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Everything posted by Deadkitten

  1. And the original incarnation had TWO teleports per turn. A CP cost teleport is still very strong indeed, especially coupled with a 1 drop and a glass cannon. You need to break up that Trifecta somehow or cost it such that it is basically the only thing you're doing. As far as flamers, you can leave them where they are and inch up the buff pieces and get the same effect. I do think shooting has a valid role. The Flamer package just feels too powerful. Maybe if we got to a similar place as eels where this sort of self policing happens?
  2. I see your point. I've gone all in on Horrors. I run 3 units of 20. Any point increase basically means just I go down to 20-20-10, which doesn't really solve the problem. I really like the framework of the Pinks. They are only casters at 9 and they need the 20 models for the bonus. You get rewarded the more you invest. I also think AoS can do with a decent -1 Rend shooting army. Again, DoT makes you jump through a hoop which is fine. You should be able to do powerful things but that also needs to be coupled w a tough decision. But then they also got the most wounds in a single unit. Why don't Skaven have that award? It doesn't even seem on theme. I can't avoid thinking back to some of the power units and combos in other builds. Some were around for so long. Why can't Horrors be good? And why are we talking about Horrors anyway? Have you seen what Flamers can do?!?! There isn't the visceral reaction to damage output the way there is at wound count and I don't really know why. It would be nice to quantify though.
  3. Has GW ever done a 20% increase on a unit before? The problem w the Pinks is that 20 is SO much better than 10. 240 for 10 is overcosted. 480 for 20 might be right. BUT it's GW so I see a path where they increase 10 to 220 and then give the full unit discount do 20 are still 400. Flamers need to go up by 20% if Pinks can go up by 20%. I see the Flamers as the worst culprit. I don't see Changehost dodging an increase. Needs to be 200. If Pinks do go up then the Gaunt Summoner has to go up as well. That's easily a 300 pt model.
  4. Sadly I think you're right. Changehost needs to go up by a significant margin. Flamers do seem under-costed, though. Gaunt Summoner will get bumped for sure. Regarding Pinks, I think you're right they'll go up, but 10 Pinks isn't that great. Honestly, I think they found a good balance in that the wizard buff deteriorates quickly and the 20+shooting buff isn't available. 20 Pinks is where it's at! But we've had no data with the Lock-down. Who really knows how bad it is???
  5. I think Blisterskin has settled on a 9-6-3 configuration for the Flayers. I'm sure there's quite a bit that has been said earlier. I think Horrors do best being summoned but some people swear by them as a counter-strike force.
  6. https://media.giphy.com/media/l0HFkhxuZJQEE6F6o/giphy.gif Hmmm... Not according to paln.
  7. Personally, I prefer Feastday bc it doesn't lock you into an artifact and Trait the way that Blisterskin does. I then go with the +2 casting bonus combo (I've never been a big fan of allies.) The Chalice is oh so good w Ghouls. I stop just short of calling it an auto include but you only need that 1 block of 30-40 Ghouls for it to be really really good. If you're going all in all Flayers then it does start to lose some of it's luster. I think you want three hammers in aggressive FEC builds. That's either all Flayers or a couple of Flayer units + a Monster of your choice, typically a GKoTD. As an aside, the Zombie Dragon definitely has it's place in putting together a summoning package. Summoning is so integral to FEC that you def want to think about it in terms of list building. Again, personally, I like a bit of a more mid-rangey build, but we're still talking FEC so their mid-range still ends up being pretty aggressive. The Arch-regent's +D3 Attacks Spell on a 40 block of Ghouls, buffed w a Chalice, in Feastday, on an objective will ruin someone's day. But so will 27 Flayers in your line T1.
  8. Has anyone tried this? I was going to go all in on Ghoul regen @ 1K for a Team event for Acon but we all know how that turned out.
  9. Both the Infernal Courtier and the Blisterskin court will unlock Flayers as Battleline. And going all in on Flayers is definitely a build. Having said that, I like to have a couple of units of Ghouls around just to babysit back field objectives. But Feastday is pretty sweet. It's a decent collection, depending on the price. Basically, you're 80% of where ever you would want to go and just need to figure out the last 20%. FEC is pretty even I have found. There's lots of builds you can do and they're all pretty good. Yes, there are some that are better than others but it's not like you'll be embarrassed taking anything out for a spin.
  10. They really are. Every now and again I can drag my wife kicking and screaming into a hobby conversation. We had quite the one over which head/tongue combo I should use. As far as weapon combos go. I'm WAY too old school in this dept. I only have the 1 icon in my 20 Pinks. BUT you should max out the glaives. Any time the venn diagram of coolness and 'good' lines up, go full tilt. Shields vs Double Knives I think falls more into the "season to taste" camp. The cheeky answer is Knives bc it will be easier to go from Knives to shields if Shields become the obvious answer. As always, consider the role. I'm sure 1 of each is not unreasonable. After that, for the third???
  11. The Rantcast Twitch channel did a list review for Brew City Brawl in the US since the event was closed. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/610329209 There were 4 Nurgle lists (out of 35) that were variations on Blightking Spam + Harbinger. This seems to be where it's at. I played a remote game with a revised version of my list last week (I2 sorcerers + Gutrot Spume). I lost, but just barely, more due to poor placement of a 10 pack of summoned Plague bearers to cove an objective. It's a fun list for sure. Took down 3 Soul Grinders.
  12. Meh, Rule of Cool. At the end I just sort of said to myself, "How the hell am I NOT going to give him the sword?" That says more about me rather than how good/bad the sword is. EDIT: Also, the more LoC you're putting on the table, the more I think you just want some variety.
  13. That's not true 100% of the time. And I don't mean 99.9% either. The LOC is soooo expensive. I think you want him up there. No, you can't throw him into any combat without thinking about it, but being able to Destiney Dice the sword is a ton of damage, either as a first activation or running down a supporting character or even taking on a crappy battleline unit. If you're just running a shooty CH, then how much more shooting do you actually need anyway? The Rod is better in a vacuum, but I do think the sword has a place and shouldn't be dismissed quite so easily.
  14. Get a good ****** file. The largest they have at the big box store. Also, there are the craft knives that extend and you can snap off the blade. Get the cheapest they have at the big box store. This is great for trimming 2" foam. I've also used old serrated kitchen knives. There is a flexible saw for cutting door jambs that can be useful for hills. I don't work with foam a lot but ask the Foam FB group, they'll help you out with way more tips than I know. EDIT: HA! they censored my file! it is the one that has teeth going both directions instead of just one. It is named after Jon Snow, who is a .... (But before we learned he was actually a Targaryn.)
  15. Yes, Hirst Arts! It is def a Hobby within a Hobby. First off, the Foam FB group are doing a lot of good work and to mock up something quickly or large it's definitely probably the better way to go. Hirst Arts wins out on the detail and the variety. The are some things where going the Hirst Arts route is better than foam. Probably, at the end of the day it comes down to what you want to spend your Sat doing. Second you can cast off the Hirst Arts molds and then assemble items that you then pour your own silicone mold for. I've done this for floor pieces and trim to get them up to 6x6 or 6x8 or something. Also, for things like windows and such. This is basically next level and expect to build a bit of a new skill set doing it. And don't be afraid to buy a duplicate mold if you're casting a lot. It's worth it if you're not going to pour a project specific mold. Next, I use the Merlins Magic that Bruce recommends. I buy it in the 50 lb box. Just bite the bullet if you are at all interested. If you keep it dry, the shelf life is infinite. I've tried dental plaster but you do want to be able to sand bricks from time to time and I find the dental plaster is a bit of a pain. I have used resin as well, but again, less forgiving than plaster. Finally, in regards to the ratios, get a kitchen scale. It really does help. Once you figure out how much plaster for any given mold run, you can use tricks like drawing lines on cups and whatnot but I always start with the scale and take notes as I go to get the recipe correct. Also, if you haven't already figured it out, don't cast these up 1 at a time. I find 4-6 is about right. The blocks accumulate quickly.
  16. ******, OK, so images in reverse order. At any rate, Shifting Objectives. Was a cool game. He took the first turn and ran onto the objectives. I advanced, screened and basically shot away his screens. I made a mistake on my left. I should have charged the Ungors instead of shooting with Pinks. They obliterated them and I couldn't charge onto the objective. I got priority going into 2 and shot up what I could. Then he cleared my screens. He then got priority going into 3 and crashed into me. Once my turn rolled around, I essentially just cleared out what was in combat. Turn 4 he summoned a 20 block of demonettes , but again, when we got into my shooting, I just cleared it out. Stupid lucky good moment was on the right. After the Keeper and 10 demonettes hit the Pinks, I was down to just the icon bearer. I had a DD1 that I spent on Battleshock, rolled a 6 to put me at 7 Pinks. MH brought 2 back putting me at the sweet spot of 9 to be able to cast their buff spell. Not the mention the extra weight of fire. The list is slow. But being able to take a charge and then just shoot off whatever I was in combat with really worked out. The shooting is just so much damage.
  17. Played a game online using a graphic arts collaboration tool, Figma. I ran Multitudinous Host Allegiance: Tzeentch- Change Coven: Eternal ConflagurationChangecaster, Herald of Tzeentch (110)Changecaster, Herald of Tzeentch (110)The Changeling (120)20 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (400)20 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (400)20 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (400)10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)10 x Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60)Multitudinous Host (160)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 125 My buddy ran Slannesh Beasts Allegiance: Slaanesh- Host: Godseekers HostKeeper of Secrets (360)- Ritual KnifeSyll'Esske, the Vengeful Allegiance (200)The Contorted Epitome (200)Doombull of Slaanesh (100)Great Bray Shaman of Slaanesh (100)10 x Ungors of Slaanesh (60)10 x Ungors of Slaanesh (60)10 x Ungors of Slaanesh (60)30 x Bestigors of Slaanesh (300)6 x Bullgors of Slaanesh (280)Depraved Drove (150)Supreme Sybarites (120)Total: 1990 / 2000Extra Command Points: 2Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 127
  18. Regarding the Nurglings, I just want anything to stand in front of the Blightkings to take the first hit. I have a healthy respect for combat armies and just cringe at letting them do their thing. However, there is something to be said that the additional beef to the BK might mean that they can simply absorb the hit. It's not like there is an "If Charge" ability they are relying on. (I'm actually thinking a lot about this in the context of a 20 block of Pinks; how much do they really need a screen?). As far as trading them for the max discount, while it is juicy, I decided it simply came at the cost of another tool that I'd rather have. There's a reason those last 5 cost less than the first 5. What can 20 BKs do that 15 can't? To speak to your point, probably absorb a charge without a supporting screening unit. I might need to just play it out. But NURGLINGS! I can see an argument for going no magic. You do see it from time to time. I'm not sure the other thing the BKs are doing here is good enough to justify it though. This is one I'd need to play out. I hate feeling behind in the Magic phase and some armies rely heavily on key spells. I'm hoping the speed isn't an issue. However, I can't help feeling no Gutrot is a mistake in both our versions. Knife to the Heart is so much better with an infiltrating unit for example. (Maybe I don't need those Sorcerers.....) At any rate, I'm no expert by any stretch and borrowed the Tome to suss this out more. As I've said, I do like the core idea quite a bit and I certainly appreciate going all in on it!
  19. Hounds are prob better than Nurglings and I do wonder if the reroll misses combo isn't better than the -1 Rend.
  20. My take: Allegiance: ChaosLord of Blights (140)Harbinger of Decay (160)Sorcerer (120)Sorcerer (120)15 x Putrid Blightkings (480)15 x Putrid Blightkings (480)5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)3 x Nurglings (100)3 x Nurglings (100)Blight Cyst (140)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 190
  21. MATHAMMER! Actually, no, I don't have time at the moment, but my point is that a lot of this is quantifiable. And that I recognize, I might be a tad lazy for not doing it bc some of these might not be quite as good as I expect. But off the top of my head: Eels, FEC GkoTG or Horrors/Flayers, Troggs, Thundertusks, Witchelves, Bloodknights, maybe some of the new Tzeentch shooting, probably Hardboyz and Fyreslayers Hearthguard but I'm less familiar with them. Oh and there's your Aarchaon + Varanguards. I expect we'll add Giants to the list before too long. It's not just the units themselves, but the full synergy of the entire rest of the army. Also, they don't need to wipe the unit out, just take the objective. Don't get me wrong. Your list has definitely caught my interest. But there's more to the game than parking a tanky unit on an objective. Point for point, every army has something particularly nasty it can do. The BKs are just too slow to be able to dictate engagements I think. This isn't an alpha strike list for example. Given that, I think you need some sort of spoiler element. You've even conceded the magic phase. You need to do something to interfere with the enemy's plan bc most Plan As are to fight over the objective. Yes, there are some matchups where a ****** ton of BKs will do that better but it is by no means a given.
  22. Yes, I think you do, There are so many units that can put out a lot of hurt, especially on the charge. Still, it is def a thing. You're asking a question. Can you deal w 81 4+/5++ wounds sitting on this objective? There are just a few armies out there that say, Yes, I can. I think you really need to be able to dictate the combats and you want to have the first activation.
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