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Ragnar Alpaca

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Everything posted by Ragnar Alpaca

  1. I would say probably the gyrobomber, it has +1 wound, only 2” slower, and can use the Grudge bombs more. The only reason the gyrocopter would ever be better was for securing objectives or dealing with hordes. For this reason I think both are good and both have their uses, it really depends on what your army composition is, what army you’re playing against, and the scenario.
  2. Quick question here everyone, how difficult/easy do you all think painting beastmen are? I really like the look of beastmen but I try to stay away from armies that will take a long time to paint like Admech, which was the first 40k models I bought and still have t finished because they’re so detailed. On the other hand my Dispossessed are quite easy to paint with most just being metals and beards.
  3. It's either a 40k chaos sorcerer, or it's Darkoath.
  4. That was great @Furuzzolo, great to see a dwarf victory. Oh and don’t worry about your English, I read it fine.
  5. We can only hope! Just think of the possibilities, different holds having different abilities like the great frays, chambers, having rules for tunneling, different runes to take, just think of all the possibilities. I kinda hope they get their own separate battletome. and then the humans getting a cities of sigmar book with the special ability to take some extra races as well.
  6. If they don’t work out, you could always run them as ungors, if your opponent doesn’t mind of course.
  7. That’s absolutely fantastic @Oath Stoned
  8. You’re sadly mistaken sir, this is clearly a trophy taken from goblins displayed proudly on new Dwarf models.
  9. The only problem with that is how bad it looks lol
  10. Make us proud @Furuzzolo we don’t want any grudges to have to be struck!
  11. I really want to know how this works out! Lol. When using them you must play Ride of The Valkyries btw!
  12. IThink both are very good and at least one copter should be taken every time, especially when trying to play just dwarfs.
  13. It’s definitely not KO, if it is I’ll drop out. Seriously thought, it’s either Admech vehicle, RT vehicle, or Primaris vehicle.
  14. I don’t feel like helping out Dispossessed would cause KO or fyreslayers to not get more love. If anything I can see them easily in the future doing a duardin set of releases updating all 3 factions. I still think Dispossessed are in a worse position than KO atm and fyreslayers aren’t really that bad at all really.
  15. We can only hope. Pls GW if anyone sees this I desperately need Dispossessed battletome and some Calvary units. Please put some classic dwarfs on bears/rams/boars you will get all my moneys.
  16. Yeah Dispossessed aren’t that competitive, they’re not the worst faction for sure, but not the best. If you’re just playing casually with friends you will be fine.
  17. There’s absolutely no problem with this unless you plan to play at official GW tournaments or events. Also it’s true that Dispossessed are expensive but imo they look so good it’s worth the price. Especially for the more elite units like ironbreakers, hammerers, Irondrakes, and long beards. If I were to use replacement models for anything it would be for warriors and quarrellers/thunderers. But to each their own, you do what ever you want, I’ve seen pictures of some pretty good looking mantis dwarf armies.
  18. Yeah when I said that I forgot that was part of the battalions ability. Oops.
  19. This has been a lot of complaining, calm done everyone we will get more stuff soon. Honestly I like AoS better than 40k but I was starting to think AoS was getting covered too much. If you leave out Adeptus Titanicus, because that’s a whole mess, nothing has been released that’s big for 40k in a while. Also I would love AoS to hold back for a while and catch up everything they already have, stop releasing new armies and models and release battletomes for the rest of the factions and clean some of the smaller ones up.
  20. That giant rat with the massive statue actually gave me a chuckle. This army is looking great, hope you can reach that deadline.
  21. I guess that’s true, I forgot they made each other redundant. My bad.
  22. Yeah you’re correct. @DrDemento Although you also miss out on getting a Grudge as well, if you’re not taking Dispossessed army.
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