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Everything posted by Luke1705

  1. Based on what you have in your current list, I do agree that more actual Deepkin would probably be best. That being said, I might add 2 units of eternal guard (great backfield objective holders). As far as big stuff goes, the turtle really would fit nicely into your list (but then you’d have to exclude the eternal guard). Some popular allied choices include: Drycha, Durthu, Evocators on dracolines (if those feel big enough), and then you run into the territory of stuff that doesn’t fit into your allies allotment like Morathi and Stardrakes Oh also unrelated but reavers are battleline for Deepkin.
  2. Watch them just revert the giant summoner to 120 and the LOC platforms to 300. Boom! We’re *the* magic army again haha!
  3. The skink move sounds nice but it doesn’t allow them to fall back. Although to be fair skinks are typically dead or not in combat. Idk I feel like if you have the points, I would just prefer a second bastiladon
  4. I’m curious as to why the adepticon winning list had a Stegadon over a second bastiladon. What does the Stegadon do that’s better?
  5. A cool approach that GW is taking in 40k is the opposite actually. There are a few units in the game that are so ridiculous that yes they needed point increases (the Sigmar analogue IMO would be something like witch aelves). But a lot of other good units were left alone and the bad ones were buffed. So now a lot more units are viable and the people who had good things before are still fine. Those things just aren’t as good by comparison. Much better way of “nerfing” the top meta IMO
  6. Frankly I disagree with enlightened needing much of a nerf, and I disagree with morrsarr. If every army got their best units nerfed, there would be a lot more on the chopping block than eels and enlightened. Also I don’t think eels or tzeentch have a viable playstyle that doesn’t include those units. Maybe tzeentch has changehost but bleh. Deepkin have to play so precisely to do well and are so body light as is that I feel they really need some morrsarr.
  7. I do too. Sorry if internet tone indicated otherwise. That was the only thing about your other list that I changed. Didn’t feel that the benefits of the endless spell were better than the added chance of a triumph. I’ve been rather spoiled running at 1870 and 1850 for Nagash and tyrants of blood, respectively. The triumphs really grow on you
  8. Lmao I like how you felt that maybe getting a triumph was more important than the 20 point endless spell. Also congrats! I’m assembling my reavers as I type
  9. So let’s say I have an unhealthy obsession with tiger riders. Is there any way to realistically run like....a lot of them and still win competitive games?
  10. You are doomed. There is no hope. See you on Friday Jake
  11. I also like to play hard haha. One of my regular sparring partners plays that Sylvaneth alpha bunker you mentioned with Morathi and 6 hunters plus Dryads for days. Definitely will keep an eye out but I’m on the other side of the pond. If you’re ever in the northeast United States though, definitely give a holler.
  12. Thanks for the responses James. Tbh I was under the influence of some sort of febrile delirium thinking the soulscryer reduced the amount of drops in the list by allowing his friends to count as 1 drop with him. Personally I like 18 eels more than 24 anyway.
  13. I do like the twist your northern masters list incorporated with the heartrenders and the auto unbind instead of eels 19-24. I personally am just allergic to DoK but I can definitely see the appeal
  14. Do you think there is a down side to having more, like my 24 eel list? Other than being 5 drops instead of 4
  15. I mean he's charging almost every turn so..... Also don't most sigmar events require you to keep your artifact and command trait the same for the entire event? I love that almost all 40k events let you swap them out game by game at a multi-round event, but I haven't seen AoS events where that is the case. If it were, I could see an argument to be made based on matchups for sure. As is, it just seems like the amulet is better for most situations.
  16. Turtle is not a high performer. Eidolon of the storm is definitely good. It’s just tough to fit him, a tidecaster, 3 battleline, and 12 - 15 eels into a list. You kind of get into a weird points breakdown. Could do: tidecaster eidolon soulscryer 15 eels 30 thralls/reavers Puts you right at 1980 and you would not be sad with your results
  17. GW uses “the hero phase” and “the combat phase” every time they mean to say “each hero phase”. It’s not a one shot. GW is incredibly consistent with this terminology even if you don’t like the strict grammatical applications of it
  18. I really like the Volturnos list quite a bit. Did you find that turn 3 high tide was too late? Also what was the purpose of the tidecaster in that list?
  19. Better part of valor is a dumb mission. Auto win on first turn for some armies. The low drop is good but the list I posted can go as low as 5 drops. I’m not sure I see such great value in 4 drops vs 5, but I can appreciate that side of things
  20. I’ve been looking at James Tinsdale’s list recently, which placed pretty well at the most recent event he took it to. It is attached at the end of this post. Three things I’m not sure I’m sold on (James if you’re reading this please convince me) 1) Namarti corps. Extra artifact great. Less drops love it. Basically only costs 50 points (although a tough sell with needing a fourth Namarti unit so maybe the real “cost” is closer to 190) 2) Soulrender over a second soulscryer. Is the regen on units that I presume are basically going to salute and die worth giving up eel deep strike flexibility (and potential +6 on charges if the stars align)? 3) Do we really need an extra command point? We get one first turn anyway and the eels can deep strike. Do eels evaporate so fast that we need 2 to stop battleshock before our second hero phase? People who aren’t James feel free to wildly speculate or throw out educated opinions. I’m thinking about going more down the eel spam route for my competitive list (I desperately love the model so it’s great) I’m thinking: (Fuethan) Tidecaster (General, born from agony) 2 x Soulscryer (1 with cloud) 2 x 9 morrsar 6 morrsarr 3 x 10 thralls (or maybe 2 thralls 1 reaver) 2k on the dot Would love to know why this isn’t better than James’ list (I assume he’s playtested and it’s not)
  21. For fwlr: I’d say it depends on whether you’re going reapers of vengeance or bloodlords. Reapers needs more command points, and you really need 2 slaughterpriests, so you’ve basically only got points for 3 min battle line and you call it a day (though to be fair you might not need 4 extra command points like I play them, but I burn through the CP so fast!) (I also run an exalted thirster with skarbrand so it’s basically like I’m running 4 thirsters in the battalion) I go back and forth on the axe. Not super reliable for 60 points. Definitely don’t need the bloodsectrator with wholly within 16” now. Bloodthirsters charge out of that so fast. Basically I think battleline is just chaff and blood tithe points. Go as minimum small and cheap you can and I think it’ll work nicely. Bloodlords might be able to sneak in more stuff as you’re a lot less CP dependant. I’d probably want to go for skullreapers, but flesh hounds are really nice fast objective cappers
  22. To the first question: no such rule. You’re good to go To the second: no you can’t do that To the third: it works. GW doesn’t think too hard about plural keywords
  23. Would make a lot of sense, and like I said maybe it gets FAQ’d to work that way. Just have to be careful about reading literally. Generally speaking, when you get a new ability, you can only do what it allows you to do explicitly. If the tyrants battalion said they could activate if they were in combat (perhaps the intention) then we would be good to go with that command ability.
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