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Everything posted by Bululu

  1. I like it a lot, i would probably switch one of 12 gluttons to a frost lord on stonehorn so you have some melee rend and a distractive carnifex, but i think it will work great you probably will encounter difficult on high armor targets if they can deal with your ironblasters soon enough, like maybe petrifex with catapults though.
  2. Yes, you might be right i treated the rules on core book as single unit because they were written as "a unit can garrison a terrain feature" and i implied that "a unit" as "a single unit" wich i probably did wrong.
  3. oh i see the weirnob maniak didnt know about that one :D
  4. Thanks i was just going to ask for point number 1, as i thought that wardokk could only buff bonesplitterz and weirnob is ironjawz.
  5. Multiple models is no problem i mean multiple units, as for now stegadons are single model units so that its why i doubt you can get 2 inside, but nothing prevents you from gettin a unit of 20 skinks in. The wound limit would prevent you from getting lets say a unit of 40 saurus warriors in it. But yes i agree that the text hints you for multiple unit as i dont know for now any unit that has a wizard on it on seraphon ( a unit that consists of more than 1 model i mean).
  6. im not really sure, de spelling seems to let you think that with the "if one of them is a wizard..." but for now core rules state that only one unit can be garrison in a terrain at the same time so i have my doubts.
  7. Hi, im intrigued dual self healing FL? how does the ethereal amulet one self heal?
  8. Umm what about, remove goremand break the 4x frost sabres into 2 units of 2x frostsabres, get skal battalion remove the 4x leadbelcher, drop balewind and with the 400 points get an extra 12x gluttons ?
  9. Wow, basically same list i posted here a while ago, im sad it didnt work well , btw mate you cant have duplicate mount traits on the list so youll have to change second metalcruncher to other thing
  10. Nice! didnt know that one! that opens some more list for me that i didnt thought off!
  11. Is that list even legit? i mean i think you only have 1 battleline, the frost sabres as your general is a the icebrow hunter. Mourfang and stonehorn are only battleline if your general is a beastclaw raider. You could somehow fix it by moving the general to one of the stonehorns and breaking the mournfang in 2x2 units
  12. So what now guys, is alarielle worthy again at 600 points, any new sweet lists with all that point reductions to trees and the goddess herself? They really showed some love to sylvaneth this december
  13. Did you forgot a battalion on second list? cause you cant use trophy without it
  14. isnt it better to remove the 3 glutton unit in exchange of a unit of gnoblars and 2 frost sabres for screening/disturbing
  15. Yeah thats a good option too, quite more efficient duo there ill think about it thanks
  16. Hey guys, What do you think about this, is it a bit too much? too little objective grabbers? or you think it will be ok? Probably worst part is the lack of Screens unless i screen with ironguts/leadbelchers for alpha - Butcher stays on cauldron gives extra dmg to one of the stonehorns that then goes charging around - Slaughtermaster goes with the gluttons for the heavy objective grabbing, sniping low heroes and giving the pile in 6 to glutton and repeat wound rolls +1 attack and double cauldron. - Ironguts and Leadbelchers go for secondary objective controllers / support - Ethereal amulet FL goes on his own killing threats or solid objective grabber - Splatter FL goes support, flanking with gluttons or helping leadbelchers/ironguts in securing secondary objectives/healing or destroying Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes - Mawtribe: Bloodgullet Mortal Realm: Shyish Leaders Frostlord on Stonehorn (400) - Artefact: Ethereal Amulet - Mount Trait: Metalcruncher Frostlord on Stonehorn (400) - Artefact: Splatter-cleaver - Mount Trait: Black Clatterhorn Slaughtermaster (140) - General - Trait: Nice Drop of the Red Stuff! - Lore of Gutmagic: Blood Feast, Fleshcrave Curse Butcher (140) - Cleaver - Lore of Gutmagic: Molten Entrails, Greasy Deluge Battleline 12 x Ogor Gluttons (400) - Clubs or Blades with Iron Fists 4 x Leadbelchers (160) 4 x Ironguts (220) Battalions Goremand (140) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 120
  17. Seraphon, for example can only make points from 2 sources, Slann and Astrolith, and they basically bring those two to every list as they are 420 points, i believe slanessh can make quite and output on meeting endgagement too, and maybe tzeentch (i dont really know how this one works)
  18. For me, i like the format, but it needs to deal with some things like summoning armies. Especially the ones that can summon the same at 2k games as at <= 1k games. Summoning not only breaks all kind of restrictions (size limit, same unit duplicates, behemots, etc) but it also breaks the scalated deployment.
  19. Its not as good as it looks, you need to be wholy within 3'' of the boat, so probably max 10-20 32'' minis and you would have to leave a perfect whole on the middle of the unit to summon the spell there...
  20. This has nothing to do with khorne, i mean it applies on priest warscroll prayers for example you know both the bloodboil and the move the enemy unit one, and you can only chant one of those per turn. There is nothing new here. The judgements and the bloodblessings are chanted apart due to their own warscroll rules, for a full explanation i will redirect to a reply i made long ago, i hope it helps you understand it. https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/22132-slaughterpriest-bloodfuelled-prayers-and-blood-blessings/#comment-324483
  21. Judgements are not like endless spells, they work completly different, they get autodispelled at end of round at 66% or 50% chance at best, they get casted in a different way, its like saying that normal prayers should be treated as normal spells, there is just no correlation. I dont see the point for them been treated as endless spells if they are a completely different thing. Besides repeating the cast means the slaughter priests are close to the altar (wholy within 8'') and the range is pretty low with drop on 8'' and move another 8''. Cant say anything about fireslayers as i havent read them yet
  22. i think he means you loose the command trait and thats all
  23. Here you get one more, That is the 2x attack of FEC allegiance command ability, written as that you could only use it on same unit once in a game, and the last phrace is superfluous. With that example i can show you that when they use the combat phase they mean the actual running phase and not a whole . But i agree a "this combat phase" would be better
  24. Yes mate, i sure did have a great fun, and yeah i plan trying the bloodlord trio + 2 cannons to a competitive list for next tournament, i think it can do a pretty good job. I have yet to mount my karanak and hounds and i only have 5 but definitely want to give them some tries
  25. Combination of bad hit, none six on wound or nighthaunt ethereal passing armor tests, etc. I mean BT can be destructive but it is very irregular, can make carnage or can do nothing, that is pretty spread on the battletome with multiple "on unmodified 6 bla bla" we lost some raw power in exchange of gambling power i guess
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