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Everything posted by Jetengine

  1. A mediocre live action trailer, a Warcry/Underworlds reveal and 1000pts is now a game mode on its own. Very meh.
  2. How does the initial leak factor in do you think ?
  3. I'm happy the Fell Bats are a bit mwh because finding non GW models is a PITA. Frustrating that Vargeists arent Battleline, also that the Coven Thrones so useful since I hate the damn thing lol
  4. Thats all nice guys, but you don't buy in retail bulk to be considered worth the effort. Do you know what does ? Tournament winning , powerful, fantasy armies. Theres a reason Grey Knights players were suddenly everywhere for a while in 40k etc. Gw like the tournament crowd money because they buy en-masse quickly.
  5. How would you rank the units in Soulblight ? In overall usefullness.
  6. I'm very interested in these guys. What was your 'recipe' so to speak ? I can see Dragon Blades for the horses, bodies and weapons. The heads I cant place. You've added some kind of modeling chain for the reins instead of the jeweled one, similarly you've removed any jewels on the armour and replaced them with spikes or hanging skulls. Finally you've used the Death Upgrade pack for the shields and Banner ?
  7. Realistically the answer is all about sales but that in turn is tied into power level which is THEN in turn tied to GW. People dont buy weak armies for fun. Especially during 8th ed when the costs were ludicrous. People will buy ugly models if their strong enough (the Razorgor was widely considered an AWFUL sculpt but as soon as its stats came out people bought it) but they wont buy weak armies.
  8. I dont necessarily want the Tomb Kings back (Ie: As they were) but the 8th edition plastic kits were very nice and deserve to be released. Literally those kits and two Resin heroes are a viable faction.
  9. All this talk of "health of the game" regarding stuff getting updated/finished is kind of a fallacy thinking about it. No system (save literal one-drop-thats-it releases) ever has everything together and done all at once.
  10. How do you deal with objectives since that was always a loss with my Dispossesed ?
  11. Another question. How does this army play exactly? Like I play Gloomspite Gitz Trogherd and that's pretty simple. Keep your Trogboss nearby for morale buffs, rocktrogs throw rocks, rivertrogs hit stuff etc.
  12. Question. Are Fyreslayers an elite army now ? Or are they still a (irl cash) overpriced Horde army ?
  13. The stitched thing is the cloak for the new Chaos marine executioner dude
  14. As long as GW keeps the Warscrolls around its cool. You can use 3rd party models etc.
  15. I'd be fine with standard Greenskinz being fused into Ironjawz . As is IJ are currently a mid-elite army. You can do a 1200 force of just under 30 models by focusing on Brutes and Gruntas. And at 62 models with Ardboyz. Throw in ordinary Greenskinz though as your chaff and suddenly you can REALLY swarm your foes. Go with Greenskin Warriors, Bowmen, Boar Riders and Warboss. Bowmen can be made with Bonesplitter bitz, Boar Riders can open up a all mounted list with a Grunta Megaboss and the Warboss can buff non Brute/Grunta units and also do his Waaagh.
  16. All I want from a battletome. Fuse the Artillery back in Give me some kind of movement buff Change them from a horde
  17. Except kill team didnt start with a bunch of new kits so its kind of an irrelevant comparison.
  18. If the non chaos warbands are just old models thats super lame. Dont go ape with new kits then lazily just go "Oh yeah theres 3 other GA, just give 'em some reboxes"
  19. I mean the REAL big issue with Fyreslayers is their horrible IRL pricing. The book can maybe alleviate it by changing them to a mid-elite army ala Ironjawz instead of a semi horde army that they are atm but aside from that you can't sell me them.
  20. The issue imo with the Fellwaters is the Feet conection and the assembly/gap areas
  21. As a guy with 7000pts of Dispossesed gathering dust any kind of buff would be nice since their current playstyle is boring and difficult (Shoot shoot shoot or teleport shoot)
  22. Yeah, the Tourney hounds are a pretty miserable bunch over this new box. Whining about points etc ignoring all the new incredible sculpts. Though some (New obliterators and floaty autocannon dudes) aren't exactly my cup of tea.
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