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Everything posted by Isotop

  1. Simply click on "Sort by date" below the original question.
  2. You still have to bend things to make your explanation correct. You say unit name = title on the warscroll, don´t you? The Gaunt Summoner warscroll says: "Choose 1 unit from the following list: • 10 Pink Horrors • 10 Bloodletters • 10 Plaguebearers • 10 Daemonettes • 6 Furies" (https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls//aos_Gaunt_Summoner_eng.pdf). There are basically two different ways of understanding this rules text: A: The objects listed ("10 Pink Horrors", "10 Bloodletters", ...) have to exactly match a warscrolls title. or B: Formalizing, for example, "10 Bloodletters" into "X N". We then get to summon a unit consisting of X(number of models) N(kind of model). I think it is pretty easy to see that A is not really possible (without bending the rules text). Therefore B has to be the way to go. Following B, there is no problem in summoning a unit with a model quantity of 10 and model type Pink Horror. Fell free to explain to me how A could be possible without bending/over-interpreting the rules text or show me another interpretation C that makes sense.
  3. It does work: "Q: Sometimes a spell will have an area of effect (e.g. all models from a unit that are within 18" of the caster, or all models within 3" of a point on the battlefield that is within 24" of the caster). If an ability increases the range of the spell, is the size of this area of effect increased by the same amount as the range is increased? A: If the area of effect is measured from the caster, yes. If the area of effect is measured from a point on the battlefield, no – the ability will increase the range to the point on the battlefield instead. To carry on your example, if an ability increased the range of a spell by 6", then in the first case the spell would affect all the models from the unit that were within 24" of the caster instead of 18", while in the second case the range of the point on the battlefield would be 30" instead of 24" but the spell would still only affect models within 3" of that point. Note that if area of effect is measured from a point on the battlefield, and that point is ‘anywhere on the battlefield’, then an ability that increases the range will have no effect on that spell." (https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/8f9bd00c.pdf, page 4)
  4. I am not sure about this. "10 Bloodletters" is not a unit name either, the "10" gets in the way when trying to match it with a warscroll unit name. When we summon them we just assume to create a unit consisting of 10 Bloodletter (models). In my view, we can apply the same rule to Pink Horrors without a problem.
  5. Gamblers Fallacy has nothing to do with the expected damage from the Bomblets. @Stormrage89 correctly showed the likelihood for different amounts of damage you can get from the Bomblets. Gamblers Fallacy does not take place here because you look at the expected damage before you roll any dice, but Gamblers Fallacy is something you observe during the dice rolling. Sure, you can "reset" the damage table in your mind every time you roll a 2+, but again, this does not change the probable damage you will inflict. I find it pretty rude to devalue @Stormrage89´s helpful mathematical assistance by throwing around a rather unrelated (but smart sounding) word. I hope this response is not too harsh but you should really explain a bit more what you mean when opposing someones content.
  6. Pretending the rules for line of sight are clearly written is a bit naive. But I guess people are in agreement about line of sight in 99% of the cases.
  7. The real upside about "scoring zones" is that they provide an additional measuring tool for the players. They can really speed things up when you want to block off an objective with a unit, which should be desirable in the context of a tournament.
  8. What makes you think that the active player gets to determine the order however they want?
  9. "Q: If two abilities apply to a unit at the same time but are contradictory, how do you determine which ability is used? A: If two abilities that apply to a unit are contradictory and cannot both be used, the ability that was applied second takes precedence. For example, the ‘Locus of Diversion’ battle trait forces a unit to fight at the end of the combat phase and is used at the end of the charge phase, while the Ironjawz ‘Smashing and Bashing’ battle trait allows a unit to fight immediately and is used in the combat phase. If both of these abilities applied to an Ironjawz unit at the same time, since the ‘Smashing and Bashing’ battle trait would be applied second, the Ironjawz unit would fight immediately instead of at the end of the combat phase. Note that this only occurs when it is impossible to use both abilities. For example, if one ability gave a unit a hit modifier of +1 and another ability gave the same unit a hit modifier of -1, both would be applied (and effectively cancel each other out)." (https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/8f9bd00c.pdf, page 8 ) It is exactly the same ruling as in the old Beasts of Chaos Commentary. No. See above.
  10. How is the new clarification different from the old Beasts of Chaos Designers´ Commentary on the interaction between Wildfire Taurus and High Tide?
  11. Just check the rules text for everything you do. For example not every spell does require line of sight. In case of charging, you are on the right track: there is no line of sight required at all. Also, a general piece of advice: Do not try to make sense (like in "real life sense") of a rule - just read the text and go with it.
  12. I totally get you - sorry for my rather harsh answer. I was frankly surprized that you received two wrong answers relatively quickly. This might be a common misunderstanding in the community 🤔. Anyways, I am glad I could help you.
  13. No harm intended, but why do you not simply check the core rules if you encounter such a discussion? It sounds as if you base the way you play the game on intuition or hearsay. Again, I do not want you to take this badly, but a lot of rules questions showing up here are solved by quickly consulting the core rules. No you do not, @Landohammer has the correct reference. While your reference is correct, your final sentence is not. You can gain control of objectives at the end of either player´s turn, not just your own. Remember that (as far as I know) all matched play battle plans only allow you to score points at the end of your own turn, though. As a quick reminder: Taking control of objectives: At the end of each players turn Scoring objectives: Each player at the end of their own turn I hope this clears things up.
  14. They did obviously forget to adress the old Errata. It is up to the players to use whatever rules they like, and TOs are free to use any house ruling they want. But RAW and without any further artifical influence, Rune Lore is definitely stackable, since there is no reference between the Errata and the current entry of the Runelord.
  15. There is no such thing as a "deployment zone". Each Battleplan has defined territories for each player and further clarifies in which manner armies are deployed in them. I hope this clears things up for you
  16. Correct me if I am wrong, but how does this answer @frostfire´s question at all? They are asking for the specific case of a unit having to fight at the start and also having to fight at the end of the combat phase (because two abilities affect the unit). As far as I can see, the "Who fights first" article does not handle this case. Lets call a "fight at the end of the combat phase" ability E and a "fight at the start of the combat phase" ability S. Normally, a unit affected by both E and S has to follow Wildfire Taurus Designers' Commentary. For everyone reading this thread not knowing about this one, here it is: Q: If a Wildfire Taurus’ Whirlwind of Destruction ability forces an Idoneth Deepkin unit to fight at the end of the next combat phase, but the High Tide battle trait is in effect, does the unit fight at the start or the end of the combat phase? A: If two abilities that apply to a unit are contradictory and cannot both be applied, the one that was applied second takes precedence. In this case, that means the Idoneth Deepkin unit would fight at the end of the combat phase. Note this only occurs when it impossible to use both abilities. For example, if one ability gave a unit a hit modifier of +1 and another ability gave the same unit a hit modifier of -1, both would be applied (and effectively cancel each other out). (https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/age_of_sigmar_beasts_of_chaos_designers_commentary_en.pdf) Your confusion about Horrible Fascination (Locus of Diversion has the same wording) is understandable. Though in the end, you just have to follow the rules on this one. The abovementioned Slaanesh abilities specifically tell us that they are "cancelled out" when conflicting with S. Also, the Slaanesh Designers´Commentary tells us that Horrible Fascination + Locus on a unit also affected by S still cancel each other out. "Normal" S, like Idoneth Deepkin High Tide simply do not tell us what happens when they are conflicting with E. That is the point where the Designers´Commentary kicks in and instructs us how to solve the situation. Long story short: Horrible Fascination and/or Locus of Diversion + S affecting a unit = the unit fights normally Any other E + S affecting a unit = the ability applied later than the other takes precedence
  17. "[...] You can never re-roll a dice more than once [...]" (https://ageofsigmar.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2018/06/AoS_Rules-ENG.pdf, page 1) I do not see how the abilities you listed become "useless". You may field units of less then 20 Chaos Warriors or your big unit may be reduced below 20 during the game. In this case they will have an additional source of rer-rolls. You can simply use Oracular Visions a different unit. The same applies for the Chaos Shrine´s ability. No one is forcing you to stack the same re-roll buff on the same unit. In a nutshell: No you can never re-roll the same dice more than once. And no, this does not make Tzeentch useless.
  18. Check out this FAQ: "Q: If a Wildfire Taurus’ Whirlwind of Destruction ability forces an Idoneth Deepkin unit to fight at the end of the next combat phase, but the High Tide battle trait is in effect, does the unit fight at the start or the end of the combat phase? A: If two abilities that apply to a unit are contradictory and cannot both be applied, the one that was applied second takes precedence. In this case, that means the Idoneth Deepkin unit would fight at the end of the combat phase. Note this only occurs when it impossible to use both abilities. For example, if one ability gave a unit a hit modifier of +1 and another ability gave the same unit a hit modifier of -1, both would be applied (and effectively cancel each other out)." (https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/age_of_sigmar_beasts_of_chaos_designers_commentary_en.pdf) Fighting at the end of the combat phase and fighting immediately are clearly contradicting each other (the truth of one implicates the falsehood of the other and vice versa). Therefore the last ability applied (in this case Smashing and Bashing) takes precedence.
  19. Total Carnage´s damage is reduced to one (due to Avatar of Grimnir), then you can negate it on a 3+ (Shoulder Plate of Edassa).
  20. You are right. It is only reserves that are restricted by deadly territory. "Teleporting" definitely does not turn a unit into reserves.
  21. You are right. It is only reserves that are restricted by deadly territory. "Teleporting" definitely does not turn a unit into reserves.
  22. You are right. It is only reserves that are restricted by deadly territory. "Teleporting" definitely does not turn a unit into reserves.
  23. I would say you roll for each unit individualy, since the last part of the rule talks about "that" unit. I am not a native english speaker, but I think this word refers to a singular thing, does it not?
  24. "[...] and the target unit must be visible to the model with the weapon (if unsure, stoop down and look from behind the shooting model to see if a model from the target unit is visible)" (https://ageofsigmar.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2018/06/AoS_Rules-ENG.pdf, page 6) I think this section is vague enough to justify your first suggestion. But I guess in the end this is a matter you should discuss and hopefully agree upon with your opponents/gaming group.
  25. Yeah we know that MOM is a modifier, since it changes the result of the roll, not the roll itself. Those are two different mechanics, as my second quote shows.
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