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Everything posted by Charleston

  1. The only thing I could imagine is GW giving us some loose alliances alligiences in the ghb when the old alligiance section phases out with the 2.0 battletomes. It could be things like united dwarfs, pure daemon-infestation, mixed Orruks or Ogors and similar things. Like something in between GA and Faction Alligiance.
  2. Well, to be honest the fact that Fyreslayers were a mass army at elite price was what really turned me off from even concidering to play them. The models and lore are great but it was a mismatch between design and players expectations of a model. When I see a mad slayer dwarf that runs naked at me I want it to be a killy murdermachine I want to avoid as good as possible, not to be a dwarfish skaven aequivalent
  3. I had my first Gutbuster Game on Friday. We had to stop after two Rounds as we were playing a quite massive 3 Player match which was ruled out to be played on 3 Tabled simultaneously (<-is this a real word? And if, have I written it right?). We played on 3 Tables with 48"x24", each short Edge beeing connected to another table alowing the movement between the different tables. Each table was it´s own Realm, with Ghur, Ghyran and Shyish beeing involved. Lorewise this was an anomaly that occurs from time to time on the boarders of the realms: An giant world-eating snake/worm/drake who devoured parts of these realms at the same time while biting into its own "tail" created this weird endless shape which consists of three realms. Our Armies were trapped inside and had to fight over objectives in the middle of each realm which were the save spots which won´t get teared apart once the worldwyrm stops his cycle. I played against Nighthaunt and Idoneth as expected. My List consisted from the following: Tyrrant with great Club, Name: 3+ Save (The "nameless Tyrrant", Artifact: Battlebrew-thingy from Destruction Alligience) Ninja (Tyrant with 2 Swords (I used the maneater modell as I liked it more, General with the "Might is right" Trait for +1 to Wound)) 9 Ironguts 6 Leadbelchers 9 Ogors 1 Ironblaster 4 Allied Mournfang Riders As we had to split up the set up zone on two tables I places mournfangs, the nameless Tyrrant and the Ironguts on one table against the Idoneth (consisting out of 2 Tidecasters, Lotann and 2x10 or 20 Reavers) and the rest on the other table against the nighthaunts (having 20 Chainrasps, 9 of these Scythe-Thingies, Olyander, Kurdos and the other heroes from the Soul Wars Set against me). I got to start and moved the mournfangs and ogors onto the mission Objectives scoring 2 VP. The Ironblaster missed the Scythe-Things which I shot because I thought it was an even squad out of 10 models, so missed the reroll here. Despite of this I got no chance for charging. I placed my Ogors pretty bad so Ninja couldn´t make them immune to morale, whilst the Ironguts got the whole 3 MW from my Tyrant. During my enemies turn I received a Prismatic Pallisade right in front of my Leadbelchers and Ironblaster and Shackles and the Purple Sun right into my Tyrrant/Mournfangs from the Idoneth. Beeing unable to do anything against magic really hurts but I hadn´t enough to ally in the Firebelly AND the mournfangs and also don´t have any Butcher models. Idoneth managed to kill 2 Mournfangs (by fire and charging the mournfangs, which killed his first squad of reavers right away in return) and an Irongut, Nighthaunt killed 4 Ogors and made 3 further run away. Due to bad placement I got to hit with Ninja against Olyander, killing her right away. Damn, I love this Model, and 6 Hits on a rerollable 3+ which wound on a 2+ with 2 Damage are just awesome! In my turn the Leadbelchers moved around the palisade and charged a knight of shrouds while Ninja got to kill some chainrasps. Which actually didn´t got as plannes as he managed to save 4 out of 5 Wounds and got even one deathless minion save, so only one chainrasp died. On the other table my tyrrant charged into the remaining squad of reivers, my mournfangs got to charge Lotann and a tidecaster and the ironguts moved onto the objective. I killed the reivers, getting more modells to sequre the objective, Lotann killed a Mournfang and got blasted afterwards. The Nighthaunts cleaned the remaining ogors and half of the leadbelchers. We called the game after this round as it got really late. The Nighthaunt and Idoneth Players got to finish their turns because at that point the last objective would decide if we had a draw with 3 VP for each, or Nighthaunt winning with 4VP vs mine 3VP and Idoneth with 2VP. Nighthaunt managed to win the game in the end. All in all it was a quite fun game, althrough I had some sad moments. Beeing unable to dispell magic is quite hard, especially when both players turn their mages not against each other but against me :'D Yet the Army hits like a brick, the Tyrrants both had awesome moments and rolls beiing worth any single point. Sadly Ogors really run away as soon as they got an oppurtunity to do so which means for me: Better Babysitting next time. I didn´t had any chance to use my Leadbelchers propperly but won´t say they are bad right now. Idoneth as enemy are quite okay, I was able to table the reivers because they were unlucky with their shooting and also came way too close. Nighthaunts were a bit frustrating as all my rend was useless. Also that 4+/6++ is quite annoing. But it was my first game against them, so no wonder I didn´t saw any spots how to deal with them in a propper way. I guess I will go for Khorne for the next game as I didn´t had the opporutnity to test the new BT. But I will get another SC! of Beastclaws as I really like them so far and hope for a mixed Battletome in the Future!
  4. I would be really carefull with connecting looncurse to a sylvaneth tome. Looncurse seems to be just a new boardgame. I wouldn´t relly expect something else behind it, as long as it does not change in to a release of carrion empire style
  5. Well, Slaves Alligience currently is all about heroes killing heroes and monsters, which is quite fun but not really what wins you games. Especially as the reward for a killing blow can be turning your heroes into a chaos spawn. Our only big hitters are Choosen, which are expensive in $ and points, and Knights, which really depend on buffs and the charge to be effective. You could also build some Units of Warriors with Greatblades and Helbards to fight with 2 rows, but currently there are quite many spells which can break the formation and kill half of your unit if you are unlucky. As already said: The best bet is going for another alligience. The Mark of Chaos allows this, which makes us really shine. Nurgle has some great spells and abilities to make big warrior blobs faster, Khorne with the new battletome also gives us some potential threads like more attacks, better anti-magic, mortal wounds and rend. Tzeentch has also some nice sheningans, same manner with Slaanesh. Allying single heroes from other alligiences can also be quite helpfull, f.E. the Lord of Slaanesh of Daemon Mount together with the Lord of Chaos on Daemonic Mount can wreck serious havoc in a list with some Chaos Knights with Glaives. You could get the unit to hit with 2 Attacks at 2+/3+ -1 2 and fight twice for 3CP and with a Sorcerer Lord on Daemonic Mount this could be even improved with rerolls to 1 for hit/wound rolls. Thats the best theorycrafted Deathstar I came up so far for StD.
  6. Have to make a full list but here is so far what I can recall from my mind: Blades of Khorne: Mighty Lord 2 Slaughterpriests Bloodsecrator Skulltaker Deamon Prince of Khorne 40 Reaver 40 Bloodletters 9 Bloodcrushers Khorgorath Slaughterbrute Soul Grinder (have a second one but not Khorny painted) 5 Blood Warriors Slaves to Darkness: Lord / Sorcerer Lord on Manticore Sorcerer Lord on Horse Sorcerer Lord Lord on deamonic Mount Slaaneshi Lord on Daemonic Mount Lord of Chaos 5 Knights with Glaives 30 Warriors with 2 Handweapons 10 Chosen 2 Chariots Soul Grinder (the other one, as ally) Daemon Prince of Chaos (Kitbash from DP Kit and a Gorebeast, unmarked) Daemon Prince of Nurgle (Old GUO Model) Daemon Prince of Slaanesh (Actually its the current KoS Model) Beside of this I also bought this mondays the Ogors from a Friend: Tyrrant (Kitbash, great club) Firebelly 11 Ogors 8 Leadbelchers 9 Ironguts 8 Maneaters 2 Gorgers 2 Aleguzzer Gargants 1 Ironblaster 2 Scraplauncher 4 Mournfang Riders 3 Sabertooth Doggos 1 Thundertusk Beastriders Also I have 6 Fellwater Troggoth in the Sprue that I am concidering to either add to this force or to sell. And, almost forgott about them: SCE! 1 Lord Arcanum on Featherpony 2 Knight Incantors 1 Lord Ordinator 1 Lord Relictor 9 Concussors 20 Sequitors 10 Liberators 5 Retributors 5 Evocators 3 Ballistas +Endless Spells Reading all this feels like I have a major plastic crack issue as I started a year ago with the hobby...
  7. Nor is it small. Don´t forgett all 3 Factions you count were teased as huge releases with malign portents, heralds and that they also redefined their factions. Next one up for this treatments are Slaves/Everchosen/Darkoath. Slaanesh getting a pretty big release out of sudden that actually makes their range one of the top notch ones is quite a big deal (one, that Slaanesh really deserves). Yes, the army will be pretty deamon-heavy, but yet we do not know what mortal units may follow, maybe with the mentioned StD/Warcry Wave this year. Btw also if you want Slaanesh Mortals you still can utilize StD-Units. Kairyc Acolytes are a great seminude base for Slaanesh Marauders.
  8. Hi guys, yesterday I received the news that I can get the Gutbusters Army from WHFB of an friend of mine tommorow. It´s a little bit of an dream come true and I am actually already looking a bit into the rules for Gutbusters. I have a little question about the alligience for gutbusters. From what I see we can either play them as a GA:Destruction Army, with Artifacts and "Free Allies" (Yeah, Aleguzzer Gargants!) or as Gutbuster Alligience which grants us better Battlelines (Ironguts can be even more awesome this way :D). Did I got that part right? Or is a Mix possible? Also, do you have any advice for the first games? As they most propably will be against Spell-Heavy Idoneth Deepkin and Nighthaunt I am a bit afraid of all that magic going on. Ogre-Stats look incredible offensively but can they handle all that magic well? Especially with thoose pesky Idoneth -1 to Hit Terrorwaves?
  9. Yeah. Althrough I had different ideas: The Goretide-Trait goes great with the Lord of Chaos and Chaos Lord on Manticore as both have 2 Weapons that profit from the +1 Dmg Trait, making both quite devastating. Lord on Manticore with a charge has a 3x 3+/3+ -1 4Dmg and a 4x 3+/3+ - D3+1 Profile. Also you can improve him Further with several Artifacts when you take some battalion like the Gorepilgrims as the Bloodsecrator is pretty happy about the goretide artifact. Btw, the nerf to the Bloodsecrator-Totem that gave "Reroll all Hits instead of only ones" is a little bit of a neckbreaker for me as I have 30 Chaos Warriors with Handweapons that I solely build for that combo
  10. He´s still in the AoS App, althrough a bit hidden since the redesign. You have to Filter for Grand Alliance Chaos and Scroll down untill "Chaos" to get his profile (Or, just scrolling, which may take some time). Also Warscroll Builder was recently updated so you can pick him as Behemoth for Khorne right away without having to change unit selection first. I actually got one two months ago. It´s quite fun and through the additional attacks he actually gets to trigger the "Caught by the Claw" Ability from time to time. I only got it once so far but then it was pretty cool. Btw Rolling for your guess is totaly legit and gives you the same 1/6th chance to win the minigame without going deep into mindgames, at least untill you notice a pattern your friends use, which is perfectly fine to abuse as it is a mind game mini game. yeah. Eat this Tzeentch.
  11. Btw Skullfind Triebe and Goretide affect as far as I can see also Slaves to Darkness units as they also obtain the keywords
  12. What is your opinion on a Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage with the Reapers of Vengence Trait and the Angarth-Blade-Thingy? Hitting on a 2+ with one-rerolls seems to push this guy pretty much. Fightning twice allows to wreck something and also AOE-MW´s. Yes, it requires an battalion for the second artifact beside the obligatory one, but may be worth it. Edit: Nevermind. The Artifact only affects heroes as target
  13. Maybe it may cheer you up that FP is not all about new Endless spells. It seems rather like a supplement which can be used for bigger and more immense battle, like old Apocalypse in 40k. The Endless Spells are just an gimick so they can still include some models inside. By the way, did anyone noticed that Nagashs head is one of thoose?
  14. Especially as the video hints a method to paint a lot of miniatures fast, thoose two are really solid guesses....I guess
  15. Btw, we didn´t hat a spotlight on this beside the trailer. I guess this will be the obligatory Slaanesh Terrain. The pile of gold on the floor looks like the Idoneth Endless Spell Rumour debunked (Rumour Engine with the gold and treasure)
  16. As I had a terrible night it was a neat distraction that I could check those previews like 30min past upload. Althrough none of the release affects a faction I play I am yet amazed by the quality of the previews. Thoose Slaanesh Models are simply amazing, the Fyreslayers deserved a BT soon and forbidden power may be a nice addition, too. I noticed 2 other things: GW had explicitly said last year that the last adepticon was going to be their biggest announcement. And it was with Idoneth and several other news. This time it was supposed to be a "normal" Preview Seminar. Therefore it would be unfait to compare thoose two and call it a lack of good news. I get the vibe from Warcry that all thoose different Tribes we are introduced to may be related with Darkoath. I start beliving we won´t only get "the barbarians" but several different tribes for StD that are specialised on different things
  17. Yeah, maybe we should send some Emails to GW and kindly ask them to look if the guys in the leak department are still okay 😮 I am really worried...what if there was an accident or something? Maybe the potatoe-cam broke...
  18. Actually just have a reboot of some Bretonian models running under the FEC-Names (Knights as Crypt Horrors, Hero on Pegasus as Varghulf and so on) would be an amazing thing by gw, even when they would sell it only for a brief period of time
  19. Do we know when the next community survey takes place? And can we please spam about Tomb Kings to be Relaunched pls? It seemed to have at least a minor impact on SoB
  20. The new Black Legion Dice would serve great as StD Ones. I tought some of you may like it https://www.games-workshop.com/de-DE/Chaos-Space-Marines-Dice-Set-2019
  21. Have we gained any neat bonuses that a Soul Grinder or Slaves to Darkness Army could make use from?
  22. Do we have some hints on the size of the Adepticon-Releases? Last year it was pretty amazing with all the Idoneth Deepkin stuff. I would guess on the following ones: Gutbuster Battletome (maybe merged with BCR) Darkoath Info (we currently have...none...really...we know they are coming but don´t even have vague information) Seraphon Battletome + Usual stuff Maybe another Forbidden Power Trailer Something 40ki-sh, maybe first bigger swing of Sororitas? New Skirmish game New Specialist game stuff But honestly....It could be anything. GW is pretty solid on the matter of leaks. I wouldn´t wonder about anything that hasn´t been mentioned yet on an rumour thread.
  23. I guess the fact that all factions of dwarf players are somehow discouraged about their army or actually the ruleset is also the reason, why the rumour of a combined book was a hot topic here a month ago. While I understand criticism about it, merging 3 different factions back into one, it would allow smoother army building. In my opinion it would require a bigger merge, like the Gloomspite one, adding a load of new units to "forge" the new alliance into one factions. Btw I really wonder why GW didn´t release any new post whfb chaos dwarfes. The bare concept of evil dwarfes is cool and rather rare in broad fantasy worlds. There is a wagon load full of design possibilities for evil dwarves who are alligned with Chaos.
  24. They buffed the Bloadsoaked Banner for Bloodletters. Flat Charge Reroll without any conditions. Thats actually quite awesome. In general: Most mechanics that were simply confusing people were cut and replaced by something new. Also so "Tricks" the Community found in the old book were simply fixed. Yet I wouldn´t call that book weak. Yet I still dislike two things: Judgements beeing bound to Priests and not to Bloodtithe, forcing Slaughterpriests and Warshrines, with the first one beeing actually really an autoinclude. This also alters Khorne Lorewise again from the God of War, Fight and Bloodshed who doesn´t care for whorship into a rather cult/religious thing. Not sure how much I like it. Deamons lack acess to the new Judgement-Stuff. Therefore a mono-daemon-army is rather punished than enforced. Mixed Army is the way to go I guess
  25. Thank you all for your input! I enjoy to read all your viewpoints and found a lot of good advice here! As I am currently not able to play for some weeks due to exams so I have a short break from the game. I guess with 40k and Shadowspear maybe a longer one. I will for sure check the gw store out again as I miss to play against some of the dudes from the store and their awesome armies. For the last game before the break I adapted the "Play as the dice fell"-Mindset which helped me to snap out from expectations a little bit back into joyfull game so will keep it.
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