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Everything posted by Landohammer

  1. My first impression is that its an offshoot of Troggoth or Ogor. Most likely Ogor. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be a new race/sub group present in the rumoured upcoming Ogor codex. We have already seen an example of "new" races introduced in specialist games just being absorbed into existing factions. (i.e. Skaeth)
  2. Alarielle's ability doesn't actually mention herself as the focal point, it actually says "Wholly within 14 inches of a friendly model with this command ability" It seems crystal clear to me. Units within 12" of Kurnoth hunters are considered to be within range. You are trying to apply the conditions of the original text to an ability that is specifically breaking those conditions. I mean the ability is called "Envoy of the Everqueen". Of course it affects the Everqueen lol.
  3. Yes, provided you have plenty of Hunters in your lists to make up for the lack of battleline bodies. Dryads and Spite Revenants add a lot to a list. Dryads are great for tanking, while Spite Revenants are great at killing things quickly. Tree Revenants are terrible at both. They are objective grabbers only. Many people hide them for the first few turns of a game, only teleporting them to unguarded (or lightly guarded) objectives later on. The biggest issue you will have with 3x5 tree revs is that you may not always have an objective for each unit to grab. In that case you will have 80-240pts of your army hiding and doing nothing.
  4. I think the Mutalith is pretty much middle of the road. You get a pretty decent behemoth for 200pts and the model is awesome. However, since many of us spend quite a bit of points on our Lords of Change, we tend to shy away from any additional unnecessary behemoths. Also, competitive players don't like rolling on charts. Despite all that, I think he would be really fun in casual games. My biggest issue is that his ability activates in the Hero phase, so you can pretty much count on wasting it turn 1 (and maybe even turn 2). Compare that to the Soul Grinder which can easily be in range of its shooting weapons turn 1, and is a bit better in combat.
  5. Sisters of the Thorn are popular, as are small units of Eternal guard for objective campers. I actually prefer a unit of 20 Wyldwood Rangers for an anti monster unit or 2 Waywatcher characters for a substantial shooting phase. All of those units can shore up some weakness of Sylvaneth (shooting, armoured monster counter, cheap infantry, etc) Regardless, it looks like the "Living City" faction may make my entire point moot. I imagine it will be a defacto replacement for traditional Wanderer armies. Giving up the medicore wanderer allegiance/items/traits to gain free access to Sylvaneth and Stormcast units is definitely a good trade.
  6. TBH, I don't think it has ever came up, because nobody ever fields Ylthari in AOShaha. But as far as I can tell, nothing in the Sylvaneth codex specifies that keywords restrict your glade choices. Many of the keywords appear to be for fluff purposes only. (ie "Free Spirits", etc)
  7. Hopefully Cities of Sigmar helps alleviate some of the Wanderer's frustration that has popped up lately. I have actually been frustrated with the capability of the Wanderer's army for a while now, so about a year ago I actually transitioned into playing Sylvaneth with a heavy contingent of Wanderer allies. This recreated the old woodelf dynamic and is fairly competitive. (especially with the new Sylvaneth codex) Anyway, I encourage you to maybe give that a try before throwing in the towel completely!
  8. Oh yea Kurnoth would absolutely be the better choice (I even said so in an earlier post). But TBH even mediocre Sylvaneth units seem competitive compared to many of the Wanderers options. I always max out my allies allotment when playing Wanderers. The Skaeth spell is insanely good, and note that if they are in fact Sylvaneth then he should get access to the Lore spells as well. I can only imagine a horde of Spite Revenants or Kurnoth Hunters wounding on 2's. The spell alone is easily worth the cost of a Branchwraith/wych. So if they have even a shred of combat/shooting ability then they should be a pretty good deal. My only concern is that the preview specifically mentioned "Oakenbrow" glades. So I really hope that they aren't exclusive to that glade. (fortunately I think the Y'tharI warband also had a glade allegiance with no actual in-game impact)
  9. Durthu is hands down better than a Treelord regardless of allegiance. I think that is easy to agree on. The question becomes is he 140pts (70%!!) more effective than a Treelord? In a Sylvaneth list, I think he is. Especially with the Glade and Wyldwood buffs (and potentially artefact/traits). Most of our glades really help him capitalize on his few attacks. In a Wanderers list, I think the Treelord is the better choice. The loss of guaranteed Wyldwoods severely limits the value of any Treelord model. Part of their appeal is the possibility of a second teleport. Also, wanderers already have a scary melee unit in Rangers. What they lack is a proper anvil outside of a bajillion Eternal Guard.
  10. IMHO, I think Kurnothi will get their own codex, albeit one that borrows extensively from existing models. Wildriders, Arch Revenants, and Kurnothi Hunters could easily be shared with the new faction. With those 3 kits alone you already have SIX unique warscrolls. The original Sylvaneth codex was only around 11 warscrolls, and I think the Fyreslayers are currently sitting at even less than that. So by that math, GW could have a legitimate new faction with just 2-3 new kits (assuming at least one is a dual). This sounds a lot more credible than Sylvaneth getting a warband that doesn't fit their aesthetic or Wanderers getting a codex AFTER cities of Sigmar.
  11. I would take the basic Treelord. Of the three models he is by far the cheapest, and despite losing the allegiance and glade abilities, he still adds a fair bit of value to a Wanderers army as a tank. I would strongly recommend you check out Kurnoth Hunters though. They might scratch the same itch, and are a LOT more competitive for the same points.
  12. The horrors are absolutely competitive, as is the Lord of Change. Heralds are good as well, though not as mandatory as the LOC or Horrors, though they get eclipsed a bit by the Gaunt Summoner. Still I think they are a solid choice. Screamers are ok. They are popular choices for summoning, since they don't cost that many FP and can fly on to an objective late game. Burning chariot is generally considered bottom tier competitively though. Overall it looks to be a solid starter army (if the price is right!)
  13. Lookout Gnoblar maybe? I think we can all agree that it's definitely destruction related. True, though Ogors have a lot more plastic models to pull from than Sylvaneth did pre-AOS. Sylvaneth were born from half of a codex (a small codex at that). I believe that's one of the reasons that super old models like Dryads and Branchwraiths are still around. They were needed to fill out a character-heavy codex. Do you think they will be releasing models for recent codexes that soon? I doubt we will see models for ANY of the codexes released this year for quite some time (outside of specialist games shared units).
  14. Agreed. Based on the Sylvaneth release, we should all lower our expectations for the "refreshed" armies. If you rule out endless spells, terrain, and units shared with Underworlds, the Sylvaneth only got ONE new model with their new codex. I would guess that Ogors get the same treatment: Tyrant, spells, and maybe a piece of a terrain. Hopefully the new Tyrant isn't included in a $160 box set that immediately sells out though lol.
  15. Something like this Lord of Change 380 Gaunt Summoner 160 10 Acolytes 80 10 Tzaangors 180 3 Tzaangor Enlightened Discs 160 Balewind Vortex 40 This list is far from ideal, but will give you a fighting chance in the combat phase and will only require 2 additional purchases. I would also recommend you give the Lord of Change a sword. The rod is generally more useful but the sword enhances his threat in combat (at least a bit)
  16. This list looks fun to play casually but you currently have zero combat ability. In Matched play you will not be able to hold objectives for very long. I strongly recommend some Tzaangors and/or Enlightened to give you some punch. You are also really character and endless spell heavy for 1000pts so maybe drop some of those to get the points for more fighty units. I would personally drop the Curseling, Purple Sun, and Pendulum. Save those for larger games. If you really want to go the magic/shooty-only path then Pink Horrors are likely a better batteline. Acolytes are great but they aren't intended to be the core fighting strength of an army.
  17. He is pretty bonkers, but he is going to spend turns 1-3 literally doing nothing, and thats a huge disadvantage regardless of matchup. However if I knew ahead of time that an event's scenarios were going to be low objective count (ie Knife to the Heart) then I might consider taking him. He can sit on an objective while you send the entirety of your army after the second one. If your opponent has no way of dealing with him (which most armies probably can't) then the best they can hope for is a draw or minor win.
  18. This must have been a while ago, since I started playing them around the 2018 GHB and they haven't really changed in the 15+month period since (outside of modest points changes) I doubt negative experiences from 2-3 years ago have much impact on today's meta. This is probably an example of two excellent players piloting outside-of-the-box lists and catching opponents unprepared. Good for them! Definitely a good sign!
  19. Amazed to see two Tzeentch lists at the top as the the codex is old and generally considered low tier. Though both are pretty extreme builds. so perhaps they caught opponents by surprise. The 18 Skyfire list seems like insanity, but I can see how effective it could be. Hard to win if all of your characters get sniped!
  20. Yea I also like that the Sylvaneth endless spells can't be used against you. Nothing is more frustrating than having something you paid points for (and used a limited cast on) turn against you. The wyrm's biggest perks (aside from the low points cost and large base size) is the potential to get both affects off in the same turn. This actually helped swing a crucial combat when it healed a Hunter by 2 wounds and did the final wound to a troll. Not bad! My biggest complaint is the "wholly within 6 inches" part of the rule. Since Alarielle is on a 6.4 inch base, she can never benefit from it. Feels like an oversight.
  21. Hey guys. I just went 3-0 at a one-day tourney in South Carolina. This was the same location where I went 2-1 last month. So overall I am 5-1 with the new book and so I wanted to give a quick summary of my takeaways. Scroll to the bottom for a summary of my list. Spites - Absolute MVPs. They are insanely good. They are perfectly capable on their own, but they become top tier with Arch Rev, Drycha, and/or Glade buffs. I prefer to deploy them really wide so that they can envelop units they charge to maximize attacks. Treelord - Consistently disappointing. His biggest contribution was his relatively reliable shooting and the second teleport he provides. I am strongly considering dropping him for something else. (maybe kurnoth hunters or even a Celestar Ballista). Its a shame because I really love the model, but he just brackets too quickly. I struggle to find situations where Hunters aren't the better choice. Hunters (swords) - Great as usual. No need to elaborate as we all know they are great. Note that this is my one and only choice for summoning with Alarielle. Alarielle - Good but the base size can be exploited by experienced opponents. Metamorphisis and the heal aura were extremely good, but I continue to weigh those against her cost, even with her 200pt "free" summon. Her combats were wildly inconsistent. Sometimes she would deal 10-13 wounds and other times she would whiff entirely. Its extremely annoying when the Stag impact hits knock units below 5 models I love the "wow" factor she brings to the table, but I can't help but wonder if 6 Hunters and a Branchwych/wraith wouldn't have done more. Arch Rev - Great item/command trait caddy, objective grabber, and CP hose. Call to battle was instrumental on Kurnoth Hunters and Spites. Tree Revs - Always take a unit of 5! Aside from objective grabbing, they also can drop in front of scary (non-flying) units and delay them a turn. Drycha - Easily the second place MVP - I kept her in shooting mode 99% of the time. The AP on the Flutterflies is nice and she can reach surprisingly far with her high movement + range. Gladewyrm - The jury is still out on this guy. I took him so I had something to cast on turn 1 (and because the model is dope). I usually failed the 3+ when it counted, but the large base ended up making a few critical blocks. I will likely continue to take him as 30pts is very cheap for an endless spell. Winterleaf -Alarielle (w/ 3 sword Hunters) -Drycha -Arch Rev -20 Spites -20 Spites -5 Tree Revs -3 Sword Hunters -Treelord -Gladewyrm
  22. I will make it easy for you. Are you willing to buy, paint, and transport 2-3 Awakened Wyldwoods for $50 each? If yes; Sylvaneth! If no: Daughters! Sylvaneth are my favorite army, but the purchase and transportation of multiple forests is a turn off for many. The old Citadel Wyldwoods were only $33 if you can still find them.
  23. At the absolute bare minimum, you need 2 forests. Your primary allegiance ability is the teleport, so without two to port between, you are handicapping yourself severely. The new forest models are surprisingly quick to paint if you leave off the branches and leaves at first. They are a fraction of the surface area of the old Citadel Woods. Just add the branches later when you have extra time.
  24. As I posted earlier, Sylvaneth will probably never be great at magic heavy lists. With that in mind, Alarielle is probably a great place to start. She is our only multi-caster and also has the best spell in our army on her warscroll. Additionally Branchwraiths or Branchwyches with the Balewind Vortex or Chromantic Cogs and Gnarlroot Glade can become quite effective, especially if they stay out of Unbind range of enemy casters.
  25. Yea this is a lesson I also learned. It will also frequently happen vs Nagash, Khorne, Gloomspite and any time you play in the Shadow realm. We as an army, just aren't that great at casting. We get no inherent buffs, and only one of our casters get to multi-cast. We also tend to block our own LOS alot. Truly magic armies are going to cast 6-9 spells each turn, usually with a bonus to cast or a reroll. Sylvaneth on the other hand, average 1-4 and usually one of those is Throne of Vines. Overtime I have just learned to not overly invest in wizards, battalions or endless spells. At the end end of the day, you win tournament games by putting bodies on objectives, and 250pts of bodies will never be useless.
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