pickup games - Easily avoided. Just say no if he asks. Better yet, plan your games ahead of time with other people you specifically enjoy playing. (always the best method IMHO). Strangely, many toxic players I know tend to avoid scheduling games in advance and simply like to lurk about the venue asking people for games. Small-Med tournaments - Always grudge someone round one. Almost all tournaments allow this as first round pairings are not terribly important. This will cut your odds of playing him by a third. If he is a WAAC netlister and you are a casual fluff player, then hopefully he will shoot off to the top tables and be far away from you. Med-Large tournaments - Just quietly inform the TO beforehand that you and the player do not get along, and that if paired, you will politely concede the game or will conveniently leave the venue for the round. Most TOs will prefer the non-confrontational approach and will make sure to simply pair you with someone else. Larger tournaments usually have more wiggle room in pairings. Furthermore, if your friends share the same opinion, have them speak up as well.
  22. So to be clear, I'm totally ok with GW making medium-power level models. I actually really like several of the rules on FP models. They have a cool theme and fun rules. My reason for not buying the kit is the lack of proper points costing for those models. Lets consider, Quicksilver Swords and Soulsnare Shackles are pretty tame when compared to Cogs, Pendulum or Geminids. But the fact that they are only 20pts actually makes them pretty useful Knock a few points off the FP spells (and cut the terrain points cost by 60%) and I would totally buy this kit!
  23. Hard pass on Forbidden Power. The models are great. The fluff looks fun. The rules are creative. But the points cost are simply too high. Endless spells can be dispelled and used against you. And they are used competitively to help burn off leftover points in lists. When they are climbing to 80+pts then they no longer fulfill their purpose. I'd rather just have another unit. Price is mostly irrelevant. People buy $60 Witch Aelves by the truck loads.
  24. Curious no Sylvaneth or Tzeentch? Sylvaneth makes sense as book is pending but I wonder if this is some kind of indication that Tzeentch is getting a codex soon?
  25. Here are a few tips for some of the armies I am familiar with: Sylvaneth: -Stay far away from their Wyldwoods. They buff their troops, and can auto kill models that run/charge through them. Also, anytime a spell is cast nearby, the forest wakes up on a 5+ and starts doing mortal wounds. - All treelords have a 3+ armor save and can be healed by magic and usually are -1 to hit. However their attacks degrade quickly. So weaken them with spells before pulling them into combat. Do NOT engage Durthu unless he has at least a few wounds on him already. -If Alarielle is on the board make sure you focus fire on units until they are destroyed. She has an AOE heal so if you just plink wounds off multiple units you may find your turn wasted. -Watch out for teleport shenanigans! Tree Revenants can teleport every turn and any unit can teleport between Wyldwoods. Stormcast: -Do not engage Evocators in combat unless they are significantly depleted. These guys churn out an insane amount of mortal wounds. We are talking at least 10+ a turn. -Watch out for Gavriel Sureheart. The net-list strategy is to deepstrike him with several other units and spam his command ability for multiple bonuses to charges. If you are unprepared you can essentially lose the game turn 1. You can prevent this by conga -lining a screening unit to absorb the charge. Pink Horrors or Kairic Acolytes work best. -Keep your Lord of Change at least 23 inches from Ballistas at all times. They absolutely wreck anything they shoot at 18 inches. (and they can move!). Try to tie them up with summoned horrors. Remember, they can still shoot while in combat but they have to target who they are fighting.
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