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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. The slitherwrack helm says "after the bearer makes a charge move, pick 1 enemy unit within 1" of them and roll a dice. On a 2+, the strike-last effect applies to that unit until the end of the turn." Since it doesn't require anything but making a charge move to activate you can use the doombulls command ability to charge in the opponent's combat phase and give them strikes last when they perhaps aren't expecting it.
  2. I know I said I feared they wouldn't be good because they don't benefit from almost any buffs or synergies but the math proved me very very wrong. Which ironically makes them pretty good allies for other armies again because their warscroll has all its power baked in. What they aren't is durable but that's nothing new.
  3. Not only do they out damage them. They do it with shields! So you're trading worse damage for 1 better bravery and 10 less bodies on the board. Sadly I just can't do it considering how thin we are on the ground.
  4. The thinness on the groundness is real. Time will tell if we have the punch and defensive tech to be elite or if we need to keep trying to screen. My gut says we don't need screens nearly as much with army wide ambush and things like cockatrice, stranglethorns, gavespawn, etc to protect our hammers that used to require such careful delivery but again. Time will tell not me.
  5. I kind of assumed the congregation would work that way. App is just wrong for now then. Well considering that I have 2 lists I want to try. The first one was mostly a joke called all herd all the time that literally uses every brayherd infantry I own but I'm not not interested in running it hah. The second is more well rounded but is a million drops so I don't know. I do like the idea of having a unit of bulls that can chIn activate with the doombull as well as the bestigor doing the same with the beastlord. As for the the spawn the way I see it it's 76 ish points for a unit that will either reduce enemy attacks drastically or absorb 5 wounds that would have gone into a much more important unit (possibly more if your opponent allocates too many attacks to it). Combined with stranglethorns you can tag the very corner of a unit and debuff the whole block. They also make fine batteries for rituals of ruin since they're probably one use debuffs anyway. The cockatrice is a great defensive tech but more is better with our fairly unremarkable defensive stat lines. I plan to just mix a spawn into each of my 3 big threats and keep a cockatrice nearby to make my opponent to make hard decisions, how sure can he be of destroying a target when they are minus 1 attack and there's 50/50 chance he'll only be hitting on 6's. You can't bank on the enemy messing up but the more hard questions you present the more likely you are to make them slip. I feel like eventually I'll break down and accept that the skullfray command isn't good enough to use and I'll bring a big block of bulls with the improved ambush trait instead but for now I'm going to keep my skullfray dreams of the closest I can get to khorngors alive with a beastlord and his bestigor. - Army Faction: Beasts of Chaos - Subfaction: Allherd - Grand Strategy: Desecrating Brayherd - Triumph: Bloodthirsty LEADERS Beastlord (145)* Beastlord (145)** - General - Command Traits: Skullfray Gorehorn - Artefacts of Power: Slitherwrack Helm - Aspects of the Champion: Fuelled by Ghurish Rage Great Bray-Shaman (95)** - Artefacts of Power: Brayblast Trumpet (summon 10 ungor raider) - Spells: Tendrils of Atrophy Great Bray-Shaman (95)** - Spells: Wild Rampage BATTLELINE 20 Ungors (160)* - Halfhorn - Gnarled Shortspear - 2 x Brayhorn Blower - 2 x Banner Bearer 10 Ungor Raiders (115)* - Halfhorn - Brayhorn Blower - Banner Bearer 20 Gors (220)* - Foe-render - Paired Hacking Blades - 2 x Banner Bearer - 2 x Brayhorn Blower 10 Gors (110)* - Foe-render - Banner Bearer - Brayhorn Blower - Hacking Blade and Beastshield 10 Gors (110)* - Foe-render - Banner Bearer - Brayhorn Blower - Hacking Blade and Beastshield 30 Bestigors (660)** - Gouge-horn - 3 x Brayhorn - 3 x Banner Bearer OTHER Cockatrice (105)** ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS 1 x Ravening Direflock (40) CORE BATTALIONS *Battle Regiment **Warlord TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000 - Army Faction: Beasts of Chaos - Subfaction: Gavespawn - Grand Strategy: Protect the Herdstone - Triumph: Bloodthirsty LEADERS Beastlord (145)* - General - Command Traits: Skullfray Gorehorn - Artefacts of Power: Slitherwrack Helm - Aspects of the Champion: Fuelled by Ghurish Rage Great Bray-Shaman (95)* - Spells: Tendrils of Atrophy Great Bray-Shaman (95)* - Artefacts of Power: Brayblast Trumpet (summon 10 gor) - Spells: Vicious Stranglethorns Doombull (160)** BATTLELINE 3 Morghurite Chaos Spawn (Gibbering Congregation) (230) 10 Bestigors (220)* - Gouge-horn - Brayhorn - Banner Bearer OTHER 6 Bullgors (390)*** - Bloodkine - Man-splitter Great Axe - 2 x Warheard Drummer - 2 x Warheard Banner Bearer 6 Bullgors (390)** - Bloodkine - Paired Cleaving Axes - 2 x Warheard Drummer - 2 x Warheard Banner Bearer Cockatrice (105)* 10 Chaos Warhounds (110)*** ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS 1 x Ravening Direflock (40) TERRAIN 1 x Herdstone (0) CORE BATTALIONS *Warlord **Galletian Command ***Galletian Veterans TOTAL POINTS: 1980/2000
  6. Quick question from a non IDK player. Does the bloodthirsty shiver fulfill all 3 of your battleline requirements even though it's taken as one and if so does it also take up 3 slots in a batallion even though it's taken as one? Preferably an official ruling but I'm open to interpretation if there isn't one. Thanks.
  7. Not a tax no. Only determines whether I want to bring gors or dogs or centigor. I can't imagine it's best of both worlds (only 1 batallion slot but fulfills all 3 battleline)
  8. I probably will. I was just wondering because it isn't the first unit like this (idk fuethan sharks) but I dont know if they were battleline. And Grashraks and other WU warbands all take 2 slots in batallions so who knows.
  9. Does anyone know if a gibbering congregation counts as 3 battleline choices or one? They "must be taken as a set referred to as a gibbering congregation. Although taken as a set, each is a separate unit." Also how does that work with batallions? Do they take one slot because it's in the list building phase or 3?
  10. I'm glad my gut reaction was wrong and bullgor are not obsolete. I personally lean towards the greataxe because the difference in dmg is often less than 1 point and the 3+ hit makes them more independent. If I'm likely to be spending a CP on bulls charging in the combat phase I'd prefer not to also plan on spending one on AoA every turn too. (Also because I built them all with greataxes but that's neither here nor there) I'll also say all my griping about the skullfray command boy affecting bulls still stands from a fluff perspective but from a balance perspective I suppose it's entirely fair. I've always preferred the look of gors with shields and will probably stick with them because I've got plenty of killy things and precious few durable things. My ghorgon math didn't factor in most buffs except his own rampage but ultimately I still feel like his abilities have so many ifs/buts that it isn't that appealing to me. Targeting command models and special weapons definitely seems like the best use though. Think of him as turning off command abilities if they don't have another leader nearby to issue them hah. All in all I'm still keen on the book and now probably more so. Warhounds wound efficiency is somewhat lessened by their bravery 4 but I still like them for being something that doesnt ambush and can get you objectives if you want to wait out turn 1.
  11. I agree and I love the morghurite spawn. Feels a bit wasted though because all my lists want to bring gor/ungor anyway so having these spawn satisfy my battleline doesnt really help. As for the cockatrice, use em if you got em. Everyone is really excited about how good they are allied into other armies so I expect we'll get nerfed to make up for other armies taking our stuff eventually.
  12. I will get back to you. I hadn't been eyeing their synergies as much because I don't own any but I'll look into them. Also the herd welcomes all who are strong enough to fight no matter how recently... turnedskin!
  13. My immediate reaction is that if I want speed I'll take dogs and if I want damage I'll take well tons of things, but then I was surprised by the damage output of centigor in the old book and I have 10 converted ones anyway so I'm sure I'll try them as soon as I can. I might even try chaos gargants using some khorgorath proxies since I've got them and they fit the theme. After some math hamer it seems that there isn't a big enough difference in damage between greataxe and dual weapon bulls (dual is always just a little better but by 1 or less avg dmg). I will say that a doombull feels mandatory to run with bulls now. Your opponent can easily leave your bulls outside of range to pile in after the charge and being able to respond to that by charging again is necessary in my opinion. Bestigor do not invalidate bulls like I feared. They NEED to either get buffed by skullfray command trait or the enemy using AoD or tendrils of atrophy to compete. Now if you can get multiple buffs on them they will out damage bulls but unsupported (or minimally supported) bullgor will still break the line a lot harder than bestigor. I havent seen the tzaangor warscrolls so it's still possible that enlightened on disk still outcompete the bulls I'm really happy with the numbers on our elites. Ghorgon damage is pitiful. 9 avg dmg on a 4+ save (plus the likely 3 extra models you will eat).
  14. I actually am quite keen on the book. I'm just mostly annoyed that the god marked armies are just a command ability and that khornes is the only one that's keyword locked and that (I need to crunch numbers of course) bullgor seem to be out competed by tzaangor enlightened on disk again and get no synergy for some reason. I am possibly interested in trying a 12 bull block with a doombull and the 7" ambush command ability. Use blood taunt and such to make a clearing. Ambush the 12 bulls, charge something that can hopefully be wiped out by the average 10 mortal wounds and then use the doombull to charge again in the combat phase into 2 more things dishing out another 10 mws and then fighting. It may not always work or even often work but the potential dmg could be a big swing. But then I really want to use all my bullgor. Edit: of course I forgot you cant bring a unit of 12 and 2 units of 6 means one of them will not benefit from the increased likelihood to make their charge so it's even more of a gamble. Further the fact that the skullfray command trait flavor text says something like "radiates the wrath of the great brass bull" and does not benefit bulls is just... they really hate me don't they lol.
  15. Link it?! I'd love to get rid of some skaven I haven't been able to move (since long before the recent tome, just decided my favorite ratmen models had horns so why not go where my heart lay lol) Edit: found it and as good as it is for someone new im afraid I'm all set on battleline but best of luck!
  16. I suspect you won't be the only one with summoning gone hah. I'm mad the skullfray has not only been reduced to a single trait but that trait also doesnt affect bullgor because GW hates me in particular. My gut without math is that bestigor are almost always going to be better than bullgor even before all the buffs the bulls cant get but time will tell if I'm just jerking my knee.
  17. I expect we'll eventually see some point drops as it feels like we got the points increases of buffed units AND the points increases of "we need to bring this win rate down" at the same time.
  18. I personally can't wait to blood taunt blight kings to the back corner of the table all game but I dont know if it will be any good. Theres a lot of great debuffs and buffs but my gut instinct is that some of these points increases were a little too much. It's like "oh wow there is 3 really strong debuffs in the shaggoth lore" but you'll never get to take more than 1 a game because hes 300 points. Stuff like that. I'm still super excited and love the army but itll take some getting used to. HUGE disappointment that the god marked frays are now just a command ability that IMPLIES you're god marked but I'll survive I'm sure. Buffed chaos spawn in Gavespawn is great since I've been using the amazing ruinstorm daemon brutes as proxies and they were a little too cool for old spawn rules. Unlike most reviews I like the trumpet myself. The artifact is basically 110 free points and we are really hurting for bodies (in all my lists so far) with all the point hikes. Cant wait to dive in more!
  19. I went ahead and made the 3.0 thread for anyone interested. Linked 2 youtube video reviews I could find that are going live super early!
  20. Just thought I'd get the new thread started since we're finally getting a 3.0 book and tomorrow at least 2 youtubers I can see have already got their battletome reviews (man reads book) ready to go! So I'll link those (feel free to link others!) and hopefully starting tomorrow we'll have a lot to discuss about the true children of chaos!
  21. Well the seraphon really deserve this range update and it looks good. Very happy for them. If I had to be negative (and I do) It makes me weep for my poor single hero beastmen release lol. The only other thing I cared about was the khorne warband (I was wrong that armband blade was khorne) and I think the leader of the war and looks absolutely amazing. Given the chance I will get him (and only him the rest of the warband is pretty bland and the big running guy really should have just been a khornegor or closer to one) to convert into another very khornate beastlord! Edit: On that note since so many people are in love with the new vamps if anyone is planning on buying the box and would be willing to sell the khorne hero alone I would be very very interested in him! (I guess maybe the khorne half instead but I'll be honest I just want the leader) even better if they want to trade it for some Skaven or something else I have.
  22. I broke down and subscribed for one battle report and then canceled (due to lack of content, seriously AoS has only TWO animations??) Of note the rituals of ruin seem possibly really good. The herdstone nerf (starts on turn 2 and 4 instead of 1 and 3) seems fine. I didn't see them rally once so the rally/battleshock buff may also be gone which is also fine. The biggest note is that bestigor are up to 2 wounds apiece, bullgor still hit on 4's and since they never once mentioned it I think I was right and they removed summoning from beasts which I am again totally fine with. Rather have good units than a million of them.
  23. This is on warhammer plus right? Anybody know anywhere else to view it?
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