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Everything posted by PUFNSTUF

  1. Is there anywhere to see the standings and lists?
  2. Thanks for pointing out the slaughter queen CA. Didn’t see it was general only. Guess that makes it tough if you want the snakes battleline.
  3. How would the following be competitive wise for a more full snakes list? Allegiance: Daughters Of Khaine- Temple: Hagg NarLeadersBloodwrack Medusa (140)- General- Trait: Devoted Desciples - Lore of Shadows: Steed of ShadowsMorathi High Oracle of Khaine (480)- Lore of Shadows: MindrazorSlaughter Queen on Cauldron Of Blood (330)- Artefact: Thousand and One Dark Blessings - Prayer: Blessing of KhaineBattleline30 x Witch Aelves (270)- Pairs of Sacrificial Knives10 x Blood Sisters (280)10 x Blood Sisters (280)Units5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (80)5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (80)Total: 1940 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 105
  4. I know large blocks of witch aelves are a competitive build, but how competitive is a more snake heavy list with morathi? Are any battalions worthwhile to try and get the daughters to be a one drop in tournaments?
  5. Finally finished assembling my 2k of nurgle, still need to pick up another 10 plaguebearers for summoning. After assembling 25 blightkings, I don't want to every have to assemble another again...
  6. Interesting... Might see how a Brass Despoilers and Council of blood would work out.
  7. I’m pretty sure they can with that battalion. I don’t know if we can use them as our battle line though since I think they are beasts of chaos battle line, not khorne battleline.
  8. I don't know if NOVA allowed realm artifacts, if so one or two of the artifacts chosen could probably be improved by taking a realm one. For play, you get some out of movement phase movement, and I'd assume keep the thirsters within 8" of the one that gives a charge after run. 4 Free command abilities every turn is strong, with out of activation attacks too which could generate more killing models and units. If an enemy is bunched you could chain down a line pretty easily. I could see it falling apart if you lose a double turn and some thirsters getting focused, but its still a lot of wounds to chew through.
  9. Yes my bad. I didn’t switch the app to say overall, it was ordered by points so showed the nagash list first. List looks like a lot of fun to play though!
  10. Sure, but that doesnt have anything to do with the cost of a box of push fit vs the cost of a box of non push fit.
  11. True about fyreslayers, its actually why I told a friend not to start them unless they had the cash. Least the difference with them is they aren't push fit, that's my main gripe.
  12. I agree that the push fit pricing is crazy. Asked a buddy if he wants to split another souls wars box because it would be dumb not too for the cost of two chain rasp boxes. I really only need 20 more chain rasp to make one unit of 40, but there's no way I'd buy two push fit boxes for that price.
  13. I personally believe they are all junk, especially compared to what stormcast got. The charge up and explode one will never reach 20. The scythe is worse imo than pendelum because at least with pendelum you can ensure your own units won't be hit. The last one doesn't do much that regular endless spells can't do better.
  14. Thanks for the magnet sizes! looks like I will have to pick up some more sizes
  15. Mind posting a pic or two of the magnet contact points? I want to magnetize mine as well once it comes in the mail.
  16. Thanks for the write up. What artifact did you take? I agree with losing the lord of slaanesh, seems a bit too cute to do unless your main plan would be to be all in on Archaon.
  17. Anyone use any allies of any kind? I think using a tunneling stormfiend squad could be neat, or a different ranged chaos unit?
  18. Yea I found playing with the numbers to get an extra CP annoying too. I do like how endless spells can act as filler now though if you have 40 or less points remaining. Let us know how your games go!
  19. You are correct. Sad to see no Archaon lists for any chaos players.
  20. I noticed for the upcoming Midwest meltdown tournament, out of 8 nurgle players, 5 or so are blight cysts, zero plague cyst players. It’s a large tournament so I’m curious to see how they do.
  21. Any idea if a verminlord and other skaven would work in the plaguetouched battalion on a competitive level?
  22. Someone at the recent team tournament this past weekend actually ran the thricefold battalion. I saw the list and was impressed they tried it. No idea how it did though.
  23. Looks almost identical to what I want to do, but two units of blightkings instead of the warriors. What spells and artifact did you take?
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