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Everything posted by novakai

  1. Considering that the number one complaint given to them when they where taking GHB suggestion was “fix KO”, I bet they know about it.
  2. TBH they didn't say specifically for AoS either. the Killteam stuff is actually pretty big in context of that game but nothing that would interest AoS players Also the actual GW seminar is tomorrow anyway
  3. yes, you roll for the Rockgut unit. so if you have a unit of 6 you automatically hit with the ability.
  4. So just the usual Hobby ADD and wallet suffering problems?
  5. And also a New Bloodmaster model and Skull altar
  6. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/03/10/coming-soon-new-khorne-models/ Look like Khorne BT is coming in two weeks
  7. not to mention that those particular three armies are considered different entries when the AoS website came out unlike Skaven, Grot, and Beast of Chaos.
  8. Ignoring the recent daemon engine, it generally been 3 month minimum to 6 months between pic and the model release, but sometimes there are exceptions like the speed freak and rogue trader pics
  9. I would probably tried Sneaky Snufflers, their are not combat unit but their buff synergizes well with Squig units. Also probably a spellcaster since squigalanche does have onen, Skargrott is a good option if you want to use the battalions special ability with some reliability.
  10. We also got a giant just to round things out. I think at least Gloomspite has one of the bigger fun factor for an army, you definitely be the champion of the people if you can win a game with four gargants or four mangler squig or four dankholds troggoth
  11. Or people where bit bias of which army they wanted to be release at the time
  12. not exactly, BoC was leaked but it was suppose to have been reveal at Nova last year. that why it felt like it was release out of no where. and they did hinted of a BoC release with hammerhall herald before hand so it didn't come out of the blue
  13. well there is that possible Sylvaneth release that they teased at LVO but I feel that release is still awhile off.
  14. even if the treasure is 100% deepkin, the model being teased could be anybody standing on that said treasure ( like how their dispossessed structure on the Troggoth models)
  15. well you got to remember that Brexit is right around the corner, it possible even with record number that it will affect GW once it happens
  16. TBH I though they where going to do something with Devoted of Sigmar when silver tower was release and they designed the Excelsior Warpriest, but it ended up that only the Darkoath Cheftain was the only hero that got a future release in the end. with regards of legacy army, I think GW is model and hobbyist company first and competitive wargaming seconds, that why they keep selling those models online without transparency if they get an update in the future.
  17. It nice to see regular dankhold being used.
  18. I am not sure if there going to be a battlebox either since Khorne had one with wraith and rapture and Seraphon had a battleforce box not that long ago.
  19. i think it mainly is the Allegiance ability being unreliable and not affecting the board turn one that make it feel lacking. if the Bad moon was less wonky and worked more like other turn based ability, the power level would feel a bit better. but at least the Gloomspite didn't have the battleline limitation that the Skaven book has, so list building is flexible for the most part.
  20. speaking of grot tactic, I mulled around the uses of Itchy nuisance and from one of the FAQ post I believe it can be use against Grisalgore Ghoul King and on your turn at least you can prevent him from jumping the battle que and attack twice with it command ability until after all your units have attack. also I believe Boggleye's spell also does this but last until your next hero phase which is amazing if it weren't for his wholly within range. and of course both negate High tide
  21. the Shaman variant is definitely the go-to option and probably the strongest variant. mainly because it both a strong monster and a spell caster hero
  22. well since they sort of phased out the Greenskinz, GW probably should least expand their remaining Ork line up for AoS since it probably one of their more iconic army in Warhammer in general (Skaven is more unique but GW greenskinz and Ork are also very iconic to their setting and wargaming)
  23. Skargrott maybe a bit squishy choice but his range attack seems pretty decent against the Warpfire thrower specifically, he technically needs to do only two damage to each thrower and they die from the mortal wound at the end of the round. I think there potential in using the moon now, just to mess with your opponent magic phase first turn and it damage could be useful in harming small units like warpthrower
  24. there also that realm artifact from shadow that once per battle makes your hero untargetable from range attack during your opponents shooting phase. could be good against skitterleap shooting units Lens of refraction could be useful in negating damage except maybe against the quad warpthrower
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