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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. As a BoC dabbler, bullgor aren't even that good (generally you have to find SOME outside buffs to make them good) in a faction that already struggles. So if you cant compare favorably to bullgors you're in trouble.
  2. I assume the Hedonites rules make them much better in their own book but that doesn't mean much for us.
  3. Slaangor have the beasts of chaos keyword but at a glance they are just worse than bestigor and dont benefit from BoC in any way that Bestigor don't. That's just my initial read though.
  4. I'm not genuinely upset, me and a friend who loves undead are getting this box either way. But basically that would be like someone giving me a really nice self cleaning cat litter box and me saying "oh thanks this is amazing but I dont have a cat" when they are actually planning on giving me a cat too but they didnt tell me. I'm basing my reaction on the information of what use this model CURRENTLY has to me.
  5. I mean sure, she could be another Gotrek but with current info I have no use for her other than really wanting the sculpt. As for the oak I knew it existed but I could've sworn in one book or another it got corrupted and wanted to know if anyone could point me towards it.
  6. I'm so mad this has no use in my living cities army T_T That said this hits all the notes I want in my wood elves. The armor and clothes have a classic feel and the antlers are really cool to me though I'm sure some might dislike it. I could've sworn the new oak of ages got corrupted by nurgle though, am I mistaken?
  7. Endrinriggers can be taken as allies following the usual rules (400pt or less in a 2000pt game). They won't benefit from living cities rules as they dont get the living cities rule. Every city (except Har Kuron) can take 1 in 4 of their units from the stormcast army (so that's how he got the dragon). I think I covered everything.
  8. Don't forget they also count as individual units to proc Brass Despoilers "rr 1's if near another unit from the batallion" rule, and they do it well because it's not hard to keep one chariot "wholly within 8 inches" of a unit.
  9. So I'm no expert but my white pattern always starts light grey, possible shade, re-grey it, ulthuan grey (which is super white), and then lastly a pure white highlight. If you wanted to push my fairly simple process a bit more I'd check out YouTube and thinks like maybe Vince Venturella. I find depth of black is easier to achieve by staying grey and darkening with shades rather than trying to build up to a highlight but I'm again not an expert.
  10. Perhaps I'm simply succumbing to the siren song of big spikey numbers but I'm not really convinced the concussors are better. They deal slightly more damage off the charge but they deal less than fulminators on the charge by what I consider a more considerable margin. Further if you consider that the fulminators gimmick is "dealing loads of damage on the charge" then most people can rightfully say that there is a good chance that in later turns they won't be able to make effective use of it (screens, tarpits, etc.) But the gimmick of the concussors is the potential to prevent piling in and in my mind that's just as nullified in later turns as the fulminators. Your opponent can charge them just as easily as they can fulminators and I grant it takes more of an effort to surround concussors than it does to tag fulminators, but considering their intended place in the enemies lines I dont consider either to be a particularly difficult goal for the enemy to accomplish. So if neither of them are benefiting from their gimmick after round 1 (fulminators would probably be lucky to get 2 charges off in a game while concussors will probably have their pile in prevention matter 2 or 3 times a game) I think the early damage can be more impactful. Also yes I imagine I would more often than not prefer to shoot my sisters at targets behind the screen it IS an option. 30 sisters with the knight Azyros I like to bring should put out roughly 27 wounds against a 5 up save. If that's 40 clanrats that were probably spread thin to prevent the most deep striking than you're down to 13 making a very meager line. If you can set it up so your Dracoths have a different target to shoot or else your opponent has to leave some in range for any reason I cant think of you SHOULD be able to fire and fade around the remainder (to a degree). That said thanks to talking it out here I'm realizing there is no reason not to bring a unit of 10 and a unit of 20 because I have enough units to deepstrike 5 and I'd only be doing 4 (unless I wanna bring a screen of 10 spears I suppose but placing that kind of formation is a nightmare) Holy heck that needed cleaned up. Also I'm a real slow painter but one of the fulminators is ALMOST ready to be posted in their completed color scheme meant to blend many disparate elements.
  11. The best screen is shooting off their screen and shoving 6 fulminators directly into his army mwahahaha No your tactical advice is sound though lol If I run the 6 fulminators I actually do have enough drops to break them into 20/10 and still use the hidden paths. Something to consider as it let's me use one unit as the retinue for my general. Oh heres a random fact I hadn't considered till list building but 6 fulminators can also be the retinue if theres ever any reason to do that.
  12. Yeah but my converted fulminators are also cool to me. I'm just gonna play both lists and see what I like.
  13. I really appreciate the numbers and I guess I'm happy to see there is no ONE right answer. I really like my dragon model and value it's flying and self sufficiency. On the other hand I like my fulminators conversion as well and love the mixed list including 2 sylvaneth 2 stormcast 2 dark elves and 4 wood elves, it just feels very cities. Considering that I'm also deep striking 30 sisters with them I imagine I can hopefully get rid of most screens to get those fulminators right into it on turn 1 but their base size IS an issue with the measurement restrictions so I'll have to just test both lists and see what works on the tabletop I suppose. Neither is going to be a top table army either way but I'm not much of a tournament player anyway so I probably just shouldn't stress it. Also, Zeblasky, I love watching you on Turins streams so it's cool to know you play Living City too.
  14. I like the coolness but he feels way too swingy in combat. He averages just slightly over 10 wounds himself right? I'm absolutely open to being convinced to keep the dragon after I spent so much time converting and painting him lol. I think I like the sisters over crossbows but that might also just be because they're painted and collecting and painting 20 darkshards isnt particularly appealing to me and not due to it's tactical merit lol. As for 20 usually being enough am I mistaken that I can just split fire if I need to?
  15. Double dragon stormcast is playable. Alternatively leave the wings off and play seraphon monster mash lists with tons of "carnosaurs".
  16. So due to my own impatience and a surprisingly quick bits seller in Europe I find I have the option if running 6 Dracothian guard in a living cities list so now my question is do I run Dreadlord on Black Dragon w/spear Knight Azyros Nomad prince w/druid & lifesurge (maybe ironoak would be better to protect the fulminators) Sorceress w/cage SotW ×30 Dreadspears ×10 2× Eternal guard ×10 Fulminators ×4 Tree revenants ×5 Soulsnare shackles (really wish theyd clarified if druid of the ever spring circle makes the general a wizard or not but I guess if nothing else this can slow the advance towards my fragile spear bunker) OR Same as above but dropping the dragon to bring 2 extra fulminators plus another unit of revenants. Note I cant squeeze either list to give me a command point in place of shackles which pushes me towards the second list because with my threat concentrated into one unit of 6 I spend less CP on "fire and fade" as well as gaining more board control with the revenants. I lose out on a good recipient for artifacts (probably just take deepmire cloak on the prince I guess?) And technically lose out on one wound total in the list but 5 of those are revenants so considering how easy they are to kill it feels like gaining wounds. The dragon also flies, has more movement, can fire and fade without needing another hero nearby and looks really cool if I do say so myself. He's also a hero which matters in some missions though in most missions the revenants represent better scoring potential. Any more experienced players willing to share a little wisdom?
  17. Just a word of caution gypsies is a racial slur in many parts of the world. It's too bad you never got to make that norsca horde army but it isnt too late to do with StD.
  18. Okay I may be giving you a terrible idea but if you want to go for an eastern style dragon you could always get the head of a star drake and the lower half of Morathi with the mountain cows body but that seems really expensive.
  19. Let me know if you're in the market for more cold one mounts if you havent already sourced all you need.
  20. That's fair. I actually almost made a post the day of the FAQ cause I didnt see any posts for it because it was all hiding here lol.
  21. Man that giant swirl is a hideous waste of space that is absolutely just there to inflate the price like they did with the celestant prime.
  22. I just stumbled on this and had been working on the same thing. I ended up letting more stormcast stay in the final product than intended so I dont know if it helps you but...
  23. Thank you for the kind words. I admit that internet admiration is always quite motivating when my painting desire lags.
  24. I second Vince. Binging his videos absolutely made me a better painter and I'm just a layman. I imagine someone with more experience would find his methods much less daunting. He's also the strongest proponent for Zenithal highlighting that I've personally seen.
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