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Everything posted by Easygrin

  1. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    The summoned and the ogroid. Not very happy with either so they will probably need to be fixed at some point
  2. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    The skaven assassin atleast with this it made sense that they stand exactly the same
  3. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    Cultists they r ok didn't really know what to do with them so painted them as they were. Will have more fun with the ones from hammerhall when I start with those
  4. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    Tzaangors too bad they only came 3 different versions
  5. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    The goblinspiders hate these guys
  6. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    Horrors all 3 kinds nothing special
  7. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    My blood reavers tried to make them look a bit more regular tribesmen that haven't been that corrupted
  8. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    Still think I need something for his back a shield or something like that
  9. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    My third conversion a barbarian I always loved Conan and the Barbarian from heroquest and the original whq.
  10. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    Gave him a pair of bulls balls
  11. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    My Bull Centaur i remember once i saw the first picture of the forgeworld ones ? I soo needed to have one. Then my heart was broken when I got them and they were waay to big. This one I'm very happy with him still big but workable my friend from Warseer made up rules for him like the wardancer they are both fairly overpowered but have their weakness. The wardancer is like the shard a bit of a glass canon the Bull Centaur is a juggernaut but weak to attacks from behind and the rear side. Still need to make a shield for him
  12. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    Greenskins need to get the orc Shami sometime and had the goblin shami for long time from my original whq. The Warchanter plays very very nice in Silver tower. Altho I died on the first group I smashed with him the whole rest of the run
  13. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    My elves I lost the head of the sorceress so replace it with another didn't come out to well maybe I do her over at some point. The shard has come out fairly well only messed up a bit in painting the face but I'm content with him as he is. Third the wood elf wardancer one my conversions for silver tower and shadows over hammerhall i love the wood elves and specially the wardancers. Very happy how he came out the hair is all green stuff and 2 gladeguard swords I'm really ****** at freehand so did limited tattoos would have liked to done more but need to improve my skills a bit
  14. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    My guys of Khorne I really love the Khorne lot so I really didn't do too much to them just tried to do the models a little justice
  15. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    Dark Oath Chieftan I really like this guy to me he looks a bit like he might be the young barbarian from the original whq a bit older grizzled and corrupted.
  16. Easygrin

    Easygrins quest

    My knight I didn't like the way the stormcast looked so I converted him a little bit. I've never done bases have no rl friends who are in the hobby so dunno where to start. Will do some day. WHQ is my favourite game never really played in aos or a army game but maybe I get there some day
  17. Yes I like that the new warhammer quests got playable Orcs and dark elves if you can still call them that... and love all the chaos dudes I'm one off those lucky people who love Khorne. I've got both ST & SOH and the chaos adversary cards and silver tower is painted par the Cupid looking dwarf and the Warpriest and his Eagle dog busy with Hammerhalls monsters who i really love done most the reavers want more then 10 cause of the card and the rules that they call more also busy with the chaos warriors who I convert from mixxing stormcast liberators with chaos knight's cuz I feel the old school chaos warriors should still tower over everyone also converting the marauders because the originals are too tiny look like dwarves compared to the new scale. Blightkings I take my time for cuz I want them to look as disgusting as possible. Got several warriors finished the Dark Oath Chieftan the questing knight both the Aelves from the ST box the slaughterpriest the Orruk Warchanter both Exalted Deathbringers and the aspiring Deathbringer the Blood Secratrator the lord of plaques which I still had. And 3 custum guys a Bull Centaur a wood elf wardancer and a old school barbarian. I've got a friend on Warseer in the warhammer quest section that made up the rules. I do wish GW would show some more support make more rules crossover models or more boxed exspansions. But I fear they going to let it die
  18. I'd go with the red orange very primal fire look with this raw beautiful feral beasts of Chaos army they look absolutely stunning. One if the best beastmen army's I've ever seen
  19. The shaman and his henchmen look great I painted that shaman once allready and I know he is quite a ****** to do. Was for a friend and need to do him again for myself. The Bestigor is great love his banner like they slaughtered a Minotaur who wasn't fit enough for the herd. To me the Mino's always seem the brute force but the Bestigors are the closest to highly skilled armoured warriors scared of nothing including Minotaurs. This is a top notch army lots of great ideas
  20. Love the dark elf banner holder conversion he looks great. So do the thralls even tho I'm not really into the deepkin you make them look great
  21. Great planning I was always puzzled by the chariots aswell. Would seem to me that Beastmen shouldn't need horses but be able to run that fast ... But then again if I look at their physic maybe they aren't that fit for running. Just maybe the Centigors. Anyway the big beast ridden by a beastlord and his driver seems very cool
  22. Wonderful painting I know how hard it is to paint elves. Really fitting and smart conversions the kind that inspires. And that Sorcerer got a real Cobra Commander thing going on I love it
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