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Everything posted by Charleston

  1. I guess the fact that all factions of dwarf players are somehow discouraged about their army or actually the ruleset is also the reason, why the rumour of a combined book was a hot topic here a month ago. While I understand criticism about it, merging 3 different factions back into one, it would allow smoother army building. In my opinion it would require a bigger merge, like the Gloomspite one, adding a load of new units to "forge" the new alliance into one factions. Btw I really wonder why GW didn´t release any new post whfb chaos dwarfes. The bare concept of evil dwarfes is cool and rather rare in broad fantasy worlds. There is a wagon load full of design possibilities for evil dwarves who are alligned with Chaos.
  2. They buffed the Bloadsoaked Banner for Bloodletters. Flat Charge Reroll without any conditions. Thats actually quite awesome. In general: Most mechanics that were simply confusing people were cut and replaced by something new. Also so "Tricks" the Community found in the old book were simply fixed. Yet I wouldn´t call that book weak. Yet I still dislike two things: Judgements beeing bound to Priests and not to Bloodtithe, forcing Slaughterpriests and Warshrines, with the first one beeing actually really an autoinclude. This also alters Khorne Lorewise again from the God of War, Fight and Bloodshed who doesn´t care for whorship into a rather cult/religious thing. Not sure how much I like it. Deamons lack acess to the new Judgement-Stuff. Therefore a mono-daemon-army is rather punished than enforced. Mixed Army is the way to go I guess
  3. Thank you all for your input! I enjoy to read all your viewpoints and found a lot of good advice here! As I am currently not able to play for some weeks due to exams so I have a short break from the game. I guess with 40k and Shadowspear maybe a longer one. I will for sure check the gw store out again as I miss to play against some of the dudes from the store and their awesome armies. For the last game before the break I adapted the "Play as the dice fell"-Mindset which helped me to snap out from expectations a little bit back into joyfull game so will keep it.
  4. A mixed unit of Beasts and Beastmasters would be an awesome flair unit for Darkoath, too. From now on: Theorycrafting on Units we don´t even know we may get one day: Due to AoS Rulesetting it would be easy to include having the same profile for the master and beasts and creating diversity by weapon loadout and rules. It would be important to keep in mind that we currently have spells to sniper out single models so the survival of the packmaster shouldn´t decide about how usefull this unit may be. Or, if, it should be a theme similar to the Slaughterbrute were loosing the master means switching modes for the unit. What would be really a tricky point is morale tied to the packmaster. Loosing him leading to a drop down to 3-4 Bravery would be deadly for such a unit. On the other hand it would be a more rewarding target for such sniping-spells and abilities and could improve the feeling and usage of such spells (improving battletomes by creating valid enemies and so on) as long as it doesn´t punish the fielding player too much. Therefore a mechanic like on the slaughterbrute which shuts down normal damage for potential, but more unreliable, mortal wounds. Like "If this Unit doesn´t contain a Beastmaster do not make any attacks with it´s meele weapons during the Combat Step . Instead roll a dice for each enemy model within 1" of this unit. On a roll of X+ this models unit suffers a Mortal Wound". As Downside the Beastmaster could allow rerolls and wield a potent weapon which would be lost after being slain. This would give such a hypothetical unit an interesting touch in gameplay as the controlling player as the opponent could trigger some neat decisions. Do I wan´t to dish out better normal damage? Or do i require rather Mortal Wounds? How can I sacrifice my Beastmaster when needed? Do I want as an enemy to kill the beastmaster to tune down the offensive potential of the unit but risk it to surpass my defense as mortal wound? Do I want to hurt this unit and risk the beastmaster to die? This would be potential to some preatty amazing game design here.
  5. On Warcry: My guess would be a Chaos Only 1vs1 (in terms of models) Skirmish for Chaos Heroes fightning each others. I don´t think any other factions will be added as even the alone place warcry takes place is a high security chaos area. On Chambers: It could be anything. And althrough Stormcasty in first appeareance I doubt it to be Order/SCE Only. I Would rather guess it is really a new addon-concept like endless spells are.
  6. Uff, this topic again....yeah, I´ve seen it a few times here so I hope I can handle it in one post without triggering a discussion and a mod hat: Some people like me like to use the term of "knowing" stuff on topics that seem to follow patterns or just seem to be the only reasonable outcome for future. Only because it was not confirmed by gw it doesn´t mean we can´t don´t know that gw is going to follow an expected pattern. We know that GW is about to optimize profit. Therefore we know that repackaging models would lead to a financial loss in case of squating the faction and is therefore not an option. This could be even expanded to the statement that we know that gw will only risk the cost of a repackaging if they are sure to regain it with an additional financial win over time.
  7. Well, against a 6+ Save against Mortal Wounds Model it still deals on average 6.7 MW on normal trigger and 13.4 MW with the 16MW trigger. Against 5+ Save it would be "still" 5.4 MW on avg and 10.7 on the 16 Wound Trigger. So actually still a buff I guess?
  8. Althrough thats only a 13.8% chance (5/36) for the D6 damage on unbind with that new general trait, it is still another way to get unbinds. I just recently noticed how powerfull magical supermacy may be in a game and beeing able to contest that to an enemy without even using mages is quite awesome. For usual two armies having wizzards compete in terms of cast/unbind rolls. It´s like "You can stop me from using my magic as dps source, but I can stop yours too". Kind of a unwritten deal within the rules. Khorne is totaly able to shut it down for a comparable low cost. This Trait is another option to do so as we get another new option for unbinding that is not tied to a unit, a prayer nor an artifact. I like it
  9. Well, actually we know one thing (as mentioned before): 2 Units were repackaged and are therefore save from beeing squatted
  10. I would rather doubt the last part due to repacked Ogors and Cannon which ain´t even webstore only. But the idea of an "Knight"-Counterpart in form of Ogors/Gargants for AoS would be amazing, especially as AoS wouldn´t be messed up by such a faction like 40k is due to a different ruling (like: Anything can reliable wound anything )
  11. This would be actually a great way to add new destruction forces that are actually new. The only thing that bugs me about the current state of destruction is that it lacks something new besides of Orruks, Ogors and Gits. Althrough the design attempts are on quite good(Ironjaws as elitist-orruks or BCR as Snowstorm-Ogors) to awesome(Mushroom Goblins and Savage Orruks)-Tiers yet they are still only Orruks, Goblins and Ogors. Wishlisting: We could really need at least one destruction force that is different. My toughts were all about some elementals that manifest to destroy, maye with a wildfire theme. But always-hungry-nomnominsects would be a good way to go, too. Althrough latter doesn´t fit the AoS Universe at it would be Lorewise maybe too dangerous, with insects having rather exponential growths in such themes and so on.
  12. Well, I didn´t expect the Endless "Spells" to be bound to a Priest. To be honest this actually bugs me a bit as Slaughterpriests therefore become a mandatory unit which always reduces the possibilities of armybuilding (for example: A mono Deamon list can´t hope to use these Endless "Spells" without a priest?). I actually hoped for a simple "Pay X Bloodtithe Points to cast around any hero" or even "After a units get slain you may place one of these things on the board and pay Bloodtithe as upkeep". There are several possibilieties for a fluffy, diverse, way of using these models and currently gw hinted us a rather insipid solution. Yet I would wait for the warcom-article about these spells, maybe it drops today
  13. To the topic of a new Idoneth-Battletome: I really wonder why they should get a new battletome as the current one is pretty nice in all terms. The Endless-Spells could be simply delivered with Data-Cards. The rules would be available anyway on the app or online as warscroll. Therefore no need for a new tome only to add 3-4 Spells. Also it would rather harm the faction in a similar way SCE-Players get pretty unhappy when forced to buy another Battletome. Again. Khorne on the other hand is pretty much different: The Tome may not be too old but yet there were a lot of changes. The whole summoning-part, changed profiles with wrath and glory, units missing in the battletome like the slaughterbrute which got the keyword after the battletome and so on. Also the new endless prayers will most propably be tied to bloodtithe and therefore require even more ruling-updates...therefore Khorne gets the Battletome for cleaning up the current mess, which is great as it is a pretty iconic faction. Also some old design-flaws are currently changed. Newer armies get their tribe-rules for free, simply by playing given enclave,chamber, whatsoever, old factions had to buy expensive mega battalions for this for example.
  14. First of all: Thank you all very much for all of your Feedback! I am very happy to see such eager participation on this topic! There were many very interesting suggestions and also aspects of the game that were mentioned. Quite funny as some of the mentioned aspects, especially the fact that the game ain´t perfectly balanced, were something I tought already about and simply forgot as it was before my struggels with this topic started I am quite eager to read more from all of you on this topic Thank for all these very detailed and explicit suggestions! I guess I will trya some out! A bit of my background: I jumped back into 40k October 2017 and started with AoS about a year ago. My first steps were all cound to the local gw store and quite positive. I started a small StD-Force with a SC!-Box and played a lot with the few units within it. I enjoyed it really much, althrough I lost like 90% of my games. I wasn´t frustrated but knew that there is more possible in the game with some more units. So I stocked up with some more StD´s and was even able to compete in a local casual tournament. I had only one "bad" game against a friend of mine who was concidering to start AoS as he had his old WHFB Forces left. I guess it was the first time I felt somehow treated "unfair" by the game as I noticed how his army seemed to have anything mine didn´t had. (Rend, cool offensive Spells etc). Althrough it was a fun game I noticed I was a bit to stuffy about the rules during that test game and felt horrible afterwards for this. That was a point were I actually decided to play for fun. And althrough my friend didn´t jumped into AoS I had a great Summer with the last months og AoS 1.0 in which I also merged my Slaves with Khorne Units to add the touch of killy meele that I felt was missing. The SoulWars and 2.0 Launch was also great and that was the time I learned to love the game. Only downside was the travel required to the local gw store. As our store got a new manager by the end of the year who really killed the community there I stepped a bit back from the hobby until January were a friend of mine and his brother started AoS with Idoneth and Seraphon. And at this point I somehow more frustrated about the games. While playing in my lgs was all about having an army, tell a story and stuff, I suddendly play 80% of my games against the same two players who are still testing and tailoring new lists. It´s funny at that point because as I am writing and want to share some examples on where frustration comes up, I noticed that most issues come from the other two players trying new stuff for their armies, which actually isn´t an issue at all but rather a kind of service as I get some cool games served. I often land during games in some situations I could totaly avoid by paying more attention to my enemies. Like charging fully buffed Chaos Knights into an Eternal Starhost (that 2+ ignore Rend Battalion for Seraphon) which was dumb as it costed me 4 CP only to get my own unit wiped out by 10 Saurians with 1 Wound. I was frustrated like hell and currently it became a really fun anectode. I guess through the fact that my enemies play verys different lists which I am not used from a single faction I also only see some strong combos and get the false sense that the whole army is straightforward better than mine. Which actually isn´t as our group as a winrate of Idoneth 40%/ me (StD/SCE)40%/ Seraphon 20% which isn´t far from 33/33/33. Therefore there is no real reason for me to be really frustrated, but still I get salty sometimes even before the game when my enemy tells me "All the great mean stuff in his list" that he has prepared. I guess I should visit out gw again as I´ve heard they have a new manager again and maybe playsing some other opponents will be a good idea. Writing things up really helps.
  15. Hi dear TGA Community! I want to ask you about your opinion and personal experiences on a topic that bothers me more and more in the last time: Frustration. And how to deal with it in the best manner possible. I am feeling quite unhappy right now with my temper after some frustrating situations, but often feel also overwhelmed n how to handle this. What I am actually refering to are situations in that a pretty nice game turns into 2 hours of simply beeing crushed. I have this quite often when playing against two friends of mine who like to play board and card games in a rather competetive mindset . We have good games, but they end often in becoming salty because of some rules of the enemy that seem unfair or due to the feeling that the powerlevel of the game was ****** from the early beginning on. In the aftermath we often talk about the games and about what could have been done differently and come always to the conclusion how good (close/tense) the game was actually. Therefore I guess it is also about my frustration and how I deal with it. I would love to hear your stories. Do you have any tricks or tipps how to keep frustation away from the table? Or Anectodes which somehow match the topic?
  16. While I totaly get your point and have to agree with you, my initial statement meant rather that newer factions simply have also stronger rules.
  17. My guess is that GW had switched their strategy on old models, or rather they are currently in a new release pattern. After AoS Launch and WHFB Death the old Factions were supposed to be "starved" with no more new content, beeing replaced by new ranges and factions. The Factions had rules and sales were continued in a reduced manner so people would at least try the new thing out before switching to a new, fancy faction (which is a matter of time as every single person want´s to play with shiny toys which are in the new stuff) that would be btw also more expensive. That would also lead to a lack of interest in buying second hand armies as the sold factions from whfb were not shiny enough or split into too many subfactions. By introducing Alligiences this was also reinforced: New Armies had more rules. This was indirectly punishing the decision to play an old army. It is up to now. Imagine playing Gutbusters Alligience, having no additional Rules, Command Traits or Artifacs, against freaking Idoneth who are all about special stuff. It just feels bad. Like, you build an old army from scratch and it feels frustrating bad against new ones. I still have this feeling every single time my StD hit the board... Therefore, a lot of old armies disappeared without creating a huge second hand market as noone really wanted them. There were exceptions like Seraphon or Beastclaws, who were old armies with new Tomes and Rules, and I am quite sure GW did this as kind of controll group. Also from my understanding, Seraphon were never as common as old Imperium of Men and therefore offered more potential customers (I guess this had also to do with the selling point of aztek-dinosaur-people). We now see a change in selling tactic by GW. They turn back the factors they introduced to keep sales on old factions low and even start enchancing sales by new content (Battletomes, Endless Spells and Terrain). It may be because they don´t have to fear the impact of a second hand market or just because they are simply grasping for any single thing they have to enchance sells to maximize profit. I guess it´s a mix of both. But it may be pretty sure that we will see Ogors, Free People and Aelves coming back, most propably all this year. At this point I also want to say: Be carefull with my theories as they are all crafted with my today-knowledge looking back onto the transition. As I was not an whfb player and started playing just a year ago it may be that some coincidences and sequential business-decisions by gw are warped into a conspiracy-sort of explaination by myself.
  18. In general, GW follows the "Tease a Bunch of Releases, Release them one after another, Tease the next batch" sprinkeld with some news that rather noone has expected. As the January-Teaser-Wave was finished at the time we got the LVO Teaser, we should get first of the new announced modells like within 1-3 Weeks for Preorder. From my impression, Releases that show Teaser only take longer until they are up to preorder. Therefore the Khorne Battletome will pretty sure drop before the Warcry and next AoS-Chamber-Thingy Expansion. We also know that Vigilius is on like a 16 Days Countdown left untill Abbadon arrives, but yet we don´t know if the Shadowstrike(?)-Box hits before Abbadon or both at same time. I would expect the following order of Preorders: -This week new SC! -Next week some minor Release, maybe the new Nightvault Warband -Shadowstrike Box -Second Wave Shadowstrike with Abbadon -Blades of Khorne Battletome Disclaimer: This is not a rumour, only my guess.😉
  19. Thanks for sharing! To be honest, I am really curious what gw plans to make with 40k. I was a bit afraid of the pace of the codex rereleases and that afterwards 40k will see not much love. Vigilius proved that there is more to come, althrough to be honest I didn´t received much input about it as noone around me seems to use the book. Therefore I was afraif gw will rest campaigns in 40k afterwards, at least up to the point I saw your post. That lets me hope for some cool story arcs and who knows, maybe even new Necron stuff. As for AoS, the year had a great start so I am curious about further releases
  20. I would be so naive and would predict SCE not to have a new Battletome untill 2020. This year we could see some new Tomes, including a Duardin Rework, Seraphon, Ogors, maybe even Aelfs. Beside of this we will pretty sure see the StD Relaunch and maybe 2 other big range releases (Slaanesh and a new Faction would be my humble guess). The next Stormcast chamber was already hinted to be the Too-Often-Cast-Eternals (Or Recast-Eternals? In my opinion they need a mocking name already) which propably won´t be intended to hit shelfs this year so SCE players can build something new after Sancrosanct before buying the new SCE range.
  21. How about a little bit of wishlisting on LVO announcements? I would love to hear what you guys expect to be announced or what you at least would wish to hear of
  22. Well, I guess I am starting a Skaven Army in 2 Weeks. The Endless Spells are a bit concerning. The Rat Swarm is great, the Bell also althrough could be used 1:1 as Nurgle one without the lightnings. But the three Warpstones look incredibly fragile. I am really wondering what the Designers tought about this one. Battletome Skaven let it sounds like the Clans will be reunited again as in the Beast of Chaos Battletome, which makes some things easier
  23. So, after we now know that NDA did drop a wishlist instead of a rumour in, what 'rumours' can be dropped? Seraphon, Gutbuster, Dispossesed? Darkoath seem to be pretty much confirmed by GW due to new Warband and Harbringer. What about other rumours? Btw., It´s quite interessting how the amount of leaks/rumours dropped in the last time. I know that during the last years 40k-madness releases went on so quick, that we had a lot of spoilers like 1-2 Weeks ahead for that game. Can it be that GW shut down the Leaks-Department? Has Brexit already tossed the company to a point at which the potatoe-cam had been eaten?
  24. I had yesterday my first game with my slaves since over 8 Months. And it was a blast! Short background: I started around a year ago with StD to play AoS. We had a local campain back there and even a small local tournament at out local gw. But I noticed quite fast that my StD are lacking some heavy punching power against a lot of armies. I had at this point a Lord on Manticore, 30 Warriors, Chariot and Knights + Sorcerer as my army, which even was enough to get 2 wins at out local tournament I mentioned. But after the campaign ended I noticed quite fast that in a lot of match ups I was simply not able to do anything due to the lack of shooting or rend. So I decided to jump on the God-Train and mixed quite a lot of Khorne into my StD, playing also Khorne Alligience since that time. I did get some Choosen and a Lord on Pony in the meantime, but mostly relied on a Slaughterpriest and the other Khorne-Buff Heroes. Yesterday I played a 2k Game against a friend who started pretty new into AoS a month ago. Perfect situation to play my "lackluster" army. I played to fun, keeping the Alligience-StD table as a main priority without loosing focus on mission Objective (The sixt one from GHB with the 3 stars coming down). And this ended in an game I enjoyed like long time not more. I took as many heroes as I could and tried to let them finish his beasts and heroes so they may ascend or at least gain a bit of their gods attention. It ended up in some weird activation patterns ("Yeah, I could kill your troglodon easy with my knights, but I won´t so my Lord can attempt it on the next turn again"), facepalms ("What the...wait a second...I need to kill your Hero with a Combat Weapon? No Magic? How is this supposed to please Tzwwntch anyway? Nevermind, I guess my Sorcerer Killstealed that Troglodon") and generaly a lot of fun ("My Lord kills your general and....wait, he failed all hits? Damn...yeah, sure, activate him...how many saves?...ugh....I have rerolls...but I guess my Lord is a Spawn now"). So, overall, I ended playing the army in the intended way: Seeking Chaos glory whilst slaying my foes. I even won due to objectives (6x5 Warriors is damn handy for Objective Missions) and will play them more, even before the rumoured Darkoath drops
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