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Everything posted by Charleston

  1. If I have an army with an unconditional battleline allied in, does it count toward the requirement? F.E. Stormcasts Liberators for a Wanderers army?
  2. Thanks but I just finished it. Was ein Kraftakt :'D Won´t do that ever agin in my life but at least it worked Thanks a lot
  3. Hi, short question: How well did the Kvissle fit into the bag? I just have received my bags delivery (ordered the same ones as in the link) and the bags are actually too small for the kvissle to fit
  4. I hope it´s ok I pick this topic up in this thread Forrix Beastsclaws are in a general weird spot right now. We have 3 Thundertusks: Frost Lord on TT Actually a dead pick in my eyes. Close Combat Hero on a Mount that is lackluster in Meele. The SH is better in every way here. The lack of synnergy actually weakens this unit. I mean, it is bad internal balance within a unit~ Husskard on TT The better version. A Support Hero on a ranged Mount. With a Vulture and the Blizzard Spell the Husskard is actually a good Pick from what I see reading the rules. The price is okay, the support welcome and he can still be used for the charge bonus. Having +1 to prayers for other Husskards makes it even conciderable to take two of them to buff another. Beastriders on TT The weird pick. They are an actually okay battleline if you can use the Blast-Ability. They can be used to follow a Husskard for the +1 or to hold objectives in the back. Lack a mount trait but are overall a the shooty pick. Can be cool to ride along a Husskard. The FL is a dead pick, the Husskard is great, the Beastriders are...well, they are there. Mine were okay when I used them. The Thundertusk is just slow, lacks protection from magic and shooting, suffers more from degrading stats and his unique ability is really just fishing for that lucky sixes, without any chance for a reroll. You can still use this ability to go for heroes, but is simply is not reliable. I still belive having 2 of thoose attacks and some vultures may kill a hero in a round. Also, as they rather suffer from meele than benefit from it like Leadbelchers or Ironblaster do, there is the conflict of charging with them or not for the cause of impact damage. Meanwhile, SH offers: Frost Lord on SH Meele Hero + Mount that increases meele damage, is fast and gives him a 5++. Awesome. Husskard on SH The Battalion enabler, has an awesome CA to buff mournfangs, which will have 4 D3 attacks on charge per model, has still an SH worth of Damage and a 5++. The riders meele skills are a shame as gw forgot to update them but the chance for a vulture is nice. Beastriders on SH Second PArt of the Battalion enablers, get again an SH in meele which makes them only slight worse than a Husskard. Lack Mount traits which is a shame but can bring at least 2 ranged guns and thus, a vulture. So yeah, all SH Units are awesome and fast. As they want to be in meele they also benefit greatly from any kind of impact damage. Husskards allows really to let Mournfangs shine and the two battalions thoose guys get are also fine. Especially the one for even more Mortal Wounds. Nevertheless, while I love the changes to Gutbusters, I really wished for more love on the BCR Profiles. I don´t get while thoose guys punch and kick only for 1D. Also the Thundertusk Frostlord should have gained another ability that supports a backline character, maybe a reroll to hit or a defensive buff?
  5. The Nexus is basically a Priest with 4 different Spells to choose from, a huge range, beeing unkillable. Quite a lot value here compared to IDK or similar terrain. The biggest letdown is how gw design failed to match fluff and rules from what I see. Nevertheless I would love to add such a thing into any of my armies. It is interesting to know they have no reroll against shooting, I belive we played this part wrong in our last game. Against bigger Blobbs Thundertusks may be a blessing. About the leaders: Does it really help to kill thoose? I mean, they can use Relentless Tactics thingies freely without a hero, having a hekators nearby
  6. I am not sure if you are trolling or what else you try to express here. My whole post had the point to share my experience from the first games against them. Nothing was said about the faction beeing OP or unfair or that I was only winning due to luck. Thus it seems unfair to me to imply that I would flame the faction for beeing bad~ Actually, each game was decided on exactly what you posted:
  7. I actually make my basing material mixing normal acrylic paint with fine sand. The paint gives color, is cheap and binds the sand in a good way. For terrain I used normal paint which normaly is used to paint walls, and it worked out fine, too. The only restriction: The sand should be fine enough
  8. Had yesterday my first two 1k games against OBR with my BCR. Both against Petrifex. In the first game I stomped him quite easily, in the second the game was a fair fight the OBR won due to better positioning (also, terrain was in their favor). Petrifex felt like a solid rule, making the army really durable. I did almost all mentionable damage on charge and not in fights as thoose 3+ rerollable saves were really not an easy nut to knack. Also the "ignore the first wound of the phase" rule of the general was quite an mvp, giving him something equivalent to 3-4 Wounds per game on his kavalos rider thingy general. Nevertheless his unit melted against MW´s. It is also worth mention that he had a lot of good save rolls during the game, while my ogors had their troubles with their 4+ to hit... What felt more insane to me was the immense rend the whole army had access to. For me it felt like anything in his army had a -1 rend or better. Stalkers managed a -3 and simply tore a thundertusk apart like nothing. This is something I really have to get used to. What I have also not expected: The army is fast. Damn fast. He crossed the half board with ease during the first game. I tought their downside was slow movement but nope. Also the huge pool of CP per turn and quite awesome Command Abilities, together with the hekatros rule to always be in CP range, altogether made me a bit envious (maybe because BCR lack even a simple hit reroll :'D) Nevertheless I belive Khorne may be quite an anti-pick against OBR, providing revenge fights for bloodtithe and tons of mortal wounds to splash around. I do not know about competetive meta but in my casual meta I belive OBR to be a strong but not broken army. I only wish gw would have spread a bit more love to other books. Subfactions and Suballigiences, which only benefit a certain part of an army always feel like unneccessary limitating, compared to newer books "all units get X and Y".
  9. Yeah, that one was something I knew about. I was rather talking about a studio preview for releases for the next year But thanks! Ahh okay! Thanks a lot! I was already wondering because all this talk about giants made me feel like I missed an upcoming announcement this week
  10. I lost a bit track of upcoming news. When are we supposed to get some updates on new stuff? 30. Nov for 40k from what I saw in the sororitas post, but do we know when AoS will have the next previews?
  11. Hej guys, I just came back from my first two games with the new book and it was a blast Finaly Ogors feel fun to play again. It were 2 games against OBR around 1k points. I´ve won the first game within minutes as I could freely charge and destroy his hammer in the first turn, followed by a doubleturn to swipe it up. The second game was harder, with my opponent using his motrek guard as screens as it shall be and I was really in a trouble to keep his stalkers at bay. Both very fun games I really enjoyed. Now it got me even more tinkering in how to proceed with my BCR. I love the monster-charge rule and would love some healing, so a Huskard on Thundertusk seems valid to me. But what then? I am also looking at the battalions and honestly they confuse me a lot. There are two Battalions with the same requirements that benefit Stonehorns, and the one for Thundertusks requires 3 Thundertusk riders, which seems a lot. Any recommendations?
  12. That perfect horizontal alignment of the rope tied around this rumour engine is pure satisfaction
  13. I´ve just finished magnetizing my ghostly boys Still miss some models to go above the current 1120pts. I am not sure what to add. On the one side, I want to keep the model count low, therefore a Huskard and maybe some more Beastriders sound good. On the other side, Butchers seem totaly worth it, althrough beeing infantery kills my plan to be cavalery heavy. Ironblaster maybe? I also like the Idea of a conversion of a Hunter with some Wolfs instead of Sabres. Currently I have: Frostlord on Stonehorn Thundertusk Beastriders 6 Mournfangs, 2x small and 4x big weapons magnetized.mp4
  14. Well, there are at least some cool sculpts on the market. The Joan du Arc Kickstarter had this big bad boy that I would love to get for Skarrog Conversion for my blades of Khorne By the way, I belive that AoS would handle an Knight-Counterpart-Army better than 40k did. The Core of 40k requires to take units with you enemy in mind. When you lack Anti Tank weapons, you mostly can´t do any serious damage to them at all. This leads to Knights beeing really an issue in competetive surrounding, where they have the tactical advantage to render 1/2 of the opponents weapons useless. AoS with its inherited to hit/to wound stats should be able to dampen this effect.
  15. Who knows? I bet there would be more than one amazing way to do this, althrough it would be only "small" godbeasts as thoose in the lore are of the size of continents But Lorewise descendends of the Godbeasts would be an amazing thing
  16. I like the Idea of an Knight-Counterpart in AoS, althrough several factions can play a similar setup as already mentioned. Giants, Elementals or huge Angels would be amazing!
  17. Okay guys, Papa needs sugar! Do we have any Leaks for StD? Or can we at least make some? Is here noone related to a chief designer at GW? Or has accidentialy access to their site to make some potato pictures? Facility Manager? AAAARRGHGHH!!!! I want more input about them, and I want it noooooowww
  18. Well, I may be rather unimpressed by this as it is a release we simply do not know anything about, but I really enjoy the widespread joy of the return of a classic in the community
  19. Yeah, Tzeentch will hopefully get the most epic Endless Spells They would deserve it I also bet on a bigger S2D2 releas 2020. It would make sense. I could imagine GW to slowly turn more and more SC!-Boxes into Monopose kits as this serves the business modell better
  20. The more I see the Model, the more I want to play 2 of them!
  21. You didn´t misunderstood the post, GW simply retired the Warscroll from the app. Althrough there is no statement that the new Warscrolls are invalid, it might be simply a rework going on in the background and someone deleted it by accident.
  22. Thats the point: Do you want to always spam buffed eels turn 3 or play something different? That is the downside to the turn 3 CP´s: You deny yourself ressources for this tactic. It could be argued that this is bad design by gw as the rule is too seductive to play something else, but it can´t be argued that Idoneth do have the same toolbox to access to work around battleshock like any other army.
  23. +1 on this. The Slaughterbrute is not in the Khorne Battletome. Currently we only have the Slaughterbrute Warscroll from the GA:Chaos Book. There was in the meantime a second Warscroll for a Slaughterbrute of Khorne in the Warhammer App, but it was recently (1-2 months ago?) and silently removed. I am not sure if we can currently use them as I do not know if Slaves can ally with Beasts of Chaos. I belive that a Chimera could propably be moved, althrough I am not sure if the Jabberslythe and Coacktrices won´t stay BoC-Exclusive. Chimeras had a spotlight in Warcry which makes it possible in my eyes. @GeneralZero We currently really do not know how the Allignment will look like. The current system is a robust and straight forward ruling and I hope they keep it that way. Also, it should be mentioned that we only ally monsters from other alligiences right now, which keeps the 400pts limit for 2k games and 200pts for 1k. This is an issue for monsterheavy lists. I can´t play my Soulgrinder and a Slaughetrbrute together for example, without breaking into the great Chaos Alligience on 2k. Also my Soulgrinder can´t be usen in 1000pts games Actually I hope I can use it after the tome as it is a unit vunerable to cutting.
  24. Yeah, of course, they could put any kit they don´t sell or that does look different and modify it so heavy that it looks exactly like the slaughterbrute, having 1:1 the same pose and color sheme like the gw storepage of the slaughterbrute. It is 1:1 the exact same model, but using that super ugly head option noone uses because it reminds them of their ugly gf from school times. Really, it is even hard to find propper pics of it online because it is so ugly. Edit: Here is a better pic of it. ugh. really, that poor dude that had to paint it...
  25. Inspiring Presence is the general workaround for big units. Also, don´t forget the bravery bonus for 10 models The most forgotten rule in whole AoS
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