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Everything posted by whispersofblood

  1. Don't feel compelled to charge, sometimes its better to just Move+Run over his lines and land in his backfield. I think we might be heading to a meta where ishlaen provide a little more utility than straight morrsarr. Also consider malevolent maelstrom for extra unbinds.
  2. The question isn't being in game having the shooting to do it and not doing it. The question is in the list building phase what do you give up to one shot a KoS. Especially considering that the same shooting won't necessarily work against any of the other big gribblies you are afraid of. GKoTG, Warpseer, etc. So I would say its a meta call, do you expect to play HoS multiple times an event? Maybe its worth having the ability to one-shot a KoS. If we are being totally honest though if you are looking to play in a legit 40+ player GT and bringing SCE outside round 1 or 2 you probably will never see HoS anyway.
  3. A bladebringer on seeker chariot doesn't degrade, so yes you would be right that if you have started damaging it then yes its best to finish it unless you have some way to finish it before it can activate in combat. But the KoS specifically drops from doing a max of 21 dmg per activation to 13 max dmg after taking 7 wounds. After that the return per wound done to the KoS is much worse. At that point its perfectly fightable with a decent combat unit. Therefore given how powerful combat options are generally vs a shooting option, you will significantly decrease the ability of your army to fight and most importantly move if you invest in shooting enough to one shot all the things you are scared of, and you are just one ragged cloak away from being out of options.
  4. Don't know. I was at the event so I walked around and looked at the other HoS armies.
  5. Increase the offensive power on basically every unit that isn't a marauder. Bring Monsters of chaos and daemons of chaos in-house.
  6. You don't need to one shot things... This is the mentality that is letting combat monster builds run rampant. You don't need to amass so much shooting so as to kill them in a volley. And, anything less than that is worthless. You just need to always be doing dmg so that when they fight a) they are weaker, therefore kill less and b) they are easier to finish off or further bracket when they do reach combat making activation choices difficult for the controlling player. HoS are even more vulnerable to this as they want you to spike dmg so they can get their Depravity in all at once and have it available to spend.
  7. Honestly you don't need that much shooting in your list to give Slaanesh a problem. 6 longstrikes with some mobility would be enough.
  8. What's interesting is that all the builds were kind of different.
  9. The main problem you are going to have with StD is using the KoS as anything other than a solo beat stick, and Battalions. On one hand you can get all your heroes into one drop, which is handy. But I would focus and mostly maximizing StD synergies and that you will probably not operate as powerfully as a Hedonite army would.
  10. Models are sold as models first and gaming pieces second. That has been GW policy for several decades now. It's also just as likely that they sold their stock out and aren't making anymore gitmob stuff, and given the demand of their actual modern product line as a shareholder I would be personally grieved if they spent resources on gitmob when they could be spamming GKoTG and making me a return on my investment. Which they are legally bound to do as a publicly traded company.
  11. This is true of any faction really. The drop off from a 4-1 build and a 3-2 build in power is titanic. What you are mostly pointing out is that lack of variety in 4-1 build strategy potential, which I would agree a legit concern. I would argue that desolators are quality in ghb19 and are probably a 4-1 strategy piece. Almost no faction operates in a multi discipline space like SCE with competitive shooting and combat builds.
  12. My impression about BoC after drafting them into my HoS is that the BoC units are actually are very good units, they are just lacking the punchy allegiance abilities and keyword hero support that the other Chaos Factions have in spades.
  13. Its at the end of the charge phase, so if you are careful you can definitely play around it. Obviously it stops charging and killing the GD itself, but consider Locus the KoS defensive rule. Locus is also negated by charging with a fight at start of phase model, since Locus and fight at start of phase negate (this is specific to Locus), and it is your turn you get to pick who fights first.
  14. That is just not true about Slaanesh. Each Hedonite hero (which is just the hedonite keyword so heroes in the book) can locus 1 unit. And, if it fails no other HoS can attempt to locus the same unit.
  15. Did you not know how it worked before hand?This strategy was a fail before any dice were rolled. Since the GKoTG has to either go at start of phase of activate normally, and feeding frenzy is immediate you have a few options. Charge with chaff, have your hammer unit positioned so that if he piles in for feeding frenzy he is within 3" of the hammer. Remove models from the chaff unit so that if he wants to fight again he must pile in. Ard'boyz are great for this by the way, cheapish, 20 wounds, decent defence 4+6++, a GKoTG can't for sure kill them all without feeding frenzy. If he doesn't feeding frenzy he is locked in combat in his turn, not letting him target your juicy units, if he does he pulls the whole hammer unit in. Both situations are a win for you.
  16. GW said to ignore those restrictions for the time being on their Facebook page.
  17. This is what I would define as using math to reach a pitifully low level of analysis, to trick yourself into think you did a deep dive. In Khorne Archaon can get, with no interactivity from your opponent +2 Attacks to each profile (one being a cmd ability) +1 to hit rr failed hits +3 to run and charge rolls rr wounds (not failed wounds so you can fish for 6s) +1 save Run and charge He also has the daemon keyword so he can use: Leave None Alive (to fight twice like a GKoTG), also as skullreapers a failed BS test results in 2+d3 models fleeing combat Rejoice in Slaughter (6" pile in, and activation) RR charge rolls RR hit rolls Blood tithe (which can be used in either players hero phase) out of phase movement (hugely flexible) fight in the hero phase That is a huge variety of buffs to his warscroll
  18. I agree that its a huge first step, but margins matter especially on whatever data point you want to put out there as the objective measure of quality. I think at one point they said they had got a calculation on a player skill multiplier I would like to see that number being taken into account as well. Lets move into some advanced stats, so we can properly nerd out over this stuff.
  19. He can take all the Khorne buffs no? That is an impressive variety of bonuses. Warscrolls are just the beginning. Even just double pile-in is pretty big deal. And, his output is reliable which nothing in the book really does as far as I can tell, and brings a lot that Khorne currently doesn't have. Warscroll battalion
  20. The appropriate reaction to the amount of killing power is some sort of MSU, and WSBs. But that requires you to have pieces that are actually singularly powerful. I don't know if BoK have those pieces. I think Archaon is probably a good start though.
  21. This is a fundamental problem I have with LLV's stats on the honest wargamer. If win percentage is the measure of a faction's quality how are we not measuring the quality of those wins. Because regardless of what you may say there is a difference between a faction that closely loses 55% of its games, and a faction that has no chance of victory in 55% of its games qualitatively. If for example we find out that FEC is winning most of its games by between 2-5 points. Regardless of how it might feel, small point increases might actually do the job AND the faction keeps all its interesting mechanisms.
  22. I think there are truths about high level competition that people don't want to accept. People who are good at things understand there are other people who are good at things. The best strategy in competition is to not let the opponent do the things they are good at. The underlying nature of competition is specifically a lack of interactivity. AoS actually tries to curb the excesses in this regard but by building lists to be competitive you almost instinctively max out in aspects that decrease interactivity. Low drops High movement Ranged damage Early activations Deathstars Out of unbind range magic MSU Fly Bracketing All these things are concepts or abilities lauded in competition, and all specifically because they decrease the opponent's ability to influence the game. We see it sports where you keep possession of the ball, the aggressive press, or persistent fouling, etc.
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