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Everything posted by Vomikron

  1. Oh how I wish this was Warmaster scale terrain.
  2. Blood on the Reik is phenomenal. Lots of inspiration for conversions. im pretty sure they did re-releases of all the Geneviève novels. Drachenfels, Silver Nailes, Geneviève Undead, and Beasts in Velvet all got reprinted with fantastic covers
  3. Has anyone been reading any Black Library books to get in the mood? I was reading the Brunner the Bounty hunter Omnibus when they made the announcement and just jumped into Drachenfels. i highly recommend both.
  4. I know this is an Age of Sigmar forum but is there any chance we’ll get an Ol World sub forum?
  5. I think the fondness for the Old World is more than nostalgia for most people. Sure, I got into Fantasy back in 5th edition but I didn’t really play any games until I found 40k. As much as I love 40k the Fantasy setting is still the one I prefer thematically. i think it’s simply a matter of personal taste. The mythological might and operatic glory of AoS vs the down and dirty Old World. Both have fantastic elements but its all different strokes for different folks. There’s more than enough hobby to go around.
  6. It just occurred to me that contrast paints would make painting Warmaster scale a breeze.
  7. https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2019/11/op-ed-warhammer-the-old-world-should-go-to-15mm.html Interesting article that raises a few good points in favor of 15mm. I don’t see it as likely though as if it was a return to 15mm they wold have just called it Warmaster in the announcement.
  8. On another note I hope we get re-prints of some of the Fantasy lore books like the Witchhunters Handbook, The Life of Sigmar, and Blood on the Reik. They really added to the grounded, historical feel of the old world. i used to have them all and now they’re going for $300 on eBay.
  9. My main hope for the re-release(?) would be to make it entirely distinct from AoS. I want more troops, more cavalry, more cannons and less big monsters and characters.
  10. I don’t see GW or Forgeworld releasing redesigned units from existing mode kits and well supported AoS armies. Maybe some special characters, command units or signature units. the only full releases I think we’ll see will be Tomb Kings, Bretonnia, and Lizardmen and they might even just be re-releases of the old line. Based on nothing but speculation of course.
  11. I for one am thrilled at the announcement. There are infinite questions up in the air at the moment but I think everyone should take a step back and be happy that we are getting new miniatures. It would be crazy, from a business synergy standpoint, for GW to release models that won’t be compatible all around. My hope is that it will be more heavily campaigned and narrative based like The Horus Heresy. I tried hard as heck to love AoS but I just can’t wrap my head around the narrative. The historical flavor mixed with the fantastical of WHFB is much more in my wheelhouse. We can argue all day that Fantasy was a Lord of the Rings derivative but I simply don’t find that to be true in the least.
  12. Does anyone have any interesting lore their army? I’m mostly a narrative player myself and I’ve been playing around with some ideas and themes. Currently mulling over the possibility of Chamon and painting my bake Taurus as a brass bull.
  13. Event only Daemonsmith you say? in the off chance they ever became a legit army I would like it if they nixed the head horns and went a little more Mesopotamian. Not as cartoonish as the original models but something a bit more exotic.
  14. I saw that on a list GW released but I think they look so much cooler on 32mm. They fit 25 a little to perfectly, not a whole lot of room for basing.
  15. It happened for Sisters of Battle. Who the hell saw that one coming?
  16. Swinging it back around to hobby talk... Does anyone put their Dwarfs on 32mm bases?
  17. I think we need to keep a little perspective. Azghor is a specialist army that is essentially a spin off. I always saw Forgeworld products being geared more towards the hobbyist than the gamer. The warsCroll compendium was updated in 2018 so I don’t see why they would make the call to discontinue support. The recent FW announcement on the community seemed to me to be teasing some big news for Age of Sigmar. What that means I have no idea but I have a feeling it will be pretty exciting and I doubt they’ll put the chop on a niche cult army.
  18. I wouldn’t mind seeing some ability to ally with Orcs or Goblins. I feel a void without hobgoblins and black orcs. Having Greenskin allies really makes Chaos Dwarfs feel like the complete antithesis of Dwarfs.
  19. I’ll throw one of my Nighthaunt Bog Haints into the mix.
  20. I would like new models but I think the conversion opportunities of using existing models and making them more AoS-y is much more exciting. Granted, I’m more of a hobbyist than a gamer.
  21. I was thinking of just using Ungors as Marauder Proxies. Beastmen really fit the AoS aesthetic of Chaos Dwarfs. i wasn’t a huge fan of the models when they were first release way back when but with the move to AoS I think the look really works.
  22. Can Azghor take beasts of chaos as allies? In the Azyr app I’m not seeing them as available.
  23. I’m new to Legion of Azghor, I loved them in WHFB. i can’t help but wonder why they arent a destruction army though. I would love some black orca and hobgoblins.
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