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Everything posted by DionTheWanderer

  1. After 2 years of careful collecting and painting, I had enough models for my first 2000pt game against Nurgle this week. I thought I played well, and got a fair share of luck on my dice rolls. Didn't win, but at least the game was interesting, and I felt with a small boost of competitiveness from Cities of Sigmar we could at least compete enough to have fun games at club level against all but the very top-tier armies. I also base quite a lot of narrative around the various heroes. Two days later, that 2000pts is reduced to 1090. Disappointed is an understatement. And yeah, I know they will limp along for the next year or so. But managed decline isn't much fun, particularly when you're not starting from particularly high up the tree in the first place.
  2. Thank you! I have a lightly-converted spellweaver who in my fluff (I’m primarily a narrative player) is dabbling with raising the dead. I’ll proxy her either for a necromancer or maybe a vampire lord - I’m trying out Knights of the Blood Drenched Rose on Friday. If you’re keen on fluff, please have a look (apologies to those who have seen it before) : https://link.medium.com/0jRgJJQ0ZX
  3. Funny you should mention. I've been working on these for a Regiment of Renown. Tempted to go up to 10 models for a Mercenary option, but converting the helmets is a *lot* of work filing off the head and drilling out the face. On the plus side, if you've got a box of skeletons and the spare bits from making some WWR, they aren't that expensive to make.
  4. Agree with this. Since our core ability (realm wandering) got nerfed to one unit, that makes us much more viable in the smaller games as a much larger % of our army is now mobile.
  5. I’m a big proponent of this idea - it’s actually the focus of my current hobby project (see https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/22055-regiments-of-renown/) However I think it should come at a cost - Order is always fighting a rearguard action against the creeping entropy of Chaos, Death and Destruction. So if they pair up with Death, there should be a corrupting influence that slowly erodes the gains they get from pairing up, or threatens to spill over into civil war.
  6. A few more photos of the second set of models from my RoR. The helmets come from one piece heads that were a b*gger to cut down/hollow out, but I'm pleased with how they've come out.
  7. Can't wait to see it. Any hints as to the theme?
  8. Speaking of Wanderer lore, (of which there is depressingly little in BL), I've been posting some Wanderer centred writing on the Narrative section. The first is a narrative write up of the various battles in the Fate of Sigmar narrative tournament. The second is the preview of the Realms at War tournament coming up. It also includes my first attempt at an audiobook (about 12 minutes) - would particularly like to hear people's thoughts on that.
  9. The theme for this year's Realms at War is 'regiments of renown,' allowing participants to convert and paint up a special unit, along with a backstory. After the amazing creativity that people came up with for the 'Aethermy' theme last year (One guy built a laboratory on the back of a giant, another in the corpse of a giant spider) I can't wait to see what people come up with this time around. I'd like to share the first model from mine below, along with the backstory. Also thought this might be a chance for everyone, whether they're coming to RAW or not, to share some pictures of a particular unit they've made that fits the bill, and any storylines behind them. Backstory: https://medium.com/@daniel.summerbell/raising-the-regiment-prologue-d8b13b1f99f7 I also did an audio version of the story if anyone prefers to listen to it while doing some hobby! You can stream it here: Or download it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Uy7os71o0R9k0Bdvw_VsEgpteaAOC2pZ/view As always, comments and thoughts welcome!
  10. Where is that coming from? The waystone pathfinders specifically says “as if it were the shooting phase” so I’d assume it was treated identically (shoot twice, Waywatcher can use fast shots etc). If that’s been FAQ’d then it’s a pretty huge nerf tbf
  11. Great - because that unit clearly needed a nerf to counteract any improvement... 🙄
  12. Other than occasional mentions, we haven’t had a whole bunch of lore for the Wanderers yet. I’ve had a go at writing a bit of my own, taking a recent narrative tournament as inspiration for a series of short stories. Let me know your thoughts, particularly if I’ve written anything contradicting the little official lore we’ve had so far! Link to first story: https://link.medium.com/kAV6q9x3rS
  13. How annoying. I can't see that being a problem outside of serious tournaments though.
  14. That is incredibly creepy. Nice work. How's it made?
  15. How does it stop you using Wanderers Allegiance? It's within the limit for Allies in terms of points? Or are we not allowed to ally with Wood Elves... that would be a bit ridiculous.
  16. It's based on a metal model (which needed clipping and filing down) but I had a lot of fun making this one:
  17. I've tried running a magic-heavy list with some endless spells in order to get some MW. Aethervoid pendulum is a reliable one for 40 points. Others vary depending on the realms, but vs Chaos (particularly in Chamon) then Quicksilver Swords is a steal at 20pts. Also who needs MW when you have bodkins?
  18. Usual caveat that I'm not a very experienced player yet. I still take stalker. Movement is all we have as an army, so it's super important to maximise its use. Our next best ability is Forget-me-Knot which is basically designed to make a superior army fractionally less superior for one other turn. We can no longer beat people in the shooting phase, and we never could in combat. Our only option for winning games is to use our large number of bodies and clever movement to take objectives. Depending on tactical situation I'll wander one of three units (usually). Glade Guard *after* they've got their bodkins off. Have them within 8" of Nomad Prince for his command ability on their bodkins. Then, assuming there are any left on the table, drop them on the back edge behind the enemy line. Either the enemy have to divert forces back up the board to get rid of them, or they can continue to fire for the rest of the game. In reality this later option is little more than a gentle tickle - so it's more the perceived threat. Nobody likes having 30 elf archers dropped behind their lines even if they're not actually doing very much. At the very least they'll have to leave units behind to hold objectives. Maybe it can pick off a wizard or something if they're hiding in the back. Wildwood Rangers in the hope of getting them into combat before they get wiped off the board. Obviously this is unlikely to work in most circumstances as they have a 9" charge to make, and if they are counter charged, they're dead before they can do anything. However, dropping them behind a combat unit who are bogged down by Eternal Guard can be quite effective. I'm also thinking about trying to use the cogs and maybe a command point charge re-roll, although I haven't managed to use either yet. Waywatcher - Realm Wandering doesn't count as moving for the purpose of shooting, so dropping the waywatcher behind enemy lines, or scooting them down a board edge can both keep them out of harms way and draw powerful enemy units out of position.
  19. Just wanted to add my thanks to the organisers for an absolutely stunning event. I can't begin to imagine the hard work that went into developing and testing the mechanic - let alone all of the logistics and other concerns. And the level of hobby was mindblowing. Consider me inspired. One and only suggestion for next year: name badges? I found it quite hard to keep up, particularly what with trying to learn Aethermy and after a few beers...
  20. So, just got back from RAW, running 1500pts of Wanderers for the first time. First and foremost, what a fantastic event. Really great people, fantastic organisation, amazing theme/rules and scenery. Wonderful time. Now, obviously it's a narrative event, so wasn't being played with hyper-competitive armies or by hyper-competitive people. Which, frankly, is one of the best things about it. All I really wanted was for my army to stay on the board long enough for the games to stay interesting past turn 1, which they more or less did. I maintain that Stormcast are Aelf kryptonite (they demolish us in the hero phase AND the shooting phase AND the combat phase). And the game where I deployed within 6" of my board edge, and still had a Gargant charge me first turn was a bit of a massacre. But they stayed fun and interesting. I even won a game (and rode on the coattails of a DoK army in the doubles - my word those ladies roll a lot of dice). Now, while I'm sure these tactics won't wash in tournaments or against any kind of meta-list, I did have a few observations that I'll try to follow in future. I'll repeat them below in the hope they might help newbie players. I certainly got a bit discouraged at first on coming back to the hobby and getting stomped off the table in turn 2 repeatedly. Comments from more experienced Wanderers generals very welcome. I found refused-flank a really powerful tactic. Used it twice to force opponents to spend a large part of the game swinging round towards me rather than dashing into combat round 1. Basically setting up some EG in cover as a pivot point/dissuade opponents from charging that side and then tempting opponents to set up opposite a large block of GG. Then realm-wandered them away (using Stalker of the Hidden Paths) to suddenly make a whole flank of that army disappear. Alternatively using the EG in cover as a speedbump, in order to give you enough time to make everything around them disappear somewhere else (while shooting a lot). Soulsnare shackles are really quite useful for 20 points. Particularly if you snipe their wizard(s) off the board as an early priority - then they are stuck with them. Sisters of the Thorn are a very mobile way of sticking them somewhere useful and then running away. Terrain-heavy tables really suit us. Cover for the EG. Realm-wandering becomes much more powerful as other armies have to move round terrain to get to us. And you can use the Shackles to block entire avenues of approach (particularly for models with big bases like bloody Sigmarines).
  21. So, what’s the best way to share background and pre-tournament narrative for the armies? I’ve just about put mine together, and would love to see some of the others out there.
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