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Everything posted by SleeperAgent

  1. Hopefully since it's a new legion that means 6 new spell lores to choose from. And BIG hopefully one or two of them remove bravery somehow. We have so much stuff based off bravery but can only give -1 due to NH allegiance ability. No spells, no abilities, kind of a flavor fail. Side note: Dreadscythe Harridrans need to either hit on 3's or cost less. 90 points for 5 is whack.
  2. I have wanted more bravey debuffs, this sounds perfect. Gravesites are just gravy on top.
  3. We would actually just like our toys to be made of plastic.
  4. What if it was like a herdstone. Starts at 12" and every turn it got 6" bigger, and the bravery debuff is equal to the turn. So turn 3 every enemy within 24" (not wholly) get minus 3 bravery, plus our natural Nighthaunt debuff. That would be sweet. That would make a lot of our abilites better without changing them.
  5. They give him that and he can stay at 300
  6. Yeah, as in don't make him weaker as he takes damage.
  7. Aside from what I listed above, Mourngul should be 240 points or less. And I've been saying this since the nerf, he is not the rules boogeyman he once was. The game has caught up with, and surpassed him. Either give him back the unrendable 3+ and separate mortal wound protection on 4+ or drop him 60-100 points. Aside from that, drop him 20-40 points and take the brackets away. A fair compromise.
  8. This has probably been answered before, but what is the Archregents base size? I wanna build FEC but I refuse to pay ebay scalper prices of $50+.
  9. Well each one summons different things. ArchRegent is the only one that can summon different models.
  10. The wording allows you to use each one a single time per battle. "Pick a friendly unit that has command this ability that has not used it before this battle". So you can use AAR's Summon Imperial Guard once, AAGK's Summon Men-at-arms once, AGKoZD's Summon Courtier once, and AGKoTG's Summon Royal Guard once. Since they all have seperate names.
  11. Realistically I want to be able to use Grey Seer (with or without bell) and a verminlord (maybe some other non-skryre heros). The only way to do this is with 3 units of Clanrats or Stormvermin. And those units look nothing like my Skryre ones. I want a decent unit of battleline thats between paper acolytes and costly stormfiends. And more importantly, I want ALL metal miniatures retired.
  12. The Eshin artefact is just ******. You can make anything a Gnawhole for one turn, but your general has to be there, and you are still limited to one teleport per turn. Stormfiends are indeed "meh" for their point cost. Acolytes are even worse. The problem I have is that I want to play Skryre but the battlelines are either a cheap piece of tissue paper, or 720 points of "meh". Not to mention the costs of Skryre models. 3 jezzails is $52, 1 model of Acolytes is $10 (need minimum of 5) and they both look like dogshit. I want the army to have some differences. But lumping them all into one book and not expanding on some of the weaker clans just homogenized all the lists into 60-120 clanrats and some things after that. I really think they should remove the battleline restrictions on all the battleline units that have them. Its such a ridiculous restriction on your army that EVERY unit has to be the same clan and almost forces you to just take clanrats. And why didn't Skryre get the Verminlord Warpseer? Corruptor is Pestilens, Deceiver is Eshin, Warbringer is Verminus....
  13. So I play against Sylvaneth a lot and the trees are annoying. Not so much that they do damage and love to eat my stormfiends (RIP), but that they can mass teleport the army over and over again whereas our Gnawholes get 1 teleport a turn and its got requirements. Assuming they don't get a nerf, what are your guys thoughts on one of these to make our stuff a little better: 1. Stormfiends with Warp Griders, or Warp Grinder Teams create a new Gnahole when they enter the battlefield. (Since Sylvaneth has multiple different ways to make new forests we should too. It works thematically.) 2. Stormfiends with Warp Grinders, or Warp Grinder Teams can "re-grind" and deep strike again after being on the battlefield. 3. You can use Gnawholes more than once per turn. 4. An army wide spell that lets us summon a new gnawhole. (Once per turn obviously, not like warp lightning) I'm just tired of Skaven "kind of" doing what other armies do, but crappier. Yeah we have a deep strike like many other armies, but we can be totally screwed by the dice roll (stormfiends rolling 1 or 2) or we can take d6 mortal wounds (warp grinder team). We have a teleport like most other armies, but it's basically nerfed from day one compared to every other army since we can only use it once per turn, AND we have to be within 6", AND the hero has to be within 6", AND our Gnawholes have to be near board edge. (Seraphon twice per turn can be anywhere and go anywhere. Sylvaneth can teleport the whole army assuming they are near a forest and going to a forest. Stormcast can teleport with a dice roll with their teleport guy. Etc)
  14. Quick question I assume someone has run into before, can I Skitterleap a hero thats on a Balewind Vortex? I know the vortex says it can't move, but is removing and re-setting up a move? And for a Warpcog Convocation can I take multiple of the same enginecoven? (Like 2 Arkhspark Voltik and then that qualifies for a warpcog? Since it says 2-5 enginecovens)
  15. And here I was thinking no one could get screwed harder than buyers of Witch Aelves/Vulkite Berserkers. If I want three sets of 30 skryre acolytes it'll only cost me 900 dollars. It's almost a dollar a point.
  16. What do you guys think the chances are that the rest of the metal Skaven get new plastic minis? I wanna get some Ratling Guns and Warplock Jezzails but $45 and $52 respectively are insane for 3 tiny little models. No to mention Skryre Acolytes at $10 per model.
  17. Quick question, does a Branchwych on balewind vortex with silverwood circlet casting unleash spites affect everything within 21"?
  18. Can you do this in one turn? The way I read the gnawholes seems to imply you can only use your gnawholes (the entire set of 3) once per turn.
  19. I would make one of the unnamed heros your general so you can have the command trait Ruler of the Spirit Hosts. Lady Olynder's No Rest for the Wicked is good but I prefer to return d3 spirit hosts because you end up with more free wounds on average. Then you can also save command points to charge re-rolls to fish for Waves of Terror. You should also probably use 120 of those spare points on at least a Spirit Torment. The re-roll hits of one do a lot of work.
  20. Thats fine, but replacing other peoples models before they get to do anything will lead to many salty players.
  21. This either straight up cant happen or needs to be worded way better. If you have 3 units of KA you basically wipe out all battlelines for some armies. Stormfiends are gone, Mounrfang are gone, Crypt Flayers/Ghouls, etc. It would have to be only enemy battleline units of the same wounds characteristic. Otherwise your battleline just gets to deal 4-19 mortal wounds at start of game, for each one you have.
  22. I figured as much, but if they are gonna make a new hero available maybe we could get a couple new plastic units.
  23. Hopefully alongside some new Skaven plastic!!! (Ratling Guns/Warpfire/Warplock/Warpgrinder, Arch-Warlock, Engineers, and Skryre Acolytes!!!)
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