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Everything posted by NJohansson

  1. RAW you most certainly can: Compare to the regular summoning text where it is said “Lord of Change”. Kairos is not a Lord of Change but he most certainly has the LORD OF CHANGE key word. very nice catch mmimzie - I missed it completely and will definitely try this.
  2. It’s probably late and I am missing something, but where did you get the 30 flamers (or do you mean that the spell power of the character is equal to approx 30 flamers)? If so - really interested in the comparison.
  3. And the Std one has a 4+ no shrug - in my experience both die to anything remotely dedicated to killing them. But the Thaumaturge does (surprisingly) more damage in melee, has a d6 mortal wound spell which also heals for the same amount and it can dispel and cast spells for 20 points more. I am not saying that either is a great model (I rarely use any Ogroid in an army) but if taking one the Thaumaturge wins out hands down every time (IMHO).
  4. This should probable be in another thread - since this is about positive feedback but this type of comments really puzzles me. There are a lot of competitive players that do care about narrative (like myself) - I have read dozens of books from the black library, I own the majority of army books since the Lost and the Damned and I do so because I have always loved the story/narrative. But although I name every character and my armies always have a story to them I still enjoy playing with points against equally competitive armies. If Kairos is not the general of my army, I can easily explain it through that he has been summoned by the Gaunt Summoner or Sorcerer in charge of the Coven or a dozen other possible narrative stories. It is a game where you get to use your imagination and saying that X should be the general because of Y reason is simply your interpretation of fluff in a way that is not really supported by the game - just read Architect of Faith for example, it gives a great example when a mighty character holds a very low key profile.
  5. Don’t forget that Kairos now all friendly spells. That, his own damage spell and all the Endless will most likely result in that if necessary Kairos can dish out a lot of hurt if needed. As to deployment and movements- really up to the mission and what you are up against. You will most likely need to set up solid screens with pinks/acolytes if up against something that can threaten you first turn - if not you will probably need to plan for getting first turn (move up and park on objectives - de-buff and buff as appropriate and summon the first LoC turn 1).
  6. Fluff and the actual game is two different beasts. From a fluff perspective - Archaon dying on the battlefield by a goblin arrow is much worse than the general being a random sorcerer who Archaon gave command to test the sorcerers ability under Archeons stern gaze (you can validate anything by fluff). Removing named characters from matched play will remove fantastic models from those of us who both enjoy collecting beautiful centerpieces and playing matched games (I have never played a purely narrative game in close to 30 years of being in this hobby). On the other hand - giving Archy, Nagash and Gotrek access to artifacts and command abilities (as suggested in other places of this thread) will create a balancing problem of Herohammer (there was a time when your armies were a couple of heroes with fly high and units for roadkills) proportions.
  7. The Thaumaturge seems to be strictly better at everything for just 20 points more and is a wizard with a good spell. So I do not see any reason to use the mundane Ogroid as anything else but a count as Thaumaturge (if one really likes and want to use the particular model).
  8. Just take a look at the new Disciples of Tzeentch - the amount of strong shooting that they can bring is on a 40K level. Also people forget that spells are also part of the game and fundamentally both are ranged attacks. I think you either need cover/LOS rules or you need toned down shooting - otherwise AoS will end up to close to 40K for my liking. Another thing that bothers me with the lack of proper terrain mechanics is that it results in that GW has started to push terain that does weird things (damages units, grants buffs etc.) which feels like a poor solution and complicates the game instead of just fixing the inherent problem that hills, forests, rivers etc have no real meaning in the game. Anyhow - love the game so this is my wish list not “OMG the world is ending” type of complain.
  9. All in all - great progress and the game is in a great state. Saying that, terrain, cover and Line of Sight rules should be drastically changed. Terrain should matter - LOS should be done Warmahordes style (on a base by base case and not can my model see your spear) and cover should be different if you are hiding behind a castle wall or behind a fence.
  10. 9 out 10 times the Sixth Circle is my preferred one. But sometimes flight (8 Circle) is really game changing... Getting blocked by Endless Spells/other models can really mess with your plans sometimes.
  11. For the same cost you can get 1 extra cast (1 more cast is almost always better than Reroll) and even more extended spell casting range through Vortex. For 10 - 20 points more you get access to really good damage spells with added utility. The spell you get only damages on 3+ (so the actual spell you get is far worst point for point than any of the 50 points and/or 30 points spells). To add insult to injury you get damage on double 1 an 6. The Double one can be a nice trade off but double 6 is almost always successful regardless (few people will try to dispel a 12. To summarize - point for points there are far better endless spells (IMHO).
  12. This makes me sad to see. I really hope that it is just a faze and that more “regular” lists will be the norm. I am not saying that it is unbeatable (it definitely is) but this list can really destroy any form of positive playing experience (but it is a tournament so not judging). Feels more 40K than AoS though. Anyhow with a list like this -1 rend is defiantly very strong. On the other hand -1 against shooting is probably more important if going against the same gunline:):):).
  13. This is puzzling me as well. Feels like there are many much better Endless Spells and even Arcane Bolt is a better spell than the one the tome let’s you cast.
  14. Interesting points - not sure I agree entirely though.:) -1 rend is very powerful (pending on which units you use naturally) and the more flamers and horrors the more vital it becomes. However -1 against shooting which becomes -2 for most heroes (-3 if needed by spells) results in that it is very hard to surgically remove my casters from +18” away (the LoC/destiny dice handles spells very well). This results in that I can be more aggressive with my heroes and in my experience - if most of my heroes are alive at the end of the game I am usually winning the attrition/objective game. Naturally this only applies 50% of all games (at best) but pure close combat armies are generally not my biggest fear (there are always exception - but my lists/play style tend to favor said matchups) so the -1 additional modifier against shooting helps me against my worst matchups - while the -1 additional rend helps with damage, but that was never my biggest concern with all mortal wounds that I can deliver through spells. One of the most used artifact for Tzeentch (prior to the Battletome) was The Gryp-Feather Charm and With the Locus we now have it within 12” of the LOC so 30” radius which is absolutely amazing.
  15. Not trying to argue which is better (to early to say IMHO and both have strong mechanics) but to me the rend is not as critical as the 12” -1 to hit with missile weapons bubble. That is the real strength of the Eternal Conf - especially with all the shooting entering the meta right now.
  16. Since you already have 3 Enlightened you should look to add the Wytchfire Coven Battalion. 1 unit of 30 Acolytes (instead of 5 of 10). Or maybe 2x20 and 1x10 (pending on preferences). Would probably drop the magister to get the points.
  17. Pyrofane Cult and Witchfire Coven seems really strong on paper. Could be the simple fact that people do not have 60+ Acolytes painted and ready yet.
  18. Personally I start with Kairos and have 1 LOC for summoning. For maximum efficiency you need 2 more than you start with (you will rarely Summon a 3ed) but I have noticed that just one extra is enough for most games - recycling the LOC that you summon is good enough for casual play.
  19. Fluff wise - Be’lakor was the only Undivided DP. After him (or rather after he tried to become mightier than the Gods themself) there has not been any Undivided DP. Mechanically it really is bad that you can not keep the same mark as before (from a buffing/aura perspective) but story vise Undivided DP don’t make any sense at all (as the lore is currently).
  20. So after tonight I have now played with the Guild of Summoners 7 times. While very fun to summon a Lord of Change turn 1 and a second one turn 2 (at the latest turn 3) I am starting to feel that it is not as strong as other Covens have the potential to be due to the following: 1) Forced to take lackluster artifact/traits. 2) No summoning (realistically) after the second LoC. Compared to a normal list where I would be able to summon 10 Blues every round (if lucky maybe even 10 Pinks) you give up a lot both in damage, wounds and board/objective control in the long run. 3) Realistically past turn 3 regular summoning becomes better so you are basically playing handicapping yourself while not getting any really good bonuses from the Coven (compared to the other alternatives). Anyone else had the same experience or am I missing something?
  21. Internal balance and losing games are different things. The big problem in this thread IMHO is that a lot of people has the attitude of “I should be able to play and win with any model that I like” - that is chess level of balance, it won’t happen. I have played Malifaux, Warmahordes, Infinity, Starwars and a dozen other army based war games - unless the units are identical there are always some units more point efficient than others. What we can hope for is a semi balance between armies - we are not there yet but it is not as bad as it used to be.
  22. Yes part of it. Moreover it feels like everyone is focusing on Changehost. I think it will be erated sooner or later and do not like playing the exact same as everyone else. Moreover I feel that there are a lot of army’s that will just get slaughtered by the Changehost/flamer/horror combo and I prefer to play a game and not just walk over my opponent (tournament setting is something else and I would probably gravitate towards a more optimal build).
  23. I have been in this hobby for almost 30 years now and we still have the same arguments over and over. FWIW - the balance between army books has been improved greatly, GW actually do respond/make balancing attempts each and every year (there was a time when you had to just wait a couple of years for a new book) and the overall customer/community care/support has been greatly increased the last couple of years. Saying all that - internal balancing (unit on unit) is still bad but one ought to play chess if you really strive for absolute balance. The STD book has some viable units/builds and some abysmal - the same goes for the majority of army books. If you play casual you have loads of variety - if you want tournament level you need to focus on the obviously good parts.
  24. Trying something non Changehost - while still flamer based: Eternal Conflagration Lord of Change, General, Artefact: Shroud of Warpflame Command Trait: Coruscating Flames Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch, Artefact: Wellspring of Arcane Might Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch The Blue Scribes 4 units of Flamers of Tzeentch x 3 2 units of Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch x1 Battalion - Warpflame Host Endless Spells Aethervoid Pendulum Geminids of Uhl-Gysh Purple Sun of Shyish The Burning Head Total 1990pts 5 drops. Biggest question is if I should drop 1 unit of flamers/and or some Endless Spells for some screens (the army is really vulnerable to A-strikes)?
  25. One thing to take into consideration is that the Skyfires are not battleline - while the flamers most probably are. Moreover the flamers are (as mentioned) part of the Changehost, so point efficiency is probably with the flamers when building the whole list.
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