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Everything posted by Thaliontil

  1. Hasn't AoS teased a Tyrion which is way calmer and more peaceful than Teclis? (With the Idoneth's, for example). Anyway, now that they have revealed the upper part of the model + all of the half moon symbolism, I'm leaning towards an Archmage.
  2. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/03/09/exemplars-of-the-luminethgw-homepage-post-2/ Betting all my money on the "calm guy with the staff" being Tyrion. Love this.
  3. Is it? The base looks to be 32/40 mms, so perhaps one of the rumoured elementals? Seems to be some sort of rocky thing.
  4. Btw, sorry for the double post, but they sent me this photo. Does somebody identify the miniature on the back? Any idea on what could it be? Dawnriders.jfif
  5. A bit disappointing, tbh. The miniatures look amazing, though. However, I don't know if we should expect an Ellyrion-like cavalry unit coming next or, instead, a Dragon Princes one. They say that Teclis taught the Dawnriders, which would imply that Tyrion has another unit of knights, perhaps heavier? However, later in the article they say that they have a more "Tyrionic" influence. Looking forward to the 9th of March!
  6. And a mention to the spearmen being neither "Tyrionic" nor "Teclian", which could mean that Tyrion is also coming and we will see a couple of units created by him (I'm guessing new White Lions/Heavy Infantry and the Cavalry?)
  7. If they are following a sort of Psychic Awakening style of development of the plot and the range of models, I think we will see that in 2021. Wrath of the Everchosen - Attack on Excelsis (Fall 2020) - Fight for Slaanesh (Spring 2021) (With possible Malerion's aelf's joining the fight, as suggested by @Koradrel of Chrace)
  8. I'm thinking of inverting the colours GW used for the reveal. More blue than cream. My lore idea is to have aelfs who once were warriors of Caledor, so I would also love to paint some flames and have some dragon banner options...
  9. Isn't that Celennar? I think that, in any case, Tyrion is the face on the background that appears at the end of the video of the reveal (and who has a weird little moustache)
  10. This was fantastic! Congratulations on the good work, and really looking forward to the next entry (I started playing in 6th edition, so it will be a great nostalgia trip) But you can develop those story lines without needing to add three more armies. Malerion is the one with the biggest "claim" to have an army of his own, while Tyrion will be either part of this release or a future "expansion" of the Lumineth, and the Kurnothi should be added to Sylvaneth. I also think that putting Warcry warbands and stormcasts as "humans" is stretching the concept a bit too far. Empire players are stuck with old models and CoS, which is a great book, but probably a temporary patch till some factions in order get more developed. Back on topic, I would prefer to see Tyrion on Malhandir. We already have Teclis with a great best next to him, and with the new "Blind warrior" concept of Tyrion I think it is better to have him either on his own or just with his loyal steed. It also provides a great contrast to his previous incarnation: where he once was proud and covered in jewels, relics of old and the curse of his ancestors, now he is more of a humble warrior who fights only if it is strictly necessary. A Jedi-Tyrion would be amazing.
  11. Don't you think that yet another elven-army would be too much? As it stands, right now we have 4 and Tyrion, Malerion and Kurnothi should be on the way at some point. I think it is more plausible to have Malerion joining Idoneth (Or DoK, but i can't see him allying with her mother), Tyrion bringing another "chamber" to the Lumineth and the Kurnothi joining forces with the Sylvaneth. If they follow 40K's path, it seems like campaigns are going to be "Psychic Awakening" events to release new rules and models, so probably no new elf army this year after Lumineth. As for the campaign with Slaanesh, which will definitely happen, I think it will come next in 2021, because the lore has been building up to the battle for Excelsis, and with Stormcast being one of the first battletomes of 2.0, it seems more plausible to have that campaign in Fall than anything elven-related. With that said, I would love a dual box set for the release of Lumineth vs. Malerion. Hear our prayers, GW!
  12. This was really nice to continue with the hype train, but I really hoped that they would be releasing an image of a new unit each week (And showing the battletome in Adepticon, to preview that weekend). However, I liked the lore. Perhaps the spirits do not represent sub-factions but more like the "tides" of the Deepkin or the doctrines of the marines? That you can switch them in different battle rounds. I also don't know if I like or if hate the idea of having sort of shrines and aspect warriors ala Eldar. I guess that if that brings cool models I will end up living it.
  13. First of all, I'm mega-excited with this release. High elves were my first love in Fantasy and I have only collected CoS to use my Phoenix Guard (And Mawtribes because I also had some Ogre Kingdoms), but didn't want to invest in a "pure" AoS army till the new "high elves" were released. And, oh boy, those units. And that Eltharion! With that said, and following the pattern of Idoneth and Ossiarch releases (which I think are the latest completely new armies) my guess would be: Dual kit: Dawnriders/new "ellyrion reavers" Dual kit: Vanari Auralan Wardens (Spears)/"new archers" Behemot: Dragon War machine: new repeater bolt thrower Elite unit: New "swordmasters"/new "elite archers" Generic mage + Kit for mounted or dismounted lord (like the former elf noble) This, along with Teclis and Eltharion, would mean 13 warscrolls and around 9 kits, which I think was more or less the size of both Ossiarch and Idoneth releases. On top of that, an endless spell and a piece of scenary and we are good to go. I also think that, as somebody said in the rumours post some time ago, Tyrion will come later next year (or even in 2022) with a new "chamber" of warriors for the army, after they have given updates to armies who need a refresh of their lines. I also hope that we can combine Lumineth with the other "-eth" and Phoenicium. Aelf horde, here we go!
  14. When I saw the Eltharion model in the trailer I thought it could be Tyrion, but bringing him back is a great nod to the High Elves. Love the concept, love the models, hate the pain I'm gonna cause to my wallet. And, as someone posted before, I think Tyrion will probably come later with a "New chamber" for the army.
  15. I hope so. I bought a phoenix and another unit of Phoenix Guard to complete my Phoenicium list, and it would make sense for Teclis/Tyrion to care for their brethren in the Free Cities. There was also a cool idea in the rumour thread about the possibility of Pointy Elves having a sort of "Stormcast-CoS" rule with Idoneth Deepkin, as they were also a creation of Teclis. As for the new miniatures, I really wish for a re-imagining of swordmasters and dragon princes. Those were our best looking units back in the day. So excited!
  16. Thanks! I also love the colour scheme of the army. Pretty excited for this city in particular after the disappointment of the squatting of Caledor/Hoeth.
  17. I know, I know. I want to believe that if they were only releasing CoS and Orruks they would have mentioned those two specifically, but I guess it's completely wishful thinking.
  18. Perhaps I'm reading too much into this, but can't the use of "battletomes" mean that Mawtribes are also coming soon?
  19. As much as I would love to see some "High elves" love, I don't think that we will get anything till 2020, at least. Death + Ogors + Kurnothi/Beastgrave, along with the need to release Psychich Awakening/Space Marines supplements for 40k compress the calendar a lot. However, next year there could be some sort of campaign related to the release of Slaanesh and the appearance of Malerion and Teclis/Tyrion to fight against it. Also, the idea of crystal golems is amazing!
  20. Same in the Spanish store. I really hope that, at least, the dragons/Dragon blades of the High Elves are reboxed. Or that this comes with a "teaser" of the new Light Elves. I'm very disappointed right now :(, all my excitement with Cities of Sigmar has disappeared.
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