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Everything posted by Frowny

  1. I think it likely that the prayers get limited to 1 of each per turn. That seems to be the case with other new prayer disciplines as well as with all spells. It would also limit some of the more abusive situations, like stacking +3 save on something and making it immortal. I think this would be an improvement.
  2. Brief more tactical question: How have people felt about the Slaves battalions? They don't quite seem generally useful enough for their cost to me... The extra fight phase seems the most useful, but limiting it to heroes/monsters makes it a bit hit-or-miss The laser cannon shrine is only ~4 mortals per turn even if you max it out. Does get you a 1 drop battalion though. The MW on extra charge seems the also a bit situational. RAW it appears like you could use it once everyone is already stuck in to do d3/d6 MW to everything you are already fighting. Maybe useful later in the game? But still ~10 MW seems a steep price. There also aren't a ton of useful artifacts and the command points are better bought just as is.
  3. I think you all are forgetting how many new kits the 3 prior foretold factions are getting. Nighthaunt used 3 existing kits but got 4 infantry kits, another 5 heroes and the black coach, about 10 kits total. Sacrosanct got sequitors, castigators, Evocators (mounted and unmounted), the ballista and 4 heroes (ordinator and like 3 varients of Lord arcanum) is almost 10 kits again Gloomspite got manglers, loonboss, 2 squig kits, the multishamans, trolls, trogboss, new fanatics, the snufflers, for again about 10 kits, some with multibuild options. I think there will be quite a few...
  4. For new kits I'm betting New warhounds (see hound in the new warband) Marauder GW/shield+handweapon dual kit Marauder javelin/bow kit Marauder horseman Foot chosen/varanguard of some sort New centerpiece of some sort (people riding something) A few new characters of different sorts, at least 1 is a wizard
  5. For sure split the revenants I to 2x5. Gives you more options to infiltrate. I've also found that revenants have diminishing returns after the objective grab so you could drip 5 for an additional 10 dryads.
  6. Hey everyone. Just git my tush handed to me last game with some poor positioning yesterday but it brought up some questions: I am a 1 drop army with gnarlroot. I always take first turn so I can place my woods but this almost always leads to a very weak turn 1. I tend to just turtle up and wait for the onslaught on their turn 1. I'm out of range of most spells and it doesn't feel worth it exposing myself to risky t1 charges that would set the opponent up perfectly. But then I find my opponent often gets the first blow since Ive moved up slightly into charge range. Not to mention they get first go at the double turn, which is occasionally devastating. Any thoughts on going second with sylvaneth? Going second in general seemsuch stronger on aos than going first... Alternatively, maybe with some. Endless spells I could at least do damage on my turn 1 instead of taking on a full army on their turns on the opponents t1? Or maybe more dryads just to take hits? Other observations: 1 treelord ancients are ok but never seem to actually do that much. They are fine but a little to much a little bit of everytning and truely good at nothing... 2 dryads are amazing every game. I think I need more 3 revenants just don't much. Quite fragile for the efficacy. Maybe I just need 1 squad for the objective grab...
  7. The new rumor mill whip could easily be darkoath. Might be slaanesh though although I think it's a bit more real than a slaanesh one
  8. I agree with everyone else that some sort of generic humans dwarves and elves are a super necessary release. They may not be the most popular or the most sexy but they definitely provide a context that is currently lacking. Rampaging hordes need things to attack, chaos needs something to corrupt, necromancer's need bodies to ressurrect and God warriorz need something to defend after all. Without, it just feels kinda empty. While more other cool armies may be individually more exciting and will sell better, I think the IP as a whole needs a generic faction or 2. They could even roll a ton of them into one as 'generic spearmen' and swordemen and archers usable by any faction. Maybe with extra allegience abilities if you so want. And then you could use whatever models you wanted. But currently the IP needs a foundation
  9. Brief question: if you are running a battalion like winterleaf or harvestboon, do summoned dryads from a branchwraith or summoned anything from alarielle and whatnot gain the battalion benefit? Rules as written I might think no but rules as intended maybe yes?
  10. But such a list already as 9 casts.... (alarielle 3, ancient 2, wych 2, wraith 2?) I think? Maybe I should use the last 80 for endless spells. Cogs+swords or shackles+swords+geminids, for example.
  11. But casting 2 spells per turn already, its hard to imagine I need another caster....
  12. Finally getting myself to 2000 points and looking for some list advice Leaders 600 Alarielle- 300 Treelord Ancient - Warsinger, Acorn of the ages 80 Branchwraith - Ranu's 80 Branchwych - Circlet Battleline 270 Dryads x30 80 Tree revenants x5 80 Tree revenants x5 Others 200 Kurnoth Hunters x3 100 Household 130 Gnarleroot 1920 Chief questions what I do with the last 80 points..... Thoughts? I really want to fit in more dryads if I can manage it somehow, but I guess just summoning may be enough. would I be better with the gnarled warrior combo on the treelord rather than the more supporty one?
  13. That also looks lovely. The rider is a bloodletters?
  14. @Twh30 Looking at your list, it looks a little all over the place. MAybe you can let us know how you plan to use it? For example, you have a A GUO, but no demons to buff. You could consider exchanging the GUO for the glottkin (and maybe drop some chaos wariors), whose command can buff the maurauders. I see you have the gutrot+blightkings to infiltrate and try to take out backfield targets. But then what are the nurglings for? And the chaos knights seem to be lacking a role as well. But maybe I'm missing something.
  15. Can you please keep posting these? I have so many ideas about a slaves to darkness malal themed army but can't seem to set myself in a single direction
  16. Malice is the god of self loathing. The khorne worshippers last nagging shred of a soul hating itself for every additional skull. The pathetic shrivelled idea inside that slaaneshi pleasure cultist that maybe visceral satisfaction as the only end is a terrible and wretched goal. The idea is solid.... Never really made much sense as an embodieid God though.. Holy cow is that beautiful. Tzaangor body? Where did you get the head and shield? That is a chaos Lord?
  17. I too have thought about this. For the minor demons / hooked horrors, I was thinking crypt flayers with tzaangor heads and genestealer arms like. I'd run them as demonettes or bloodletters I think. Just so bad at painting white that I've been hesitant to try it
  18. I'm just starting to get into sylvaneth with a 1000 points list. Any advice? Just looking to try things so I know where to move next and what to invest in 1 treelord ancient 1 branchwraith ( or branchwych) 30x dryads 5x spite revenants 5x tree revenants 3x kurnoth hunters Any thoughts? Branchwych or wraith? or drop the revenants for both ? Thoughts on command trait? Artifact? How is a treelord ancient at such low points? He doesn't look like he hits very hard.
  19. 7x tusgor chariots also seem very strong, just to charge in an explode. Similarly centigores go great with blades of putrefaction and aren't bad on their own either Some questions for you all: I'm looking to get a single big mob of something to go with a glottkin. Choices are maurauders (terrible models) or plague monks. Any thoughts on which is better with it? Plague monks seem like they do substantially more damage and despite the lack of save, really aren't that much less sturdy. Also way better models, although not battleline....
  20. Hey there. I have a mostly knights slaves to darkness that I was thinking of using to try me some nurgle. Of the allegiences it seems like it has a good mix of sturdy spells and hitting unlike the other marked groups. Especially the glotkin seems interesting since he gets 2 spells and has a very useful seeing command ability. Bit then I'd be tempted to get into infantry, since chaos warriors are just worse than basically everything else... I think there was a big analysis on page 40 or so that was very helpful I was therefore considrering either Marauders or plague monks. Any thoughts on which go better with a glottkin? The maurauders have terrible models which is a bit of a negative.... Maybe I would use the kairic acolyte models.
  21. They are my biggest worry getting more into sylvaneth. They are more expensive than actually getting the army! And see very hard to transport since they are quite bulky. I'm thinking of buying one and some mousepad material and cutting out several other bases. Possibly magnetize some trees on there so I can transport them more easily.
  22. Any answers to my other questions? What god do I dedicate my mostly knights forces to ? I'm leaning toward slaanesh or nurgle at this point, but could be convinced another way. The slaves ruleset itself doesn't feel the most exciting...... Why do people like Dark Power on the sorcerer? He is so expensive you could get another unit of almost anything that you'd be thinking of buffing. I guess its better if you have a giant block of something, but its hard imagine the buff does more than 10 more warriors or 5 more knights....
  23. Hey everyone I just finally finished my first 1000 points of slaves to darkness, running mostly chaos knights, which I think just have the best models. However, the slaves rulesset itself seems a little bit unexciting. Rerolling 1's just doesn't seem to do much and trying to keep my units near the mediocre heroes is kinda fiddly. I was therefore thinking of switching to one of the 4 gods. I also have several questions for you all. 1) Any thoughts on when the new darkoath might come out? given I like the cavalry theme, I'm thinking some maurauder horsemen might fit well but I wouldn't want to invest until I know they aren't getting a rules update or model update to make my decision on 2) Why do people seem to like the chaos sorcerer so much? rerolling 1's to hit and wound is nice but increases efficiency of a unit by ~30-40% depending on their base stats, and their defence by ~16%. But he costs as much as a whole unit of knights, which would of course boost offensive output 100% and defense the same! At least at the 1000 point level, he just doesn't seem worth it. But maybe I'm missing something? 3) Gorebeast chariot vs. more knights. He just doesn't see to do quite as much as the knights, even when I roll high enough to get the charge bonus. I guess the mortal wounds on charge are useful, but the kind of target that it is best against (hordes) aren't always the kind you need mortal wounds against. 4) What dark god to dedicate to? I will probably not branch out into any of the specialty miniatures and just keep it straight Slaves to Darkness for now, but the different rules seem much stronger. I'm kinda leaning toward nurgle and slaanesh. Thanks for any help
  24. Ok .... Just getting into sylvaneth and trying to figure out what to buy next So far 1x tree Lord ancient 1x branchwraith 1x branchwych 29x dryads ( used one for converting...) 10 tree revenants I guess the next step would be some kurnoth hunters? More dryads? Alternatively allarielle looks really fun to paint although probably doesn't bring much until I have a bigger army. Thanks for any help
  25. I think the general consensus is that regular chariots don't add much. Compared to 5 horsemen they have less wounds and less attacks. You could consider more gorebeasts. I might also consider getting you some of your knights the Lances. Gives you a prime Target to buff on the charge and then you can switch over to the regular ones the second turn. Additionally a small objectives camper squad might also be nice
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