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Everything posted by Riavan

  1. I understand all this. Who knows how sane he is or how sane the Aelves are the the has made. I think dok already give this kind of feel to order. I'm unsure if malerion will follow suite or will have more of a story.
  2. I mean slaneesh isn't one of the big four. Unless he has actually been released from the prision he is missing from the pantheon. I have a feeling that we are eventually getting slaneeshi looking malerion elves. Who may or may not be chaos. Which is why gw may not have released mortals.
  3. What they consider to be a current army is very up for debate lol.
  4. So I have not used Skaven in my nurgle army yet, do their wizards get access to our nurgle mortal spells or demon?
  5. Is it? It's something but I don't know if it's that big of a deal.
  6. I didnt even think about that. For 200 points he seems significantly better than our expensive nurgle models like horticulous slimux, the maggoth lords or the lord of affliction.
  7. Yeah even the terrible skyre acolyte models (20 each in aud!) Got repacked with round bases. So probably a decent chance it's being reboxed.
  8. ... What? So yeah they are reporting on a rumour. I think it's about time we get some solid terrain options. I just want aos themed smaller sized buildings and walls. Things like the musoleum seem too death themed and the warscryer tower thing was way too huge.
  9. Yeah I'd be pretty worried if I had any of the old elves, even in plastic. Or the old dwarves. Likely to sit around and never get a release, then eventually be removed imo.
  10. This as a dip - If it can really not leave any residue on the flat surfaces -Would be pretty revolutionary are colouring stuff quickly. The army painter generic vanish dip is pretty bad though. I wouldn't want to use that kind of thing on any Warhammer models.
  11. I assume he is bigger than the normal sized character blisters.
  12. Chaos gets it pretty good too. Death and destruction though...
  13. Yeah I was upset about the skaven release too. Seemed like little for a very popular army (far more popular than slaneesh). I hope the tiny aos armies, like ironjawz, fyreslayers, kharadron overlords, sylvanneth get new units and not just a new hero. They are the ones that need it the most.
  14. I agree that the lack of diverse troop options for a huge variety of armies is disappointing. I figured fyreslayers would at least get a new mounted troop option.
  15. That sounds suss man. Might want to ring gw customer support.
  16. I'm sure you can notice the difference between intelligently criticizing something and yelling, swearing and crying at anyone that seems enthusiastic or is happy with the release. I'm not saying you are doing this. I'm saying I'm seeing this on a ton of social media and Warhammer pages. It really has nothing to do with freedom of speech. You can say what you want. Just like I can call it out like I want as well, and talk about how it negatively affects people's perceptions of our hobby. And remember that is what it is, a hobby.
  17. Everytime I think we are progressing into more well rounded people as a community, something minor happens like this and people act like babies. Check your outrage and whether it is really warranted - it really doesn't look good to others and may scare newcomers off from playing the game. Yeah so slaneesh won't be as big army wise as the other four God's. But it still has around the same amount of options as the new aos armies and more with the inclusion of slaves (and hopefully darkoath soon).
  18. No. I think we heard they were happy with kharadon sales shortly after release.
  19. Might also be a way of giving people a starter for gloomspite on a limited release. They did a similar thing with that second chamber of stormcast.
  20. Bugs are nurgle friends (I know I'm grasping at straws here). When are we getting aos rules for the fleas, flies and worms in the rogue trader box 😢
  21. Gloomspite vs nurgle Forrest faries. I want more nurgle than stormcast releases.
  22. I'd love to see us get a damage buff to our flies (mortal and demon) just so we have more of a hammer. Maybe a decrease in spell casting rolls. Decrease in points for beasts (or a big buff) maybe they could projectile vomit and give us some more range?
  23. Thanks! Will I need to convert the fw guys spear to a sword? Also they are still available separately. Just the big pack saves like 50+ bucks and I want a collosal squig anyway
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