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Everything posted by kenshin620

  1. Well it's probably a good idea to have a spare battlesmith anyways when they get inevitably sniped. Got to have those heroes giving the hearthguard their better wardsaves!
  2. Oh my comment wasnt on Hearthguard, it was the Armor Stacking. Something tells me you're not suppose to have 2+ Armor Save fyreslayers! Unless you are and every army should have 2-3 battlesmiths all hugging each other! Naked Slayers being tankier than Ironbreakers sure sounds weird.
  3. They usually refer to the original wound characteristic. I think very few damaging spells or abilities rely on the remaining wounds. (though I could be wrong)
  4. I mean they faq'd Skullcannons not getting extra attacks from wrathmongers, if it becomes a problem they'll slap it down. (even though people do say that was an unfair treatment) When it comes to "vague" RAI vs RAW rules, I always try to take the safe bet that something sounds too good to be true.
  5. You know, am I the only one that thinks its a good thing there doesn't seem to be a Seraphon update any time soon? That would greatly increase their chances of new models! Not that seraphon need new units, but you know finally replace the "how is this still here, isn't this suppose to be the center of the army" metal sculpt slaan! There definitely needs to be more details for example. The vanilla slaan is so...plain! I need more headpieces and ancient bling!Even if I suppose fluffwise why would lizard daemons care about that stuff...
  6. Even DoK missed the GHB 2018 point change right? And they came out pretty early 2018.
  7. Dont you need a Crypt Ghast to have Ghoul Patrol? Or did you mean to use "Royal Family" since you have 2 ghoul kings?
  8. If theres one thing I'm hoping happens tangentially related to khorne, its a buff to the slaughterbrute whenever they get updated! How is such a huge creature completely lacing rend -2! And it's giant mouth doesnt even have rend!
  9. But in WFB they still ate into your Hero/Lord slots or points. Now the murder machines are like cruise missiles! Buy a few and send them off!
  10. 1 model Chariot units are great cruise missiles in nurgle battalions. In Nurgle armies, blades of putrification can make centigors surprisingly punchy.
  11. To be fair you almost always want one anyways! 😜 But yea free terrain is an issue because it is a "Free" buff/allegiance ability. So it cant be too powerful otherwise it mind as well cost points, on the other other hand it can easily be a very niche thing.
  12. Yea I imagine much like slaughterpriests, fyreslayer priests will have a constant presence. Plus at least Fyreslayers have 3 options compared to khorne's 1 so theres some variations. (Well theres the chaos warshrine, but thats harder to fit in most lists) Really like Greyfyrd's passive! That is the direct opposite of the usual with subfactions where you have an item tax. Now you get an item boon! With a battalion (methinks which would be easy to slip in) thats 4 artifacts! Well 3 artifacts and 1 forced artifact. But still pretty cool nevertheless. Hero Hammer here we come!
  13. I dont think you can ambush razorgors. But they are a cheap filler to let other things ambush! If you're allowed non-gw stuff I'm curious if the Immolated Rhino from Wyrd would make a good razorgor stand in
  14. Thanquol himself could even take plague! And cast it with +2 to cast if hes not hurt!
  15. If you really hate hordes, you could even run a VLC in a nurgle army and give him the Pestilent Breath trait for even more mortal wound fun (it's a quasi-shooting attack that deals a mortal wound on a 5+ against a unit for every model within 6".) Of course then its a nurgle army, not a skaven army.
  16. Also fyreslayers were made in a funny time of AoS, where perhaps, at least to GW's eyes, 2k points wasnt the "standard". Despite 1.5-2k almost always being the "standard".
  17. To be fair Carrion Empire updated 2 "already AoS battletome" armies. FEC already had a battletome, and so does skaven (to a weird extent with skaven pestilens) Plus these VS boxes are a method of showcasing 1-2 new models per faction, I cannot really see wanderers ever getting new models.
  18. I imagine summer, July-August time line. So then each "half year" (give and take a month or so) has a Herald Army release.
  19. The only problem is that thus far we are relying on the use of the Malign Portent Heralds for "new model updates". No herald, no (significant) model update. (and Slaanesh, but thats because it's mostly a daemons update and thus is half 40k, no idea just how many mortals are involved) I think Post Everchosen/Slaves to Darkness, it'll be open season.
  20. Yea that is the problem with a lot of artifacts, they have to make so many to complete each table so it seems like a lot of them are made just for the sake of making them (like SCE, so it's no wonder that a decent amount of them never see the light of day) Like Foulhide seems good....if you actually had a Moulder hero with more than 5 wounds and a 5+ save! Like if there was a Master Moulder on a Bonebreaker Rat Ogre, then we're talking. Plus Rabid Crown is a great "always on" force multiplier, as compared to Lash of Fangs which is super situational and you really dont want the Master Moulder in close combat!
  21. I mean lets be real here, 6 chaos boxes is quite a lot. Do you honestly expect at launch there to be 11 other kits? Thats 17 boxes. GW isn't made out of money. Well maybe they are but the rate they pump out plastic kits these days is insane. Honestly I'm a bit afraid they're starting to stretch themselves a wee bit thin. Like for example I'm surprised they're still making new bloodbowl plastics. Not hating on BB, but I'm curious just how much revenue to cost it is making per new team. Remember, plastic molds cost an arm and a leg to make and take a lot longer to produce than one may think. Perry Miniatures for example often preview their "3-Ups" of upcoming plastics like a year or so in advance before they actually have the finished product. And lets not forget poor skaven have to take one for the team and still make do with metal 6th edition models. Now if GW was Bandai Namco, THEN they dont have an excuse! (seriously Bandai where are my modern HG Wing Gundam and G Gundam kits? I dont want another dang RX78-2 remake!)
  22. (Keep in mind I dont play sylvaneth but I always like talking about all the factions in this game!) It's likely there will be a lot more streamlining. Buffs (with few exceptions) becoming wholly within, more internal balance (hopefully), the Forest becoming a "nice to have free buff" rather than a game altering part of the army (under the assumption Woods become exactly like how 2.0 faction terrain are), I imagine wargroves are also altered, maybe even change Wargroves to being "Stormhosts" But then again skaven has their dumb Skryre Enginecovens which are wacky and only count as one battalion despite the points you need to sink in, so who knows how they'll handle wargroves vs normal battalions.
  23. Theres the upcoming Sylavneth (speculation, but also seems super obvious) vs Gloomspite Gitz box. Given how Realm and Chaos and Carrion Empire resulted in new books, it seems very likely Sylvaneth will come out close to or on the same date as that VS box. I think given how they teased it, it would be within 6 months at the latest since GW doesn't seem to blatantly advertise things that are really far away (except Sisters of Battle) or the Herald armies (and malign portents was a weird thing) Also this year has like...4 Chaos Tomes anyways! 😜 (khorne, skaven, slaanesh, and assuming Everchosen+Slaves To Darkness comes out this year)
  24. Keep in mind any advice given today may become obsolete in like 3 months. Granted I suppose that is a long time depending on how heavy one games in that time period.
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