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Everything posted by Domowoj

  1. It can still pick enemy units, but not models specifically.
  2. Were you applying the WoT result from a single charge roll to two target units? If so, you can't do that.
  3. Nighthaunt! The whole army flies and is fvery fast (high movement and teleportation.) The new battletome looks to be great fun.
  4. But you get to use the Harrow ability once each battle round. So it’s more like five command points on a teleporting guy, right?
  5. What kind of warband are we talking about? Warcry? Underworlds? Mordheim?!
  6. @EntMan Sorry to dash your hopes mate, but the difference in weight is only 7 grams, not 70 grams. 0.2948 kg = 294.8 g.
  7. I did this exact list recently except I started with the Bilepiper on the table and saved up my contagion points toward summoning another GUO (or more plaguebearers is the backup choice). Rotigus is great. He can go off on his own. He's beefier than a regular GUO, will put out more damage in combat than the other GUO in your list, and will put out a fair number of actual mortal wounds (not just disease tokens). The whole list performed well and Slimux gallivanting around with a couple Beasts is great fun. If you don't want to start with the Bilepiper for some reason, I would throw in another Beast or another 10 Plaguebearers. I think it's fun to consider single heroes as well--Epidemius? Festus? Some interesting choices, especially since Festus brings another Locus of Fecundity with him and could get some disease tokens rolling battle round 1 with Gift of Disease before moving on to Curse of the Leechlord when you get a little closer. More Plaguebearers are going to give you better board control and are probably the best conservative choice.
  8. Ahh bummer! I guess that makes a big difference actually...now the list is unlikely to pull off a big summon like that before battle round 4 and that's just too late in the game. I thought for a minute we could have a cool summoning list with multiple GUOs. I am once again disillusioned about our new book; a nerf to an already-mid-tier army. We waited four years for a book while every book in AoS 2 power-crept past us and now our army seems rock-paper-scissory (we can probably tell if we will win or lose as soon as our opponent shows us their list). Edit: Back to the drawing board! I could drop 10 plaguebearers and bring in a generic mortal hero general with infernal conduit. Either a sorcerer or a harbinger of decay. These are kinda lackluster. I could also drop nurglings and bring in a LoA. The LoA could potentially deepstrike if I need to but I would sacrifice the benefit of Infernal Conduit on my first turn. I could however eek out a warlord battalion for another enhancement as well. Spit-ballin'
  9. I had a successful game yesterday. NB: it was a casual game with my buddy. He brought ogre gutbusters without beastclaw raiders and no monsters; I think this matchup is in Nurgle's favor. It was the first game for either of us in 3rd edition. I brought an all-demon list with multiple GUO's and a focus on summoning. This list can handily summon a 3rd GUO on battle round 3: Allegiance: Maggotkin of Nurgle - Subfaction: Befouling Host - Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery LEADERS Great Unclean One (495)* - General - Command Trait: Infernal Conduit - Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell - Artefact: Tome of a Thousand Poxes - Lore of Virulence: Fleshy Abundance Rotigus (495) - Lore of Virulence: Stream of Corruption Horticulous Slimux (225) Sloppity Bilepiper, Herald of Nurgle (130) UNITS 20 x Plaguebearers (300)* 1 x Beasts of Nurgle (110)* 1 x Beasts of Nurgle (110)* 3 x Nurglings (105)* *Battle Regiment TOTAL: 1970/2000 WOUNDS: 121 LEADERS: 4/6 BATTLELINES: 3 (3+) BEHEMOTHS: 2/4 ARTILLERY: 0/4 ARTEFACTS: 1/1 ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS: 0/3 ALLIES: 0/400 REINFORCED UNITS: 1/4 DROPS: 3 The idea here is that you start with two trees on the board and Slimux gets to drop a third tree immediately at the start of the first turn. First turn gets about 9 contagion points (nurgle in own territory with no enemies = 4, three trees = 3, Bell = probably 1, Infernal Conduit = probably 1). If you can get a unit touching your opponents territory, then you can assume ~11 contagion points in battle rounds 2 and 3 each (I am assuming that the enemy will be in Nurgle territory at this point). Obviously this is dependent on a couple dice rolls, how canny your opponent is and how alpha-strikey their army is. Most people are happy to give the old slow Nurgle boys turn 1, which is fine with me; gives me time to get my tree down and my nurglings deep-struck. I deployed my reinforced Plaguebearers with my GUO and Sloppity Bilepiper as a big chunky force while the Beasts flanked up one-side with Slimux. Rotigus can act on his own and reinforce where needed. Obviously the Nurglings are hopefully going to get into the opponents territory turn 1...but keep your expectations low. The GUO is going to attempt to cast three spells per turn: Fleshy Abundance on the PBs, Mystic Shield on himself (it's important to keep him alive in this build) or the PBs, and Gift of Disease with +1 to cast. Rotigus will cast Deluge of Nurgle and Stream of Corruption (ideally he is wading into combat). The list worked well in my game; all the pieces performed as expected. Rotigus over-performed and got work done. The beasts and Slimux synergized well together (Ferocious Advance is a good Battle Tactic choice for these three). The Run/Retreat + Charge tactic was fun to play and these guys were able to bounce around in the backfield flank. The nurglings got into the opponents territory and distracted/tied-up his leadbelchers handily until round 3. The Plaguebearers are meaty with fleshy abundance and were able to tie-up a double-reinforced unit of ironguts and keep them from overrunning my objectives with the help of Sloppity's don't-pile-in-closer song. I was a little careless and the ironguts and tyrant were able to take out my GUO on turn 2 with a couple big charges and a bunch of buffs. Even though I lost him, I still managed to reach 32 contagion points on round 3 and summoned a GUO with sword/flail and nailed a 9-inch charge to 1-v-1 his tyrant. We called it in my favor after round 3. It was 15-12 and I had started to burn the objectives in his territory. Neither of us had widespread board control, but I had better position on the remaining objectives and monsters that could score battle tactics. TL;DR IMO multiple GUOs are a valid option.
  10. But Plaguebearers aren't any killier than they were; they simply doubled-down on defensibility. Blightkings are still a better choice for getting work done against enemy units, even without Blightcyst, right? Plaguebearers hold their ground while Blightkings can actually kill things...sorta...
  11. I think sorokyl is right that we often don't NEED allies; we have enough tools in the Nurgle tool-box. Warscrolls without the NURGLE key-word are outside our synergy and are possibly harmed by being near the rest of the friendly army. However, this is a good question still and shouldn't be written-off so easily. The first answer that comes to mind for me is a Jabberslythe! It's a fun, cheap, tactical monster that has good speed and can easily become a thorn in your opponent's side. They got nerfed a little bit with the BoC release, but still an interesting model. Gargants got a little better with the BoC release and might be a fun ally. It's always fun to kitbash a nurgle giant. A daemon prince of slaanesh might be fun to play around with.
  12. Thank you @LordRogalDorn and @Hannibal for writing it out for me. I have always been bad at "showing my work" in math class.
  13. 2 GUOs and Rotigus and a barebones blight cyst fit nicely just under 2k. Two drops, three artifacts, extra command points. Maybe doesn't kill things fast enough, and it's missing Plague Squall. Maybe better is a 3x Befoulment with something hard hitting. Go with a unit of 6 plague drones, a sorcerer who can cast blades of putrefaction, and some battleline units. Some minimum battlelines and maybe an endless spell or two for fun. Geminids and Prismatic Palisade? This gives you a big magical toolbox and a big hammer, but it's lacking bodies. This is my favorite though: GUO blade and bell (witherstave), GUO sword and flail (endless gift), Rotigus, thricefold befoulment The Glottkin 40x Marauders 20x Marauders 20x Marauders (or swap out for 5x Chaos Warriors + Prismatic Palisade) Plop the four big boys right in the middle in a cluster and dare anyone to take them on.
  14. No, you don't have to ally the battalion units, because the errata adds the "Slaanesh" allegiance to the battalion itself.
  15. @Shaft Looks awesome! Love the skin tone; it reminds me of the imps from Doom. What book bit is that?
  16. I am not sure if it has been mentioned yet, but it appears that the FAQ section has been updated. We can now take Beasts of Chaos as allies. In addition, the Vectors of the Plague God battalion in the BoC tome is part of both the BoC faction AND the Nurgle faction now. I am not sure how this stuff always seems to make it to publication without these key details...
  17. @5kaven5lave I am intrigued by this type of list, but I have yet to run one like it. How would you flesh-out the rest of this list? Do you have any experience or tips to share about this style of list? Thanks in advance!
  18. I may be wrong, but I think the situation here is actually worse than the PTWB situation. Hard to believe, eh? We can't include this battalion in a Nurgle army, because: 1) The allegiance of this battalion is "Beasts of Chaos." Therefore, the battalion and all units within would have to come out of our allies points. 2) I don't think we can take "Beasts of Chaos" as allies.
  19. How many Feculent Gnarlmaws are you hoping to put on the table? How many contagion points would you spend on your first summon? And your second summon?
  20. @Fluxlord I would tend to agree with Peasant that Plague bearers are rubbish unless you take max units of 30. I like your concept, but I feel like the Menagerie battalion is subpar for two reasons. 1) The abilities don't seem exceptional. 2) You need to take three beasts. Maybe I'm wrong about these. I've never used the battalion, nor have I used the beasts. They all seem overpriced for what they do. I think including Horticulous (allowing you to start with 2 trees) is enough of an edge for summoning without spending the extra 540(!) points on three beasts and the battalion. That said, do you have a specific summoning plan? Have you thought about a Tallyband with Horticulous tagging along? I think you could swap the [Three Beasts + Menagerie] for [30 Plaguebearers + Tallyband].
  21. Except Kazyk is 14" wholly within whereas the crown of conquest is 6" within. And he doesn't have any blightkings, only big units of marauders.
  22. @Luke1705 Your list looks pretty solid and competitive to me. I think you've picked out an extremely pure version of a tried-and-true archaon list. It's simple and elegant. It's super defensive, but I also think you will kill plenty of stuff just by sheer number of dice. My initial instinct is to want more toys in the army, but it's probably best the way it is now.
  23. Your assumption is correct; it's a mistake in the app. Putrid Blightkings aren't going away.
  24. I agree with you on this. Put it on the Harbinger if you need the GUO elsewhere, but if you're just going to throw him up there behind the front line, then it's better on the GUO (for the reasons you stated). 10 chaos warriors is an interesting choice. And you have 60 points left over it seems, which is good because you will need all the CPs you can get. Blades of Putrefaction on Glottkin. I think if you're going to be right up front with the GUO, supporting, then it's up to you which spell you want. I would probably be casting BoP/Fleshy with Glott each turn and Foul Regen (moving the wheel back to 5 everytime it hits 6) and Plague Wind each turn. I would probably pick Glorious Afflictions because its long range allows you to cast it early (when other spells might not have range) and it's movement debuff can grant you an edge in choosing combat engagements (or preventing enemies from reaching objectives).
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