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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Wow your friends really must insist of playing exactly 1000p. to tell you the truth I haven’t met a guy who Was bothered by playing against a opponent with 20p more than the actual limit was set on. nor have I ever been notified by any tournament organizers who refused to take my list, because it was 20 points over the actual point limit set. But hey if you’re opponent has problems with playing against an army which has 20 more points, either introduce him to the triumph table, or take 4-5clanrats out of one unit and tell him that they each cost around 6p.
  2. I believe so. then again it’s only 20points over nothing to worry about.
  3. Let’s see: heroes: 220p 1Grey seer:120p (artefacts: snoutgrovel robe; Warpgale) 1Warlock bombadier:100p(general; deranged inventor) 1 battleline:400p 2x40:400p others: 3Stormfiends:260p(rattlings, windlaunchers, doomflayers) 1unit of jezzails:140p so yeah you basically will be sniping the support heroes of the enemy army with the windlaunchers and the jezzails. it may look impossible to do so, but with the more more warpower spell on the stormfiends and the rerolling to hits by the jezzails will still do a lot of damage. should you be facing against hordes or elite warriors who dared to basically charge your clanrats, the rattling guns from the stormfiends will be able to deal with them easily. althoug you should remember to buff your skryre units with the +1 damage buff. rattling guns and jezzails will be amazing with it. the clanrats will liter,y be your meatshields, nothing more. their mission will be to capture the objective, destroy weaker units and keep the stronger in bay. and the grey seer will be literly supporting those units with his 13 inch bubble of battle shock ignorance thanks to his artefact. with warpgale you’ll be able to keep rather fast units, like run and charging terrorgheist at bay, while sniping them out of the game without having to see them slaughter your basic holding line of meatshields. Now what I have given to you is well more of an idea of how a skaven force can be build (might change in the future). So what I’m basically trying to say, is that you should just take what evr you like more. there is no reason to hold back if you want to go the horde way and overrun your foe-thing with bodys and bodys of clanrats, just want to turn your foe-things army into swiss cheese? no problemo Just go the skryre way. basically go out there, try a few things out and sooner or later you will have the perfect fun skaven list against your friend-things. And if you loose a match don't worry it happens to me all the time😉
  4. Just take whatever you like more. there is no reason holding back. Tzaangors are a fantastic unit’s, Bestigors are one of the best battle lines in the game and Dragon ogres will bring you the staying power.
  5. Well I’m wondering how this system will work with armies that currently only have the option of 1battleline unit and next to the heroes nothing else like Eldritch council etc.
  6. 1)thanks, yeah that was a duardin or dwarfen axe. Afterall clan mors is rather well known for their gromril scrapped armory and weapons. 2) well knowing how well loved I am under the sturdy dwarfen players, I’m guessing that their ink is probably already out. So to answer you’re question me, me, me, me!!
  7. Skaa Bloodtail ready to murder-slay for-things, Yes-yes Queek will be pleased!
  8. There is uncertainty tainting the air right now. I actually have problems as well knowing if it is possible for the slave to darkness to take Thunderscorn units as allies into a chaos warriors army, since they aren’t listed. but who knows, with the next ghb it might be possible. If I were you I’d just wait till the ghb comes out and then decide.
  9. I guess good old slave to darkness has a reason to build their long missing chaos dwarfed made cannons
  10. The question remaining though is which factions would replace the allies the Gloomspite gitz can take, if Greenskinz and The gitz would vanish.
  11. Looks good, although I’m not sure if you’re opponent will be happy with the result. anyways good luck and happy wargaming.
  12. Ratogre+Clawlord=Claworld on Brood horror. or go the Gloomspite way and chain two Stormfiends or ratogres together and put a fanatic little master moulder on top of it. or buy that new csm guy on that very funky looking maschinery. cut of the head and put a few skaven symbols on it while gluing some crazy warlock on top of it.
  13. Well from a few years ago I usually had around 90% of my army unpainted😅. I was a bit discouraged after having been playing an army that basically had trouble with anything it met. since the battletome for the skaven was announced and some other old world armies got an update I started painting my miniatures with courage and full of new vigor. Since then my army usually consist of painted models. although there are always exceptions and sometimes you might see a few grey models in it, when playing against me.
  14. Nor have I but plague monks are a problem solver for anything. especially if you put deathfrenzy on them.
  15. So like promised yesterday, I played my against my foe-things Felsh water courts. he brought, a ghoulking on terrorgheist, two of those summoning dudes who cost 200points each, 2units of 10ghouls, a corpscart, the stampede and cauldron endless spells. well he chose the first turn, which is funny considering almost does it, and well got literally every spell of on his ghoul king, who the jumped into the front line of my clanrats. thankfully he failed to make the charge twice. in my first turn well I cast skitterleap onto my warlock bombardier to get him to my skryre units, I also sucefully cast the vortex and got both of his summoning dues each down to 1wpund remaining. in my movement phase I shuffled up a little with everything, and buffed and overloaded everything into the terrorgheist, which was barely alive with one wound (my Warlock bombardier skittered to far away to overcharge my cannon which in the end was my downfall) anyways in hopes of killing the ghoulking K charged one of my units of clanrats, and well 33of them died to the surprisingly damageoutput 1whole Monster can do, and I was sadly unable to kill him of. basically the monster then got all of his wounds back thanks to the cauldron and well teared through my ranks, till there was nothing left. so what did I learn from that game. well basically 2things 1. always, always overcharge your skryre stuff and last but not least I should have probably tried to dispel the cauldron😭
  16. And instead double the price of witch aelves? edit: in the end we might just wait till ghb 2019 finally comes out. would be interesting to see how the different kind of factions got buffed or well nerved a bit.
  17. Well as a skaven player, I can tell you a few things about them, especially clanrats. first and foremost they are meathsields nothing more nothing less. As for your problems with them yeah, death-frenzy can be a bit hard to counter but there are actually multiple ways to do so. One is to just ignore combat and instead you shoot them down. (Not something that is easily done with the fyreslayers) another option for you would be to basically take a technically said meathsield unit yoruself, and basically throw them at the clanrats. basically your vulkite berserkers are perfect for that job. give them the slingshield, granting them a 4+ save in combat and give em the buff from that hero that can increase to a 3+. you might not be able to protect all of your vulkites, but they will literally kill of your pest problem and basically come out as the winner with, well if your lucky, not as many casualties as the skaven will suffer. anything that has a 3+ and a 4+ aftersave will probably survive mass murder frenzied clanrats, afterall they are rend less😅. Another option, of which I am unsure of being a option for your army would be to basically kill the clanrats of with melee attacks that aren’t allocated in the combat phase, since deathfrenzy will only work then.
  18. So I’ll be playing a game of aos (1250p) against a friend of mine today. Anyways here’s the list: heros:220p 1Grey seer:120p(skitterleap) 1Warlock bombardier:100p(General; deranged inventor; something injector) battleline:400p 2x40Clanrats:400p others:520p 3Stormfiends:260p 1Rattling gun:80p 1Warplightning cannon:180p endless spells:100p Warplightning vortex:100p total:1240p. the battle-report will follow shortly tomorrow. Hi there @Seihoff I might (edit:)not be mighty and wise Gwendar, but I guess he has the same problem with spear as I have. well I guess you already know the reason why we don’t use the weapon option on 20rat units of clanrats. although they are perfectly fine in a unit of 40. there’s just one problem in it though, and will show itself as soon as you loose 11 or more of them do to battleshock or other stuff. So in the end you could say that clanrats are a bit better with the knives and swords, since they won’t get so heavily punished for loosing their ranks. still a unit with spears can be quit good if you buff them up with gnash gnaw on their bones and other abilities. think of how your foe will tremble in fear, knowing that your clanrats are his worst enemy’s.
  19. Oh they are dominating the tables on miniwargaming right now. (fantastic job to the guy who played against mat and Steve)
  20. It really doesn’t matter if people think of things. in the end it’s the company suffering from loses, and not us people who love squeak-talking about stuff.
  21. I don’t know: some of them look quit amazing, even for their age
  22. Let’s see her. with just got fyreslayer. then there is the sylvaneth battletome which still is being held back and which, from what the whispers in the shadows tell me can take dispossesseds units as allies. Then there was the announcement of the realmslayer model, of which we all know is never going be hopefully a part of the zealot kind of the dwarfs. we have gotten information about some the dwarfed gods that are searching or building something mysterious in the mountains of chamon. We also know for a fact that most of the dwarfen Karaks are allocated in chamon , and are overrun by vermin’s like my own kind and of those green things. I have a feeling that we might see much much more hints about the sturdy old dwarfs in the future🤔
  23. The overpopulation of elite Halfgods! looks like the apocalypse is coming.
  24. I’m guessing so. wouldnt make sense otherwise for other armies and units. I mean what exactly is happening with the rest of the dwarfs or human etc. I doubt they are discontinuing them. (although I’m very much hoping that my beloved Stormvermins get a points adjustments) anyways do we actually know when Gw will be reviewing the upcoming ghb?
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