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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Your list looks good, but exchanging the grey seer with a Deathrunner , who has the crown of conquest as an artifact, will literally make your whole army immune to battleshock. but anyways, I like your hordestyle army, it reminds me of my glorydays, at the tournament, when I was playing about 340 giant/clanrats. ??
  2. There was some kind of an oddly looking sword in the rumor engine. it had a similar look like those weapon which are used by skaven or the swords being used by goblins riding those Squiks in total war Warhammer
  3. There were rumors about moonclan grots and a Slaanesh releases. darkoath in the other hand have been more or less a wish from players around the world and not really a rumor.
  4. Thanks for your time, it surely is going to help me big, by building a verminus tournament lists. ???
  5. Oh? Ah well, looks like their even better, then I thought they were
  6. Looks good, but you should but the two acolyte units together, since their to hit improves by 1, while having 10or more models in their unit.
  7. Yeah I feel ya, mind razer is definitely a very strong spell, especially against army’s, which don’t even own their own lore or battletome
  8. Yeah same problem here, I’ve even send an email to them, but for some reason they never responded?
  9. Well you could say that, since we usually talk about mixed skaven, rather than just bare verminus.
  10. Looks good It pleases me much yes-yes. Glory for clan mors!
  11. My Skaven collection: clan Verminus: 1Verminlord warbringer 4Skaven warlords 1skaven warlord on Bonebracker ratogre 1Queek headtaker 260Clanrats 140Stormvermins clan Moulder: 9packmasters 3Hell pit abominations 80Giant rats 2rat swarms 10rat ogres Clan Skyre: 1Arch warlock 4warlock engineers 9Stormfiends 3warplightning cannons 4warpfire thrower teams 2poisoned wind mortars 1warp grinder weapon team 1ratling gun 6Jezzails 2doomwheels 1Doomflayer gauntlet clan Eshin: 2Assassins 40Night runners 5gutter runners Clan Pestilens: 2plague furnaces 4plague priests 160Plague monks 20Plague censer bearers Masterclan: 1Grey seer 1Thanquel on bonebracker 3Screaming bell. so, yeah that’s probably a lot of skaven Modells ?.
  12. Stormfiends, stormvermins, any kind of Verminlord, warpfire throwers, giant rats and clanrats.
  13. Well, the warscroll builder allows me to field 40Stormvermins instead of 30 for 500p.
  14. by painting 40-80clnarats with a color in 2hours. and repeating this process again and again until you have 40-80painted clanrats
  15. Looks good. Good luck to you and happy wargamimg. anyways I made up a mixed skaven army, wuth which I am not sure if it will be tournament ready. since the crown of conquest give everybody within range to f the hero having it, battleshock immunity, i thought giving it a Deathrunner, would mean that I can spread my clanrats and other horde units more out. In other words literally every unit in my army will not have to take battleshock. the only problem I have with the army is the lack of missile units?. so anyways what do think about it. 1990points
  16. Hi, nice to meet ya. The warscrollbuilder you made, is fantastic, but I just have one question about the stormvermins. in the ghb 2018 they cost 140per ten models and for 30, 500points. on the warscrollbuilder, you can have them up to 40modells for the amount of 500p. should I now use the point value from the ghb or rather from the warscrollbuilder? Anyways, great job on making the warscrollbuilder. (It is fantastic)
  17. Don’t stormfiends with shock gauntlets, doom flayer gauntlets have a wound characteristic of 7? ??
  18. Damm we finally have a chance in killing Morathi in one turn?? but For myself I’m still hoping that Gw will be faq-ing the pointsvalue for the stormvermins.
  19. Yeah, well they are great against those Stormcast on drakes. and with the new rules the drakes cannot shot out of combat, destroying your poor warp fire teams. which is great.
  20. Well let’s hope it’s just a sloppy mistake made by Gw ?
  21. Well I’m not sure, but the 500 for the stormvermins could maybe also be a 300. from the picture I found
  22. Well I’d really liked it if they brought the famous old world Charakters like Queek Headtaker, Grimgor ironhide, skarsnik and gobbla, the Slayer King and last but not least Ungrimm iron fist back. Bringing back does characters (maybe the same way like Morathi) would give the dwarfs, skaven and green things, a great way of making a battletome for each of those factions
  23. Say have there been any news for skaven, like point decrease or something similar?
  24. Nah, I heard rumors that KFC needed some more wings to sell ?
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