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Everything posted by Vomikron

  1. Oh god. If it’s destruction Sylvaneth I’m checking out of the starter set.
  2. Games Workshop and Forge World are obviously setting up a replacement for Horus Heresy but I for one doubt it’s ability to take the roll. I love the Old World but I really don’t want to spend endless amounts of money on beautiful campaign books for a super crunchy game system. If it were Warmaster scale I might be tempted, but that would limit their ability to attract non Old World gamers to buy miniatures. Even if an AoS player doesn’t play they will still buy minis to use in their army. Same goes for Horus Heresy. I know everyone thinks Primaris will fully take over regular space marines but that would leave a lot of Heresy players with useable armies and no 30k support. We already see them sprinkling in 30k tech into 40K (Neo-vulkite, dreadnoughts). I think the same philosophy will apply the Old World.
  3. Still cool to me. Hell, if they don’t do it I just might have to make a swamp gitmob with Frog boingrots.
  4. Looks like you’re right. I’m back to being excited for frog hunting Gnoblars.
  5. Do we know where the initial Destruction army rumors came from? The swamp theme doesn’t seem to work with Steppe Hobgoblin wolf riders. Doesn’t feel AoS-y enough. this rumor engine definitely feels like it could be a Goblinoid frog spear. Edit: I take it back. This is the rear end of Zodgrod’s gretchin prodder.
  6. I always liked Gnoblars. Would love to see them back in the game.
  7. I understand why you would feel this way. From my perspective I think the original Stormcast models are atrocious, every model in the range I could never see myself painting a single one. With these new Stormcast I am all in on the starter set and may even make a Stormcast army. So from a business perspective what they’re doing is pretty smart and will gather new players and sell more models.
  8. In regards to the new faction I seem to recall that the community team imply that there were some hints in the Broken Realms short stories. I skimmed through some of the destruction centered ones and didn’t find much outside of Orruks getting mystical about Kragnos.
  9. I’m slowly building up my Slaves force starting from Warcry. Is there much of a point to taking the Warcry warbands as small units or is it much more beneficial to double up?
  10. I don’t know. They’re adding 11 new kits for Slaanesh Mortals. That’s a pretty huge battletome with daemons added in.
  11. Has anyone given the Idolators list a go? Thematically I think it’s pretty great but it doesn’t seem to be all the fantastic rules wise.
  12. Now, if it were Exodites For 40K wouldn’t be so disappointed.
  13. Those look great. I really like what you did with the Raptoryx wings, looks awesome. im also curious to know how you did your Iron Golems armor. Is that warplock bronze?
  14. Here are a few of my Iron Golems and some beasts. I’m in love with Warcry.
  15. Except maybe Sigvald being...micturated upon by a troll.
  16. That sounds really cool actually. I love the idea of the Ossiarchs, I just wish their models weren’t so goofy.
  17. Is Soulbound canon? I don’t intend to play the RPG but I would love to have that special edition as a background resource.
  18. I like AoS and WHFB for different reasons. Lore and setting wise I liken Age of Sigmar to the Greek Myths and WHFB to a Homeric epic.
  19. First attempt at trying to grimdarkenize a Stormcast.
  20. Sure was. The stippling for this one was pretty extensive - Vallejo Sinai Grey - Vallejo Desert Tan - Vallejo Medium Sea Grey - Pallid Wych Flesh - 1:1 Nuln/Lahmian Medium - 1:1 Agrax/Lahmian - 1:1 Seraphim Sepia/Lahmian And a final stipple of Model Masters Transparent Dust to help blend the colors. After that it’s highlight with Pallid Wych Fleah to taste. For the other two I decided to do a simpler three paint recipe of RMSP Ghoul Skin, Moldy Skin, and Bloodless skin along with the wash stippling from above.
  21. Thanks. For the armor I started with a base coat of Rhinox hide followed by stippled layers of RMSP Jungle Moss, Highland Moss, and Pale Lichen. A quick wash of Agrax and then a final edge highlight of Pale Lichen
  22. Finished up the first of my Morsarr.
  23. That’s true. But I’m sure that aging molds and low sales make it less likely to continue supporting them especially with some unspecified form of support coming for a new edition that may be in a different scale or different visual direction.
  24. This likely has to do with making room for the Old World and cleaning house of any minis that will not be supported or just have low sales.
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