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Everything posted by kenshin620

  1. Maybe it's my personal preference, but I find alternate weapons=new unit a little cheatsy. Free People would be a pretty "large" army if they separated the freeguild guard into 4 units! (well ok thats how the empire used to work). Also I actually think Warhounds won't be replaced since they already repacked them literally last year. Seems weird to do that, while at the same time not repacking things like Dragon Ogors or Chimeras. Unless "chaos hunting dogs" is a completely different thing. Or they do a Gryph Hound and they're 1 model companions/summoned units for heroes. I mean not everything in Underworlds becomes a thing, the Squigs that accompany Mollog are all unique. And also Grot Scuttlings have also not become a thing. Plus the recent battletomes have been more soupy as of late with both BoC and GG having 3 or more army general keyword options, and even NH has that weird LoN thing going on. UNLESS they pull off a NH and many DO units are also part Slaves to Darkness but a pure DO army has it's own unique mechanics/battlelines.
  2. Do you think FW may be hinting that more SCE stuff will come from them? I mean they LOVE space marines, and SCE are fantasy space marines.
  3. I think Darkoath may become a keyword, but will not be separate from Slaves to Darkness or whatever the heck the Undivided army will be called. I can't really see them becoming a full on faction, unless it's a relatively "micro" faction like Daughters of Khaine which relies a lot on dual kits (5 dual kits+character is the entire army). If anything, the Harbingers so far have been a "part" of a larger army. Ordinator is Sacrosant, a keyword within SCE. Fungroid Cave Shaman is Moonclan, a keyword within Gloomspite Gitz. And alright true, Knight of Shrouds is in his own army, Nighthaunt, but NH is pretty large faction (without relying on dual kits....not counting hex wraiths) and half of the NH models can also be a part of Legions of Nagash.
  4. Well at this point I'm pretty sure a riot would start if SCE got another 6-8 new models. Especially the people who have giant piles of liberators!
  5. Oh hey speaking of models, some classic O&G models are coming to Made to Order. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/01/20/coming-soon-made-to-order-orcs-and-goblins/
  6. Anyone just seen that the Feb White Dwarf cover is focusing on SCE (more specifically the Hammerhands)? Thats interesting, I guess in much the same way Space Marine Chapters getting extra rules in WD.
  7. Plus it is nice to actually have a variety of battalions! As opposed to say Legions of Nagash who have 6, 4 of which are legion specific and require Nagash or a Mortarch. I still can't believe they don't have a Necromancer+Zombie Battalion. Though I am curious if the Gobbapalooza battalion is going to be a common thing from now on.
  8. Yea I think thats the debate on Battalions. If they're too cheap or too good, they become auto takes (like the Everchosen battalions pre 2.0 nerf). If they're too overcosted or with marginal benefits, then they're just sitting there locking out additional artifacts (SCE struggle a lot with this, outside of like the cleansing phalanx) Another thing to keep in mind is the shift of 1.0 battalions to 2.0. Modern battalions usually only give 1 benefit, vs the 2-3 benefits of older ones. So you do have to sit and think about gaining the one drop, artifact, cp, and one benefit vs the cost and composition of the battalion. And it does still appear to be a learning process on GWs part. BoC as another example being the next newest book has some very....odd battalion choices, from almost auto include to "why do I need to take 3 gors".
  9. Be cool if a Chaos Warpgate/Realmgate becomes a thing. Or just a huge Shrine of Chaos.
  10. Other than adding bows to the horsemen, not sure what they could do with a 2nd light cavalry option.
  11. Yea this rule has been discussed multiple times since AoS 2.0 dropped, and it is one of those "not for matched play" sort of rules (though those are disappearing, like summoning) I think a problem would arise for strategies involving purposefully getting your general killed and getting a new general with a new trait.
  12. Reminds me a lot of the Warmachine/Hordes Mercenaries, great works!
  13. I would think spears to shove down as many attacks as possible, especially with buffs like the snufflers. But it can be up to you. Most of the time, weapon choices aren't too clear cut on one being superior.
  14. You could bring on a chaos sorcerer lord, he likes everyone.
  15. I mean if we're talking about niches, theres an army called Beasts of Chaos which has a good number of models that are in dire need of updating...😤 And yea I do understand FW's role in expanding niche lines, like Bloodbowl, but they historically have been very hands off on Fantasy. The best they have done was the chaos dwarfs, and that sadly has been very stagnant to where some models aren't even sold like the skullcracker (ok well that also was one of the more problematic minis..) I guess where I'm going at is that I wouldn't put much hope on AoS FW releases. It's cool when they do support it, but it clearly is on the bottom of their priorities (even LOTR/Hobbit has gotten more releases). Like I would have thought they would have made "Mercenaries" for Warhammer Underworld or Warhammer Quest at this point.
  16. I'm pretty sure Dispossessed would get an actual book before FW gives any new destruction models! 😜 But seriously I wouldn't really put any hope in FW AoS stuff, nearly their entire line is just repurposed leftovers from Monstrous Arcanum/Tamurkhan's Horde and a few even went oop (like the preyton). True they have made 3 models specifically for AoS, but all of them Khorne (and 2 of them being dubiously useful and the last being 1200pts). And they still for some reason haven't given rules for the Ruinstorm Daemon Princes! I mean even basic stuff like Chaos God themed upgrade kits for Warriors of Chaos haven't been on their mind! Meanwhile every single Necromunda Gang has gotten new weapons and some have alternate heads....
  17. Ahh ok, I got confused when one common way to make a tazzngor enlightened on foot is to simply give a normal tzaangor model the spear arms. But you still need the separate base.
  18. I think it's same base size as normal tzaangors.
  19. I swear I made this topic like a year ago (though it was about HE)! 😋 Well GW does what it wants to do. Assuming GHB isn't a kiss of death (made a topic about that as well!) Wanderers and Darklings are "safe". And there are bits and pieces of "important" aelf dominant cities like the Phoencium (keep forgetting how to spell that). Plus At least Aelves have battletomes (either directly like DoK and ID or indirectly in the form of sylvaneth). Meanwhile Humans are still kind of stuck with SCE or non-order. Which is a bit weird. And plus hey, Beasts of Chaos somehow came back. Always gotta keep hope! Unless you're classic O&G, they may be out.....
  20. It seems the new squig bounders are good offensive units.
  21. Plus most resin models for warriors of chaos either got moved to the god armies (various chaos lords of X), moved to BoC (dragon ogor) or were removed (chaos trolls, chaos ogres). That really just leaves chosen/foot varanguard. Also assuming the underworlds warband is any indication of a unit, there may be a "marauder hunter" unit of foot archers/javelins. I'm also very curious if they'll bring Forsaken back. Really weird they killed off an 8th edition chaos plastic set even if it sold poorly.
  22. Just wait till slaanesh. Daemonettes are already great blenders, imagine a full on battletome! But yea it's so nice they took lessons from Beasts of Chaos (combing several elements but are still distinct) and gave some love to destruction. Now if they could also extend that to the orruks! I still think they could get a "multi waaagh" book!
  23. The preview to next weeks preorders is up on community which includes the 2 upcoming underworld Warbands. Interesting that it does flat out state that these Darkoath Warriors are from Slaves to Darkness. While the Community site might not be 100% accurate all the time, methinks this hints that it will be an overall Slaves to Darkness (and Everchosen) update than just Darkoath.
  24. Well...he exists! Thats all I can really say. 😋
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