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Everything posted by AverageBoss

  1. You already can shoot into melee. Its only when you are melee that there are restrictions to shooting (can only shoot at units within 3").
  2. I am iffy on posting direct link, because I hear GW targets them. But Its table/scenario builder module. Looking forward to when the StD file gets a full update myself. I want to play with my friend in Brazil, and he wants to play StD.
  3. One issue is that a good portion of Stormcast warscrolls were written in 0 edition, and never really updated for real. They have had points adjustments, and minor tweaks here and there, but their rules were mostly written for a completely different game. A game that had no points or structure and had a 100% narrative or open focus. Its one of the reasons the Sacrosanct warscrolls stand out so much compared to their older cousins. They were written for a far more modern game state with much more interesting rules. Many units in Legions of Nagash also suffer from this problem too.
  4. I play tons of non-gw games, so am long used to chopping area off of 6x4 tables, it's not really a big deal. Also comes with significant upsides. For one thing, you can use the dead space to store reserves, casualties, and game tools.
  5. Ya, Stormcast units (as well as most of Legions of Nagash), have the problem of their warscrolls going mostly unchanged since 0 edition (what I call the period before points and the first ghb). The game is simply far too different for the games those units rules were written for, which is part of the reason Sacrosanct stand out so much (actually being written with 2e at least in mind).
  6. Free summoning is fine as long as the army is balanced around having it (units are slightly more expensive than they should be, other army rules take that into account, etc). Since 2nd edition has dropped, there has been a pretty even split between armies that summon and those that don't in top 10s at tournies. Hedonites was certainly an outlier with a busted summoning system, combined with other amazing army rules, and huge activation advantage all rolled into one.
  7. Free summoning is fine as long as the army is balanced around having it (units are slightly more expensive than they should be, other army rules take that into account, etc). Since 2nd edition has dropped, there has been a pretty even split between armies that summon and those that don't in top 10s at tournies. Hedonites was certainly an outlier with a busted summoning system, combined with other amazing army rules, and huge activation advantage all rolled into one.
  8. Malignants is not a faction. But the contents of the box may be used in Grand Host of Nagash, or Legion of Night/Blood/Sacrament/ or Grief.
  9. For those wanting a more custom fatemaster, exalted sorcerers box it a good option with lots of parts (because its meant to let you build 3 characters). Could also use it to make a pair of custom foot caster too I suppose. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/exalted-sorcerers
  10. But thats my point. GS summons things. The other options act as multipliers and/or debuffers. Its easy to quantify the value of a summon with a direct points cost. But its much harder to quantify those buffs and debuffs, but they can be every bit as potent. And thats the trade off. Just like any ability, it does not matter if you get taken out before you get to use it. If the enemy can alpha 5 wounds, they can stop your summon. It would take an alpha of 10 wounds in multiple locations to shutdown all the benefits provided by two separate casters. You are right that the Changeling does not have a warscroll spell. But just as with the GS, he will spend most of his time casting lore and realm spells anyways.
  11. How many points is Occular Visions worth though? How many points is Arch-deceiver and puckish misdirection? Frantic Scribbling and Scrolls of Sorcery? Those are the types of abilities the GS trades for its summon. And as I said before you can get just as many (or more) spells, from both lores, for equal or less points, at more than twice the overall durability. I missed the Horrors being able to move after being summoned. That is something that should certainly change imo.
  12. In regards to the GS, summoning is all he does. He has no other support abilities. And we have much better (and safer) options for horde clearing. You can get more spells for less points (magister + changeling for example). And I believe he is our most fragile unit for points cost. Hes also very slow (unless we are talking the disk version, which is a different discussion), and the horrors he summons will also be slow. He is VERY good. But he certainly has downsides I feel are overlooked.
  13. If you are interested in running the StD models with the StD allegiance rules, then you will want the StD book. 1D4chan gives a quick rundown of roughly what the allegiance abilities do for each army, if you want a glance. And running them as Nurgle, you could use the Great Unclean One with them. That said, running big expensive centerpiece models in small armies is doable, but can be rough (some of them are nearly or actually impossible to fit). At 1K, a GUO is 34% of your points on its own. Glotkin is 42% of your points. So doable, but you wont have many options left. StD SC box is 630 points btw, so it and a GUO would be a 970 point Nurgle list. Nurgle mortal box is roughly 500. Nurgle Daemon box is 540. https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Age_of_Sigmar/Tactics#Army_Tactics
  14. As JPjr said. Specifically you can use them as: Slaves to Darkness Disciples of Tzeentch Maggotkin of Nurgle Blades of Khorne or Hedonites of Slaneesh This requires no modifications, alternate building, or anything. Just change books, and you have a pretty different experience using the same models. This holds trues for a large portion of the StD range due to their marks, not just the SC box.
  15. You can easily go no shooting to all shooting and everything in between in Tzeentch and still be viable. Its one of the most diverse armies with 40 different models kits (and far more unit choices) to draw from. But for a 100% no shooting base, you would want to start with an StD SC box. Not a bad idea honestly, as it can be played as 5 completely different armies just by swapping books.
  16. He is an ally (though should probably have all 4 keywords fluff wise, given he was blessed by all 4). So he would not benefit from ANY of the DoT allegiance abilities, including selecting spells.
  17. So you don't even need judgements/spells on the table or anything, and can keep accumulating VPs if you still control objectives (since unless otherwise stated, you control them unless they are captured by the opponent).
  18. The game always plays out its full number of turns unless the mission states other wise. Even if you are completely tabled and have 0 game interaction (even if this is somehow true for both players), and the games turns play out and you can still win.
  19. They are decent, but common consensus seems to be that the StD and BoC ones we have access to are better.
  20. I would recommend a Pink box and another blue/brim box since you already have 10x blues/brims and a GS. The realm listing is for realm artifacts. Whichever realm your army comes from gives you access to those realms artifacts in addition to those found in your allegiance. Ghur is the realm of beasts, and I am pretty sure the Gryph Feather Charm is the most popular artifact from that list (flat -1 to hit the bearer, +1" move).
  21. Not to mention the 3+ save, and -1 to be hit by melee attacks from his own loci.
  22. I mean, he is a very solid combat machine with a built in ASF ability and 3+ save. Its only the command ability you lose out on without StD wizards around, and you can always just use other command abilities anyways (its a pretty meh one anyways, only targeting a single model, and Tzeentch tends to run VERY cp light). If you do want to include some StD casters, your options are: Both versions of the Gaunt Summoner, Chaos Sorcerer Lord (great buff machine if using other StD units, which is very viable for us), CSL on Manticore (our best horde killer, full stop), and big bad Archaon himself. Lastly, we have two StD ally options for wizards. Theddra Skull-Scryer has an easy cast -1 to wound debuff (though short range). And Be'lakor, who is simply amazing and can win games with his debuffs and trickery.
  23. Age of Sigmar only ever had a single warscroll for the Daemon Prince (unlike 40K which has 3 different ones last I checked). When StD got its recent update, the DP warscroll got a major overhaul. It is no longer a wizards, but can still be taken in a Tzeentch army no problem (like most other StD units) by giving it the mark.
  24. All Tzeentch mortal wizards can take Arcane Suggestion. And all of them benefit from the GoS buff. Yes, the GS alone can get an additional +1 from a LoC... for an extra 380 point investment. There are lots of things you can do with 400 points for other wizards (or in general) though.
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