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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. Maybe someday in the far flung future we'll find out how the dang thing plays.
  2. Agreed. It's always important to remember that big companies are not our friends, even if the age of social media and constant customer interaction would have them convince us otherwise. GW is a business that has the singular goal of making money for itself and its shareholders, and these company men will never be content with booming profits. Nothing short of owning ALL of the money in a giant Scrooge McDuck bank vault will make them happy. Arguments like "inflation" and "well it's just an expensive hobby" have never held water and are sycophantic diversions---don't get drawn into them. These are simply excuses most companies will cower behind to justify their bulging pockets. This is not a specific rant at GW. We have far worse companies out there doing far shadier things; and the world of hobbying isn't going to end because they upped the prices on some models yet again. But just remember, GW isn't a small band of friendly, cool dudes like Duncan, Peachy, or Ben Johnson. Those folks are the artists, the ones who develop or tout the products we love because they love the artistry. The real power and intent always lies behind a board room of faceless business men and shareholders always looking to pluck another penny from our coin purses. Never forget this fact and protect yourself from questionable business tactics and the illusions of consumer loyalty (whether to a single company or an entire market).
  3. Do we know what the contrast paints look like over a base that isn't white or grey? Does it simply not show up at all? Does it tint the base color?
  4. I'd prefer if Gutbusters remained their own thing, if I wanted to play Beastclaw, I'd play Beastclaw (kind of the same attitude most have about allies); however, I wouldn't be affronted if they blended them together. I'd just like regular Ogors to get a proper book with cool new AoS lore, an actual allegiance ability, and all the rest of the standard stuff. If we get new models, dope, I think new Ogor sculpts could look incredible...but if we don't, it's fine---as long as all the models that do exist become viable (looking at you scraplauncher, ironblaster, and leadbelcher). And GW designers, if you HAVE to make our abilities and spells "lolrandom" because we're Destruction, at least make the effects worth being random. Our current Butcher has like a 33% chance to do something useful, or just stand around like an idiot. It is called the CANNON OF THE SKY TITANS. This thing should be a menacing beast. I swear, if they just keep it as yet another single shot, 4+ to hit with D6 damage...
  5. The fact we didn't get anything in the GHB makes me think a book is imminent. Either that or GW hates us and has no plans to support Gutbusters outside of models.
  6. I've heard a rumor that people will be upset about point changes no matter what they are.
  7. Was kind of hoping the Shrine and Avatar would come down a bit. Stalkers are still worthless. Could have been worse, could have been better.
  8. Blood Stalkers is a unit that mathematically does 1-2 wounds per shooting phase. I might take them at 100. It stinks, I was really hoping for an excuse to buy them.
  9. All they have to do is get rid of that dumb "falling over/failed charge" rule for Gargants and people would start using them. That's all they have to do!
  10. So you pay $57 instead of $61...but doesn't reach the free shipping threshold, so unless you're buying something else direct order, means you're actually paying more for these paints than you would at the store. Why does GW do this? Every other storefront in the world offers sales and discounts, you know, to encourage customers to shop with them. I was so ready to buy into this deal if it was something like $50 for the bundle. Man I'm disappointed. Guess I'll just pick up one or two contrast paints when they show up at the local shops.
  11. Usually around half of them are painted or are in stages of being painted. Painting isn't my biggest lean into the hobby, so I usually get a burst of enthusiasm for it when a new army or book that I like comes out, then burn out on painting so many guys in such a short time. But it means I can go back and work on different stuff from time to time. I've never had a problem with people running entirely unpainted armies. Everyone should enjoy the hobby how they want, and many simply don't enjoy the painting aspect.
  12. Viable, yes. I still think it overcosts a unit that on average will do 1-3 wounds in the shooting phase.
  13. My ultimate vain hope is they somehow make Blood Stalkers good, because unless they drop to around 100 points, they're total garbage. Even then, they'd still be a tax for Temple Nest. Another situation where I don't think a simple point change is the answer.
  14. Is it weird that the biggest thing I'm looking forward to is the GHB'19? I crave to see the point changes so I can get back to list building without fear.
  15. I've only played one game at 1k, so I don't have enough experience. All of my other games were 1.5k.
  16. This kind of poll probably won't tell you anything useful, unless you're only looking for overall perception. The idea of balance is often completely subjective and everyone has biases they bring to the table (personal, meta, or community). Not only that, but none of us (that I'm aware) are professional game designers. Everyone thinks they're able to determine what's balanced, good, less good, etc., but it's much more intricately complicated.
  17. Fairly certain these are player suggested points. Many of them don't make sense, and I seriously doubt Fyreslayers would get any changes at all considering how recently they were released---their print production schedule would have to be insane.
  18. They're in a good spot right now, probably in the higher end of the competitive lineup, but not totally broken like FEC or the like. My first 1K list was a Runefather on Mag, runesmiter, battlesmith, 10x Vulkites, 10x Hearthguard berzerkers. Worked fairly well for me. You'll have a hard time if there are a lot of objectives on the board, but that's the case even in larger games (we have short legs and few bodies to go around). I'd take a look at the battalions and lodges and see which one you want to go for, that'll help you decide what to build your force around. In general, our big performers are the Battlesmith (always take one) and Hearthguard berzerkers (absolute beasts with a hero nearby). In my 2K army I've been adding 15x more Hearthguard, 5-10x Aurics, a Runemaster, and a Grimwrath berzerker or two.
  19. Well I don't believe the Tomb King rumor (if anything they'd get a complete revamp, since they're not selling the old models anymore). But I respect that we actually have a rumor to discuss.
  20. With the accidental release of the digital Sylvaneth book, they really need to bite the bullet and "officially" make it purchasable. Otherwise, we have some people using new Sylvaneth rules and some people without them. It gets weird and confusing.
  21. Looks like Warcry is still a ways off then. Wonder what we're going to have in the interim.
  22. I think it's perfect for Narrative gamers or TO's looking to start a new campaign. For regular, matched play folks? Doesn't hold much value. 1) Point costs on the spells and engine are bloated, I simply don't see anyone taking them outside of funsies (like the purple sun). It's a shame, a cheaper engine could have meant armies without terrain features could have a generic one, all they had to do was say so in the rules. 2) The two allegiances (Lethis and Grief) are either completely worthless or pretty decent. It sucks that the Lethis allegiance is just bad, I would have enjoyed buying some scattered faction mini's. So basically, only helpful if you play Nighthaunt. 3) Some neat events, good storytelling, but no new reveals in the lore, other than Teclis and Tyrion are still dicks. 4) Mercenaries are...fine, I guess? I'm glad they aren't game-changing, but I also don't know what the purpose behind them is supposed to be. 5) It's price...$90 for less models than Malign Sorcery, which was $75. That is a PREMIUM price for a handful of spells you may or may not use. You're on your way to buying a faction's centerpiece model for the price of this box. I've always said, GW is totally allowed to price their products how they want, but the market is still going to decide whether it's the RIGHT price for what you get. For people with a restricted budget, I can't ever see recommending this over, say, an army's SC box, or Malign Sorcery.
  23. I think the unfortunate thing is Forbidden Power turned out to be totally different than what a lot of people expected. It's geared towards narrative play, which is fine, everyone should get stuff for their particular style of play; but it also meant matched play players had little to gain from the whole thing (the spells are cool looking, but with those point costs they really don't want you using them in earnest). The lore is interesting, but I doubt a lot of people are paying $90 for some backstory. So in the end, we have Forbidden Power, which a grand swathe of players will have no interest in...we have Warcry, which looks dope, but we knew wasn't coming out for a hot little bit...and the delayed Sylvaneth book...so despite all of these teases and cool 'looking' things, it kind of feels like AoS itself hasn't had anything interesting to announce in awhile, unless you're into Slaanesh (in terms of AoS content that large groups of the player base would also be interested in). But, we do have contrast paints and the GHB next month, so hurrah!
  24. Have to agree with some of this. Gitz have a number of overcosted units (Poor, poor Dankholds, I really hope you go down in the next GHB). Their battalions are way too specific, with no viable options for people with mixed armies. Their allegiance ability is pretty random and can't be relied on...and they aren't even that good when they do work. Our terrain piece is boring and has almost never affected my games at all (I wish we could bring back ANY battleline on a 4+). That all said, I don't think they're bad---they need some point reductions and more battalion options.
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