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Everything posted by frostfire

  1. Sequitors with Staunch Defender and Castellant would be extremely tough in a MW-freee meta.
  2. So what's your thought on the mercenary companies? The rampage guys seem to be good screening or scoring unit. But they cost a CP which is considerable for our CP lacking army.
  3. Don't want to be pessimistic here, but I really think the version of GHB is kind of awful. It's been a whole year since the GHB2018 came out, which according to some rumors , is an untested version, terrible enough on that already, and see what changes they make in the new version. There are so many allegiance remain unchanged, only two factions get spell lore. Scenery rules that are so weird that get you wonder if the design group do play the game. 18 so-called new battleplans which are mostly another version of the former ones that they even don't change their names. They do try to make Meeting Engagement interesting, but still no restriction to the summoning. Imagine that FEC or Seraphon who just bring like 1500 to a 1k game, and tell me is it fun or not. I can't believe that is what they have progressed in a whole year, or if rumors are true then two years. There are so many contents unchanged in the Matched Game that I can't nearly seen any difference between the GHB2018. I know people declare that GW offers various ways to enjoy AoS, such as Open play or Narrative Play. But at my local, people are more likely to play matched game. So what's wrong for hoping for better rules for the game mode I prefer? Still convincing myself that the Faq will help make the matched game better, hoping that GW wouldn'tprove me wrong.
  4. Allegiance: FyreslayersLeadersAuric Runesmiter (120)- Runic IronAuric Runesmiter (120)- Runic IronAuric Runemaster (120)- GeneralBattleline10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (160)- Handaxes & Slingshields10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (160)- Handaxes & Slingshields30 x Auric Hearthguard (600)Units30 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (600)- BroadaxesTotal: 1880 / 2000Extra Command Points: 2Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 176 How about this list? No specific lodge. Just showing up on enemy's face. This type of aggression is incomparable.
  5. As long as EotGs' summoning remains unchanged, Razordons keep 40 each, and all the rerolling from abilities and battalions remain cheap as hell, Seraphon would stay in the top tier imo.
  6. Just the opposite. It's not my local who complain about Skaven. Instead when I mentioned that people worldwide are complaining, they just tell different opinions. It's them who demonstrate various ways to counter Skaven, showing the drawback and stuff. Skaven is just okay to them while FEC and Fyreslayers are the real meta smashers. In fact, my locals play all types of competitive army. For reference: DoK,SCE,FEC,LoN,FS,Slaanesh and all faction with battletomes.
  7. Thanks. Double checked that. It's such a pity that judis and libs don't get their point drop.So as the Vanguard Wing. 10 points cheaper don't seem much of the reason of using the prosecutors.
  8. Quick question: Locus of Transmogrification of the Flamer says "roll a dice each time a model in this unit is slain within 9'' of a Hero", so if I have multiple Heroes in range, let's say 4 heroes are within 9'' of the slain model, do I roll 4 dice for adding models?
  9. Hurricanum is great. I once used it in my ballista list similar to the list above. It buffs both missile and melee, which is cool because you don't have to be wholly within the aura, and do mortal wounds in range. Since it is cheaper without the wizard on it, it might be a better ally unit imo.
  10. @BartoI have played CV thundercats once. They deleted a unit of 40 chaos marauders with -1 to hit and 5+ 6+ fnp. Their damage is granted. Shooting off screening units with ballistas might be better option though.
  11. Quick question here: it the prayer for the slaughter priest works like magic? Can he chant one prayer of his own and one from the prayer list in a turn?
  12. Yeah. With rerolling hits they might do more damage but are still outclassed by evocators who can do decent amount of mortal wounds. Evocators remain amazing in 220 .
  13. What if you replace evocators with sequitors in Anvil list? They can still hit hard and have more wounds and more models.
  14. The CV is already great as I experienced. 6 thundercats with LA on the cats deleted like 40 marauders even with -1 to hit and 5+ 6+ fnp in a single charge. I think CV's CA would work well in units with multiple weapons for each cp you spend actually generate 2 attacks.
  15. I keep hearing people complaining that Skaven is soooooo op and need to get nerfed. I do see we do insanely huge damage in magic, shooting and melee but is it impossible for other to counter? I can see that we often lose on drop counts, so army with high mobility or deepstirke can just cancel our first turn damage by setting out of the range. Let's say fyreslayers with 30 auric hearthguards deepstirking can shoot of a unit of 40 monks, and deepkins who have low drops and could fly over the screening clanrats, and Gloomspite Gitz do anti-horde magic, and Sylvaneth who just block the sight...... I could imagine various tough matches against these factions, while FEC just depends on the unkillable Terrorgheist killing things and win, who is really the one. I am new to this army and I admit it is strong but not that strong which needs urgently nerfed.
  16. It's funny that their call it "generous cuts "
  17. Yeah, I see they just don't work out according to the meta. It seems that taking more chaff units is better investment now, like mercenary companies.
  18. I originally think seqs works well in 20, for the discount. Now they are 130 so it takes serious thought when taking a unit of 5.
  19. GW just re-released the video about GHB2019 on their youtube channel. But the new one is about 30 seconds less than the old version they deleted previously. The deleted content is about digital pitched battle profile. That's kind of strange that GW deleted these but announced on the community preview. But it could mean nothing though.
  20. We could think of go crazily heavy on longstirkes and fill the list with skins, aetherwings and stuff. I've seen people doing well without Evocators. But it would make the army more fragile though.
  21. I honestly think that Nagash is just right in his position, or even a bit overcosted comparing to FEC and Skaven or even Fyreslayer who obviously tipped the balance since they came out ..... Thanks to all the viable Deathlords and resurrecting ability, LoN become an interesting army with its own features. Simply demolishing the ability to bring back models and units may just demolish the fun to play them as well.
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