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Everything posted by Homer72

  1. Thanks a thousand times!!! I hope this will come true very soon. We need this new battletome and some ugly and slimy endless spells;) And Nurglings should be battleline....
  2. Maybe there is a little Tzeentch influence, maybe the tribes shaman summonend randomly some blue horrors? cool stuff anyway.
  3. This is a very cool project. I' m looking forward with great glee for a future battle report and hopefully victory of the chaos dwarves
  4. Do you have any photos of your Pestigors? I will try to make some conversions from gors and blightkings sprues. I need some inspiration
  5. It could be the Pestilence Throng Bataillon from the BoC Tome but i think this counts not for Blightkings only for the BoC Troops with the nurgle keyword?
  6. Hello, are you a german native speaker? If yes, we could to this in german. If not, i will try my best in english;)
  7. I think it is a good advice to take the cultists as marauders. They look just great! Then he will have his battline units and nice models.
  8. Or you can take BoC Monster like a Cygor or a Ghorgon. Or a chaos giant they all look awesome.
  9. Why won't you mix them , Marauders and PBK? Push the Marauders forward and follow with PBK.
  10. Thanks. I would play both, 2x10 PBK and 1x40 Marauders and 1x15 Chaos Warriors that will your opponent give a lot of rotten flesh to chew through;)
  11. Hello, I beg your pardon, i'm not a native english speaker(german). What does "spam" means in this context?
  12. Hello, great idea. That is a very good paint job. If you want to have more abominations you could take also beasts of Nurgle, Chaos spawns or maybe horticolous slimux. Do you want to play or (just) built and paint? List building is another matter then.
  13. Nice list, but I think the great unclean one can't take the Blades of putrefaction spell. He is a demon and that is not a demon spell!
  14. This list looks promising, i am just lacking the glottkin:( But I think I will prox them somehow.
  15. I am really pleased, with your idea of a nurgling based list. It is such a pity that they are no batteline in a Nurgle army!! I like to use them in a "sixpack" and make a deepstrike with them. They are always a thorn in the flesh of my enemies:)
  16. Thank you for your post. I've wanted to play a GA Chaos army long before the Chaos Ascendent Armay was an Option. I like the idea with morbidex, the nurglings and the contorted epitome most. I will definitely try it. May be some day, i will report my experience with it.
  17. Hello i am looking for your GA Chaos army lists. Please post them here. What was your experience whith it? What was your enemy playing? How did you get along whith it. I am not looking for a top or competitive army. Just for fun. I would like to combine Nurgle , with Khorne and some Bullgors. What do you think about it?
  18. I think a converted gorebeast (from the slaves to darkness chariot) could also look awesome as a Beasts of Nurgle. I think i will try this by myself.
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