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Everything posted by Mikeymajq

  1. How are you supposed to use the old wyldwoods with the new warscroll? 😩
  2. Beat some Fyreslayers recently 1250 pts though. The scenario was the one with 3 objectives on the centre line, one randomly being worth more points. I tried something different from my usual lists with 2x10 blood warriors, skullreapers, wrathmongers a throw away unit of 5 chaos warriors. Skarr, priest, bloodsecrator and bloodstoker. I lost most of my bloodwarriors to vulkites as fyreslayers got the early double turn. But I managed to whittle them down thanks to the fists and No respite at least. I had luckily managed to grab a decent foothold on the objectives. My wrathmongers got shot off the table by tunneled auric hearthguard so I didn't get to use Skarrs combo with them but he himself was quite the beast against vulkites getting a ton of attacks in. Skullreapers went to town and mopped up 10 heartguard berzerkers with the help of my priest and bloodsecrator. I summoned in 10 bloodletters and pulled a 9" charge into the auric gunline. At this point most things were dead or only few models left. At the end I managed to summon another batch of bloodletters to screen the objective and securing a win. I got quite lucky with the objectives, and managed to get an early lead too. I seriously need to learn to use the bloodtithe for other things than summoning, but getting more bodies in saved my army. But having the reapers fight again would probably have been gold.
  3. I'd so much rather see new armies instead of shoehorning old ones back in.
  4. As someone who has 10 hexwraiths and plans to get 10 more... yeah, if they became better I would not complain
  5. That is a crazy list (I love it!) 🤣 I'm actually a bit worried how my friends will react to my fyreslayers toting two wounds and easily a 3+ save on top of whatever prayers I cast (like the debuff or further +1 save..) and runes being activated. If they're not bringing lots of rend or mw's it's gonna get gross
  6. Sounds more like fluff to fuel the imagination/cool conversions. Hopefully down the line we could see something like that .^^
  7. Ah I see. That makes more sense then I like the double runeson with javelin on droths. Should be scary for other monsters to face. Personally I think I will run Hermdar or Greyfyrd (and I gotta try Lofnir once I have more Magmadroths!). I just love the lore of Hermdar, and greyfyrd getting more artefacts is fun but their command trait is probably the worst in the entire book It's a meh buff that's also conditional I mean c'mon... Vostarg do seem really strong. Especially as they negate one of our weaknesses (speed). I'm just never a fan of the big 'main' factions
  8. Looks solid but needs another battleline no? 🤔
  9. Thanks for the advice! I haven't looked at Reil much. What is his role? Strong magic caster? He would fit the theme a lot too 🤔 I see the rasps as maybe turn 1 screens and after that they can park on objectives or hold the rear but maybe I can drop a few for something. I'm not overly fond of them.
  10. I have a list that I would love some thoughts and advice on before I take the splurge. It's a bit of a themed list around cavalry as you might notice < Leaders General - Dreadblade Harrow with ruler of the spirit hosts. Knight of shrouds, not sure on artefacts but maybe pendant of the fell wind or the extra damage sword? Guardian of Souls with Wychlight lantern Battleline 1x10 chainrasps 1x20 chainrasps 2x10 Hexwraiths 2x10 Grimghast reapers And then The Black Coach and Deathriders Battalion. 1950 pts The idea is probably to be fast, mobile and try and pick/control fights. my general can teleport units to where they need to be during game so he'll mostly try and hang around where he's safe until needed. I probably need more heroes but none of them really appeal to me that much and I'm scared to cut down on bodies to bring in more heroes
  11. Yeah I've seen buffed bullgors obliterate units. I wouldn't mind bringing them. I think in a lot of cases people are just looking at stats in a vacuum and not including positioning, how best to use a unit, what to avoid, potential buffs, when to retreat etc. The way you play a unit drastically changes its effectiveness. It can be as minor as changing the unit size, or what to bring along with it, where you deploy and stuff like that. I ised to run 20-40 reavers and nowadays I do maybr 3x10 and the protect my army from so many elite units that would have otherwise gotten to my cavalry or leaders etc. It was a gamechanger for me.
  12. Honestly so am I. I make toooons of mistakes. But I'm having fun anyway. It's always hard to find an army that appeals to you as a player visually and thematically as well as gameplay style. The armies I have and tend to win the most with are not my favourites to play tbh so they are mostly shelved unless someones asks to play against them 😅 I enjoy playing Khorne the most. I like synergies and units that support one another. And we have such a huge repertoir to pull from that you can make all kinds of lists.
  13. @Ravinsild I think you're right about blood boiling the Magmadroth as it's basically a walking, active volcano. Also some armies perform better or worse at lower points and I think Fyreslayers do excellent at 1k games because of how self efficient their units are. Khorne likes big games where lots of stuff will die. XD
  14. Going up against a friends Sylvaneth next week. 2000 pts and he's bringing Alarielle. My guess is he'll have at least one treelord and alarielle will summon another. And a horde of dryads and some kurnoth hunters (he has one unit of each loadout. Unsure what he'll take). I'm thinking of bringing this: Reapers of Vengeance IR bloodthirster general with Mage eater and skullshard mantle. slaughterpriest - kill frenzy slaughterpriest - bronzed flesh Daemon prince (with axe and wings) Bloodsecrator 2x10 Blood warriors 1x20 Bloodletters (I only have 20 so far) A unit of 6 bloodcrushers 1x5 skullreapers 1x5 wrathmongers 1950 pts. No battalion sadly but that gets me more units on the field I guess. No idea what to expect. My Khorne has never fought Sylvaneth and I've never seen Alarielle in action. I kind of want Skarbrand but he's a lot of points and can't take the lovely Reapers stuff.
  15. He's not a Leader in the battletome though. And the H. Berserkers are only 100 pts in the app still. Guess they missed a few things. EDIT: Does the mount trait Lava-tongue adult make it possible to hit 1 model units like heroes and monsters with the fyrestream? 🤔
  16. I'm super tempted to do a Skitterstrand Nest (battalion) list at 2k pts with a Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok , giving it Gift of da spider god and the Totem of the Spider god artefact, so it can both heal and buff its fellow eight leggers. In my 'sketch' list I also included a Madcap shaman as the general with The hand of Gork to possibly reposition the Shaman spider, dropping him in where the Skitterstrands appear. And 1 webspinnder shaman with scuttling terrors, that spell has got quite the range and the hope is by the time the Skitterstrands bursts into reality he will be a bit further up field with the stabbas and able to reach and speed up a giant spider if needed. I think I mostly focused on stuff that could help them out tbh. First I did a list with 3 Skitterstrands, (and filled battleline with 1x40 Stabbas, 1x20 stabbas and 12 Squigs). I had a bigger unit of squigs too but dropped them down to 12, mostly just gonna screen or be backline. Then I actually dropped one Skitterstrand and took a bunch of Spider riders instead. Figuring the Behemoths were eating too many points and it'll be troublesome to make them fit when they appear. But going from +3" to the charge to 2" kinda hurts their odds a bit. But the Spider Shaman could use a CP for rerolls I guess. Not sure if this is a really bad list or an ok one, definitly not competetive but I don't do tournaments so that's fine. Has anyone used a lot of Arachnaroks? How did it feel?
  17. I could totally see a bunch of Droths being a scary opposition as they have a lot of tools between breath attacks, some serious melee, blood taking down opponents when they get attacked and the tail swipe. Two (or three) runesons drothing about woulf be pretty scary, especially if they tag team units. You could also send up foot slogging sons to buff them. Maybe give them javelins and hurt monsters that may oppose them on their way in. Can't wait to try out Lofnir lists
  18. Yeah I noticed that awhile back too. Might have used it wrong in the past. Luckily I rarely take it.
  19. I think Ironjawz should be updated before bonesplitterz. Might be because I have them, and both BoK and Fyreslayers so my poor wallet is being slammed with battletomes and terrain pieces right now
  20. I'm loving all the attention the Daemon Prince is getting. about the wording on his flying. The intent is pretty clear, I just think that his warscroll is pretty old. And that's more or less how they were written back then. Here's an old Wip of my DP, apperantly I haven't taken a picture of him finished (or at least didn't find one on my phone).
  21. I love my daemon prince. Just hang back and wait for your time to strike and he usually stomps the daylight out of something. Just gotta be careful of counter attacks. But if he's left to his own devices he can swing into the enemy backline and take out support heroes or ranged units while your main force locks down the frontlines to keep him free. He's won me games this way. Almost tempted to give him something that doles out extra blood tithe because with the +1 damage he usually overkills heroes anyway. The claws is more of a backup if the axe whiffs in most cases
  22. I think if you're a tournament player, there is absolutely no reason to go only mortals or only daemons. If you play non-tournaments and want a cool themed army then that's another thing entirely. Personally I would never do competetive tournaments for that reason, a fun game for me is a close fought one with an army that I enjoy both gameplay wise and thematically. I play mostly mortals with some daemons. Like the Daemon prince is a nice beatstick with good mobility, I tend to summon bloodletters. I want flesh hounds, they might also be a decent screen, but I think I'd use them in a different role. My main problem with deamons is actually how few of their heroes do any real buffs (unless they're blood thirsters). Like the cheapest bloodletter hero seem rather pointless to me, or am I missing anything? I might have to try some 5 man blood warriors it seems. I've only ever taken them in 10s. The Goreglaive is that amazing. But now that gorefists actually do stuff it might not be that painful to lose out on it for a good screen that'll do some damage on the way out (something Reavers never do). @AresX8 : it means if they cast a debuff or something that does damage, it won't work on a unit that ignores the effects of a spell. This goes both ways so even if it would somehow buff or heal the unit it won't work. It's immune. It's not quite the same as dispelled though. Say it's a spell that does d3 MW to everyone within 6". It won't do anything to the immune unit, but other units could still take damage from the spell.
  23. oh yeah, I keep forgetting about marauders! I actually used to run them back when reavers didn't even have a 6+ save. We do have som bravery buffs and battleshock immunity in Command abilities still, which helps. And there's always Inspiring presence. Since it became reactive instead of preemptive it has become sooo much better, it helps mitigate the Bloodsecrator banners loss somewhat imo. edit: oh cool so brass despoilers would become part of your BoK army? What units does it require you to take? (damnit, I don't need more stuff! )
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