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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. So i have 13000points of Ratman waiting in the darkness at home: it consist of: already build: 1Verminlord Warbringer:280p 1Thanquol and Boneripper:400p 1Grey seer:100p 3Screaming bells:600p 1Plague furnace:160p 3Plague priests:240p 3Warlock engineers:300p 1Arch warlock:140p 4-5Skaven warlords:400/500p 9Packmasters:720p 1Skaven warlord on ratogre bonebracker (selvemade, playing as a warlord on brood horror):220p Skritch Spiteclaw:120p 260clanrats:1320p 100Stormvermins:1280p 80Plague monks:560p 80Giant rats:400p 4rat swarms:220p 10ratogres:500p 9Stormfiends:870p 3Warplightningcannons:540p 1palgueclaw catapult:160p 6Jezzails:280p 2Doomwheels:280p 3hellpit abomination:760p 4warpfire thrower teams:280p 1warpgrinder team:100p 1ratling gun weapon team:80p 2poisoned wind mortar team:120p 1Doom-flayerweapon team:60p 40Gutter runners:400p 7skaven assasins:700p not yet build skavenstuff: 1Plague furnace/160p 30plague monks:210p 1poisoned wind mortar team:60 20clanrats:120p 40Stormvermins:500p 2Rat ogres:100p 1packmaster:60p 3-5Skaven assasins:300/500p 1Grey seer:100p 1Skaven warlord:100p yeah, this is about 13000p worth of skaven, +-points. Anyways am right now stuck in the wastelands of our beloved tomb kings, so I’ll happily share some pics when im back at home. ps:also my army might grow around 2000-3000p more when im back. A friend of mine is interested in exchanging his skaven army for my never used dark eldars. Anyways happy new your to all of you 😁😋
  2. Actually, I’ll gladly wait a whole year, if it’ll mean that also most of our miniature range get an update and we might get some new units. (Would love to have a packmasters riding a 13leg horrific beast.) although, having to wait another 2-3 years might just be too much. then again if they’d put up a certain mixed skaven allegiance and some beta rules for the skaven and other army’s until this get their long awaited real update, waiting another 2-3years might be just barely acceptable
  3. Damm this models all look so fantastic. although the grots with the sniffing Squig’s somehow don’t really appeal to me that great. Probaly something I won’t take into a Gloomspite Grot army, should start an army of them. (Highly possible)
  4. Hi guys was just wondering what you think about my well trying to be competitive list. Any ideas for chances are welcome. heros:550 Beastlord:90 (mutated Gnarlblade) dragon ofre shaggoth:180 (Horn of the tempest, spells: sundering blades) great bray shaman:100(spells: wild rampage, General) Tzaangors shaman:180(vicious stranglethorn) battleline:630p 10Bestigors:120p 10Bestigord:120p 10Bestigors:120p 30Gors:210p (shields) 10ungors:60p (spears) others:360p 3dragon ogres:140p 3Tzaangor enlightenment:140p (on discs) 10ungor raiders:80p Behemoths:200p 1Ghorgon:200p Endless spells:60p 1cogs:60p battalion:190p brass despoilers:190p total:1990p Cp:1
  5. Sadly I wasn’t able to watch it. darn the tomb kings. their internet connection is literally one of the worst.
  6. Yes-yes the great mighty Verminlord we are, see smell everything praise us more!!😂😂
  7. Wait am I seeing this or did the grots get new Squig’s that look like sniffing Dogs?!?😳🤔 (bottom left picture under the manager squik)
  8. From the squik battailon, it’s look like a Loonboss in giant cave squik is also an option. hoping that this’ll be also a new model. and if not, well than I’ve at least got a reason to buy a certain Grot boss from forge world
  9. Yes-yes, greenthings, have take-stolen posterthings place. now only the beard-things, want-need a battletome, to protect-die when the skaven finally rise. fear the danger beneath. (no beard-things means no fun when we will kill-enslave things)
  10. Battalions, bring battalions, lots and lots of battailons.
  11. There are many things I’d like in a skaven release so let me count them down. -firstly a allegiance ability that fits them better then the everlasting, getting worse per year grand allegiance chaos. -secondly a magic lore which would give our wizards a wider range of option they can cast. It is very sad to be only limited to mystical shield, arcane bold, and the given spell on the warscroll. -thirdly new minis. The skaven faction has a very big range of models needing an update. -fourthly, should the skaven faction not be combined back together at least make Skaven Warlords, Stormvermins, and clanrats a part of every great clan. clan pestilence is afterall known to have had pacts and overtaken multiple clans back In the days, same goes for skyre and moulder. -fifthly, lore, there must be some sort of fluff for the skaven. Afterall everybody wants to know what Thanquol is up to. -next a Special Verminlord or Skaven Warlord, who is as brutal and cunning as our beloved Queek Headtaker. Would be a wished granted. -lastly but not least, give ervery grey seer (especially thanquol) an extra spell to cast. this wizards were ones known to have been the best out there in the old world. Fielding such mighty wizard which only a small fracture of the magical talented creatures of the realms could be compared to should make you feel unstoppable. sadly this wizards bring shame with them. Downgraded from a level four wizard who ones could have stood to morathi as an equal, now is only able to cast 1 spell, that’s just sad. edit: this are the main option I believe the skaven would need for a good update. of course a new model range or bringing back old unit like warlord on bonebracker ratogre or skavenslaves would be fantastic.
  12. I’ll send you my answer in the evening/ early night. don’t have much time yet
  13. For some reason your idea reminds me heavily on the hobbit aspect of the dwarfs
  14. I love the idea of fielding more Stormvermins. If we don’t look at there overcosted prize, fielding a ton of Stormvermins will Be a magnificent side to behold. in a more competitive way your better of having only 1 unit of 40 Stormvermins.
  15. Welcome, welcome my friend, I see you have chosen the right way to go, if this’ll keep up Gw just has to bring Queek back to the living. Depends if your interested in playing tournis with your armies, your have to consider rebasing your models on round and oval ones. stille playing the old fantasy game and aren’t interested in playing any tournaments, well square bases will do (ps: also your army will look a bit better with the round and oval version) Edit:
  16. Say is it just me having had to much warpstone dust or are you guys also seeing the familiar face of skarsnik in the loonking somewhere🤔?
  17. If you exclude the skaven forces I’ll happily agree with you.😂
  18. Damm Gw, I really am loosing my money here. First Boc, now gitz. And what next, skaven?
  19. Oh I think i like your Arch warlock very much. sounds just like good old Ikitt claw
  20. Well I do have a list (which I’m hoping to be competitive) but I haven’t tried it out yet. never really had the time. well the lists consists of: heros:550 Beastlord:90 (gnarwlblade) dragon ofre shaggoth:180 (Horn of the tempest, spells: sundering blades) great bray shaman:100(spells: wild rampage, General) Tzaangors shaman:180(vicious stranglethorn) battleline:630p 10Bestigors:120p 10Bestigord:120p 10Bestigors:120p 30Gors:210p (shields) 10ungors:60p (spears) others:360p 3dragon ogres:140p 3Tzaangor enlightenment:140p (on discs) 10ungor raiders:80p Behemoths:200p 1Ghorgon:200p Endless spells:60p 1cogs:60p battalion:190p brass despoilers:190p (or phantasmagoria of fate) total:1990p (or 2000p when taking the phantasmagoria of fate) oh by the way the greatfray I’ll be using is gavespawn (the lore behind it is just fantastic).
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