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Everything posted by Deadkitten

  1. I love the theme of large BK blocks but cringe at no screens. Is running and charging off the Gnarlmaws not enough?
  2. That's a lot of Tzaangors. And 2 Battalions! If the game plan revolves around the acolytes, then it definitely seems like you need more of them. Generally, you screen an expensive unit w a cheaper unit. On paper at least, it looks like the acolytes are the screen for the Tzaangors, not the other way around. Have you thought about inverting your build? Try a big block of acolytes w min Tzaangors.
  3. My conclusion about the Fatemaster is that there is the universal CA that let's you reroll 1s, so now the Fatemaster is just a tad better in offense than any other hero. Since these other Heroes are also better on defense, they become more flexible than the Fatemaster. If you throw in any additional synergies, like Demon Heroes for Pinks, it becomes a no brainer, He def has his place though. This came up on a FB page. I think DoZ is more sub-faction dedicated than people realize due to no hard lines between them. I rather like this approach but it does seem to lead to people evaluating units in a vacuum and not in the context of the sub-faction.
  4. Has anyone tried Multitudinous Host? Sure it's not the most competitive and has problems w movement but it might be fun. I think it has to be Eternal Conflag w the reroll hits aura. Allegiance: ChaosChangecaster, Herald of Tzeentch (110)Changecaster, Herald of Tzeentch (110)The Changeling (120)20 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (400)20 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (400)20 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (400)10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)Multitudinous Host (160)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 125
  5. I ran a Horror heavy Changehost yesterday. My second artifact was the DD 5+replacement one. I can see how people like it. I ran the Aura of Mutability reroll wounds one in a 1 Day event previously. I'm sort of torn. The Aura translates to increased punch but the DD replacement is clearly good IF you are decent at managing DD. I think the floor is higher on the Aura but the ceiling is higher on the DD one.
  6. Of course... Is there anything else in AoS that stacks like this? Absent some core game philosophy statements, an analog is the next best thing.
  7. Allegiance: ChaosLord of Change (380)Changecaster, Herald of Tzeentch (110)The Blue Scribes (120)The Changeling (120)20 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (400)20 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (400)20 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (400)10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)Multitudinous Host (160)Extra Command Point (50)Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)Total: 2500 / 2000Extra Command Points: 2Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 139 Going to a 2.5K event in a few months. Definitely more "funsies" so no Changehost. I think the Pinks might be better 20-20-10-10? I want them as wizards w over 20 models for the +1 for as long as possible, but if I split them up and drop a unit of Brimms I can pick up another 60 points for an endless spell. I'm wondering if I should try to work Bridge into the list? Thoughts on just 20-20-20 Pinks?
  8. Well to be fair there is disagreement at the very least on whether Guild of Summoners includes Kairos or not. There was the teleporting Balewind thing. Not exactly sure if anyone else bought into the Pink's casting ability because the Wizard clause wasn't written as an If/Then statement. Is the Gaunt Summoner Pink Horror warscroll vs Horrors of Tzeentch warscroll still a thing? My point is that an FAQ is never a bad thing. I'm making a distinction between an FAQ bring RAW in line with RAI and an errata which is essentially a nerf. Somewhat in agreement to a elite shooty army being a hard counter to an elite melee army. I think it's useful to sort out how you WANT the meta to be from how a healthy one is. I'm not too concerned about a ~60-70% win rate army complaining about anything.
  9. Lifeswarm to regrow Horrors as well instead of Sigil? Lovign some Multitudinous Host though!
  10. Yeah it seems weird that you can summon him in Guild of Summoners but not using Fate points. I'll be looking for advance rulings from TOs/opponents on this until the FAQ.
  11. Just submitted this list for a tourney next week. Not happy with the characters and Endless Spells but it's what I have.
  12. I think the Horrors will be fine. Access to Rend is definitely a bump as is the splitting. They are going to be very good at playing the objective game. The are just getting over shadowed by the Flamers ATM. Like most other Battleline units, they won't be able to get there all on their own.
  13. Ugh. When you put it like that! It seems so good on paper but what I'm struggling w is that you sort of want to go first to put yourself onto all the objectives but then getting double turned top of T2 just turns my stomach. I don't know how effectively Changehost can clear a unit off an objective, especially a tanky buffed one. Even if they could, they're not necessarily on the objective if their shooting was so effective that there's nothing left to charge.
  14. This is where I'm starting. Not sure if I'll be able to swing 20-20-10 though. Might have to settle for 20-10-10.
  15. Probably want to run this interaction by any TOs before hand for any events.
  16. Played the 2K list in Relocation Orb against a Deepkin list. 9 eels and an Eidelon. Big block of Ghouls were MVP. They held the center denying VPs on T1 and then resurrected enough to take it on T2. We called it when I won priority on T3. Opponent misplayed his eels though and never tried to dispel the Chalice, so it was definitely a learning game for him. Still, I was pleased w how it performed. Glad for the +2 casting against the Eidelon.
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