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Everything posted by Warbossironteef

  1. Awesome to see you painting again. Those fire guys are amazing. Great affect!
  2. Gnarlroot seems like it got a buff with TLA and Alarielle getting cheaper. Now that the "combo" is cheaper it seems like Gnarlroot TLA + Gyrstrike Durthu is a decent option. Pair them together and you get extra wyldwood for more opportunites to get extra attacks, 2 stomps, reroll 1s to hit on Durthu, possibly d9 wounds healed if you take Regrowth and the +6 after save if you have a command point. Not bad now that it's 80 points less.
  3. Is Alarielle back!? Point changes seem nice. Any changes to rules?
  4. Do we think Ogor Mawtribes will be adjusted at all with the Winter FAQ? I'd like to see Thundertusks drop in points so they are more playable.
  5. Thanks for sharing! I'm taking that idea to heart with the below list. The Huskard on TT is there to support the Stonehorns and like you said, to also control objectives. The Ironguts are there to control the midfield and to cleanup after the Stonehorns. I think it creates a lot of problems for your opponents. The 8 man Ironguts cannot be ignored. If they get a charge off at full strength, they are a force. Big screening armies will be a struggle but I think it has tools to compete with most lists.
  6. How does everyone here rate Huskard on Thundertusk in Boulderhead with Alvagr Ancient? It seems like a decent support piece for your FLOSH. It's prayer isn't super reliable but on turns where you roll decent with your Ice and prayer + Vulture it splashes a decent amount of mortal wounds. It also brings some strike last support.
  7. IMO I would go either for speed or tankiness. I'd consider trading the amulet for Thermalrider cloak. The speed and FLY are big. That's just my personal taste. I want him to get to the fight healthier (amulet) or get there faster.
  8. Yeah I'm just waiting for my Wolves (frost sabres) to arrive then I'm putting it on the table. I'm going to breakout 2 more Sabres from the 10xman unit to have another screening/obj unit. I think it has balance. The Command points are actually really powerful on FLOSH. You can give him reroll 1's to his save and hits, both are super valuable on an Ethereal 400 point monster.
  9. You can find Airbrush Varnish from Vallejo. You can also find Gloss and Matt Varnishes in rattle cans. Gloss or Satin Varnish is better for what I was talking about it because it breaks up the surface tension and helps the wash run into the recesses and not stain or obscure your airbrush work. Glazes are basically super thin washes that are applied very lightly (not a lot on your brush). It helps to bring together color transitions and tones down the “airbrushed” look to things. It’s definitely a skill worth working on and it’s not too hard once you figure out the right consistency! If you're looking for a fast way to get some wash into the muscles and shadows of your Savage Orruks I'd suggest gloss varnish your minis and then mixup a simple black/dark green oil wash. It's quick to apply and then you clean up any stains on the surface areaswith a q-tip. Again, another useful skill to practice!
  10. What do you guys think about a list like this? No Tribe, but a mixed army. It gives you screen, anvil unit in 12xOgors and some movement/ambush. Do you think the Tyrant is worth it in this list or would a Butcher be better? Frostlord on Stonehorn (400) - Ethereal Amulet, Black Clatterhorns Tyrant (160) Icebrow Hunter (120) - Winter Ranger, Kattarnak Browplate 20 x Gnoblars (100) 8 x Ironguts (440) 12 x Ogor Gluttons (400) 10 x Frost Sabres (200) 2 x Frost Sabres (40) 2 x Frost Sabres (40) Skal (100) 2000/2000
  11. Pretty hyped about the idea of this list. My Brutes are in the mail. It's my take on a balanced, TAC Big Waagh list. It has moventment, shooting, magic/antihorde and combat tricks. Updated list. Move to 1 Warchanter and more screening units of Orruks. I think this is the list for me. It has it all. What do you think? Wurrgog Prophet (160) -Boneybits Orruk Megaboss (150) - General -Bruttish Cunning -Thermalrider Cloak Maniak Weirdnob (120) Orruk Warchanter (110) Savage Big Boss (100) UNITS 20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (240) 10 x Savage Orruks (120) 10 x Savage Orruks (120) 6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320) 15 x Ardboyz (270) 5 x Orruk Brutes (140) BATTALIONS Kunnin' Rukk (140) 1990/2000
  12. Nice airbrush work. Just a thought, but I would suggest gloss coating them and putting a glaze on them. It will smooth out and tone done the "airbrushed" looked and provide some depth. I use a simple oil wash from cheap oil paint and it's super easy to clean up your mistakes with some spirits. Nice work though!
  13. Nice list. I would consider building them, or practicing with them, as Maniak Boarboyz. More attacks and better bravery. They are really good at cleaning chaff for your hard hitters and harassing back field units and heroes. Just my two cents! You could easily cut the Palisade for the points.
  14. Thanks for the pictures. Maybe with some greenstuff I can reposition. I'm going to give it a try. I'm not a fan of Mournfang and I have 8 on the way.
  15. Has anyone ever converted the Mournfang Riders into Ironguts? I know they are kinda of crouched down and in a sitting pose but do you think it's possible?
  16. How people had a chance to run double Frostlord on Stonehorn? As someone interested in lower model count army I was wondering how viable that type of a list would be.
  17. I'm not familar with Disciples so I'm coming to you great people. If someone forced you to build a list around 3 Soul Grinders how would you start? Are there ways to buff them? I'd really like to do something different for my next project.
  18. Kop Rukk requires 2xWardokks. Kunnin Rukk is still awesome. It's totally viable and you should try it out. Building 30x40 Arrowboys isn't a bad way to start. You will most likely include them in most of you lists. Like a lot of pure BS lists, you will struggle a bit with high armored units. Drakkfoot will help with the after saves but you still lack rend/mortals. That's why I've been leaning on my Rogue Idol more and also looking to expand into Big Waaggh. What you have isn't a bad start. 2x boxes of boys can get you 30x Arrowboys, 4x Big Stabbas and 2x Converted Wardokks (720 points!) I even converted a Maniak Weirdnob from the boys, you just need a mount for him. From there you can buy a box of Boars and a Wurgog and you have a really solid start to a Pure BS list or even Big Waggh.
  19. Same issue. That's one of the only weaknesses for the book. Good old Orruks are only 80 points! Other than that, next cheapest with decent bravery would be 5 Ardboyz or 10 Savage Orruk Morboys. Options are limited.
  20. I made one from an Orruk, customized a Boarboy Totem, used a squiq from a 40k Ork boss pole ($2 on eBay) and then put him on a OOP Coldone. I am working on some conversions for my Big Waggh army where the Gore Gruntas are "Dino-boyz," so it will fit in with my army. I hate Gore Grunta models so much. Those giant pig faces are so stupid IMO.
  21. You will want 3-4 boxes of Savage Orruks to start. From those boxes you can convert and build Wardokks, a Warboss and even Maniak Weirdnob if you have a mount for him. It also gets you access to the bread and butter of the army, Orruks and Arrowboyz. Not every army will use Big Stabbas but they are still really good. From 4 boxes you can get 60+ battleline, 2-4 heroes and some Big stabbas. Boars are good value for their price. You typically will be running them in units of 10 so one box is all you need for a whole unit. Maniaks make great flankers and line breakers. Regular Boarboys can do some damage on the charge but are probably used more as mobile anvils, objective grabbers. The thing is, the Maniaks have better bravery. I use Maniaks and they do their job well.
  22. Do you think Kunnin Ruk and Idol has legs? I was thinking something like the below in Icebone. You could use Morboys instead of Savage Orruks but it does keep your drop a little lower. You screen with your Orruks and try to get the most out of your Kunnin Ruk and then your Idol is counter charge and Boarboys are objective grabbers/backfield threat. The biggest questions for me are, is the Rogue Idol worth it? Should the Wurrgog just be 2 more Wardokks? Wurrgog Prophet (160) Maniak Weirdnob (120) Savage Big Boss (100) Wardokk (80) 20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (240) 20 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (240) 10 x Savage Orruks (or Morboys) (120) - Chompas 10 x Savage Orruks (or Morboys) (120) - Chompas 10 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (280) BEHEMOTHS Rogue Idol (400) BATTALIONS Kunnin' Rukk (140) TOTAL: 2000/2000
  23. Hi Enwolved, you picked a get army to start! Splitterz are the best. At 1000 points we can put a ton of wounds on the board, which is one of our biggest strengths. If you are going all in Boars I wouldn't bring the Savage Big Boss. He will struggle to keep up. Boarboyz v,.s. Boarboyz Maniaks is an interesting choice. Maniaks are a little better in combat and are less reliant on buffs. Regular BB's can be buffed to a +3 in combat and can actually be a mobile anvil. Both struggle with higher armored units, even in IceBone. IMO the best 1K Bonesplitter lists will probably have a 30 block of Savage Orruks with Stikkas. 60 wounds that can be buffed to a +3 in combat. You could fit in a unit of 10 BB Maniaks and then fill in the rest from there. Another thing to think about is if the Wurgogg is worth it at 1K. Depending on the list, a BB Weirdnob might be a better option. IMO the below is best way to start collecting a 1k list. Only 3 boxes and it gets you your whole list. You can easily convert Orruks into a Wardokk and Weirdnob (I used a OOP Cold One mount and a Squig from a 40k Nob boss pole for my Weirdnob) 2x boxes of Orruks 1x box of Boarboys -Maniak Weirdnob -Wardokk -4x Big Stabbas -10x BB Maniaks -30x Orruks with Stikas 117 Wounds 980/1000 Lastly, there has been a lot of talk about how good the Rogue Idol can be, so look back through some pages and you'll find lots of info. Hopefully some of that is useful for you!
  24. The warchanter buff on Rogue Idol is awesome but it is a super expensive investment. 510 points for those 2 models. If you take both you really need to get work out of it because it's 1/4 of your army!
  25. I have only a few games with the new book but I have also been enjoying the Maniak Boarboyz. My only worry is that in Drakkfoot your list would struggle with high armor armies ( Ironjaws, Fyreslayers, Ossiarch Bonereapers, Stormcast, etc). I really think Maniak Boarboys really shine in Icebone. With Icebone you also get your choice of Command Trait, so you could move them 8 inches pregame instead of 5 If I were you I'd also test out the Rogue Idol in your list. You could drop the Stabbas, Snaga Rukk and BWV then trade in one of your Weirdnobs for a Wardokk and you could run the Idol. Something to consider!
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