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Everything posted by mikethefish

  1. Not sure how gimmicky this is, but my thought is that any Kharadron Overlords list that includes multiple ships in it these days, basically HAS to be a gimmick list 😉 I use the Iron Sky Battalion. It's a good solid battalion, and it let's this list be a one-drop list, which you don't see too often these days. I don't hear a lot of talk about it, but the Iron Sky Squadron is a pretty effective way to use KO, and still have cool looking ships flying around Sky Port: Barack Mhornar Admiral (Opportunistic Privateers) Khemist x2 Arkhanaughts x3 (minimum sized squads) Frigates x2 Iron Sky Squadron Endrinriggers x9 (equipped for melee) Sky Wardens x9 (equipped for shooting)
  2. Oh I certainly know - I just disagree. I think it's a combo of most armies being a bit more limited than you imagine, and the KO army also being a bit more flexible than you imagine.
  3. I mean...to be fair, most armies take a long time during at least one phase of the game (melee, hero, etc). It's not a problem of the army - merely that the army focuses on a particular fighting style.
  4. Usually only one or two people run tournaments in a local area. Surely this is not a hard concept to grasp?
  5. Personally I am not going to answer that question, because I disagree with you that it's a problem. I don't think it needs to be this overwhelming tactical decision. Being an auto-decision is perfectly fine. The point of the double turn is to shake up games and it does a more than good job of doing so. I've played 40k (which doesn't have a double turn, of course) for a number of years. In basically every edition of the game, it's always the same thing. Two players start. One player starts to lose. He then loses some more, and then continues to lose until finally...he loses. Now of course I am using hyperbole, but this is an essential problem of this game. Once the game's course is set, it's far too difficult for players to alter that course. The double turn solves this. If a losing player gets double-turned, then he simply loses that much faster, and finishes the game quicker. If a losing player gets to take a double turn, then it gives him a chance to come from behind. So personally I think that the turn sequence is just fine, and I don't particularly care that the turn choice is a simple one
  6. It's a bad idea quite frankly. Being able to score objectives the current way makes for a more exciting and dynamic game.
  7. Yep, that's what you want, it sounds like. The company makes the rules (updated each year for new missions, etc), and basically like 99 percent of tournaments in the world use them (because why wouldn't they?) One thing they do is provide a list of variant rules in the packet. So tournament organizers, if they want to do something a little different will just list the variant rules. So if an upcoming tournament uses the Deathclock rules (Deathclock being one of the variant rules), then the tournament will be listed as "Steamroller Deathclock tournament" or something similar. That way players can have access to all the potential rules in one spot.
  8. So you basically want the Steamroller Tournament rules that Privateer Press uses for Warmachine.
  9. I much prefer acronyms to silly nicknames. Sorry Vince - the Ossiarch are not the "Bone daddys". They're just not.
  10. Yeah I actually totally forgot that I even started this thread lol. Pretty much done with the army for now - I'll just load up some photos I have...
  11. Speaking for myself, I think we are in a good spot, in regards to units/options. What I personally would love to see is... A new Battleline unit that leans more towards melee The truly unique thing about KO is their troop transport abilities. No other army in the game does this. I would love to see a large "personnel carrier" type of ship. Something the size of an Ironclad, but an under-powered gun load (maybe Frigate level). In exchange, it would either carry more troops (like 30 or so), or it would have a cool dropship type rule, where units could deploy after the ship has moved.
  12. I'd put Shadow Warriors above Sisters, just because of their increased utility.
  13. No, but they should take to Contrast nicely, in theory, due to all the deep wrinkles and crevices. Should be a good option.
  14. Actually the DIY attitude for terrain creation is arguably bigger now than it was in the past, largely due to the advent of 3D printers. More and more players are printing off some really cool and unique looking pieces that many would not have had the courage or wherewithal to even attempt a decade ago. The DIY attitude is alive and well - it's just changed forms a bit. This is especially true for Star Wars Legion. That community had taken to 3D printing their own terrain like no other game community I have ever seen. Things like wrecked TIE fighters or tipped-over AT-AT's are being printed and file-shared all over the place. It's pretty encouraging, actually. Do yourself a favor and check out the Star Wars Legion Terrain Builders Facebook group. Cool stuff. Oh and PS - your game board looks pretty boss!
  15. Either that or a boring one, where the "fun stuff" is overpriced and not worth taking (example - KO springs to mind). We shall just have to wait and see.
  16. So I play Gloomspite - just not Squigs. I have recently been thinking of expanding my collection to be able to run a Squig-based army. My question is if people think the Battalion is any good? Being able to reroll movent is great and all, but I have a couple of problems with it. First, there seems to be a reasonable amount of movement buffs in the faction already, thanks to Command Abilities, spells, et. The reroll seems nice, but somewhat unnecessary? Second, the Battalion is so darned SMALL. You can fit in like a Mangler and a trio of Squig units. Usually I look to Battalions to substantially lower my drop count, but most of the army lists I drew up still have like 6-8 drops, even after including the Battalion. I am thinking the Battalion might not really be worth it.
  17. I don't think you understood me. The Warcry warbands contain a bunch of cards, that contain all the warriors' Warcry stats, descriptions of special abilities, and such These new warband releases are (I believe) going to be missing all the Warcry cards, but contain double the sprues. This would be just about right on target for the slightly inflated points cost, and would make them more affordable for folks who just play AoS and not Warcry itself.
  18. That's because it's not for Warcry. Most likely those are repackaged boxes purely for Age of Sigmar. To me, it seems clear that they removed all the Warcry cards and such, and just simply doubled the model contents in the box. So you're looking at 16-20 models per box - for that cost, the price works fine WILD SPECULATION: the reason why we are not seeing a Marauder box appear in the release info is because they are axing the kit, and moving all the Warcry bands into the Slaves to Darkness battle line. Think about it - they fulfil the role as being basic Chaos barbarian infantry. They look about a thousand times cooler than the Marauder kit (which is in the discussion for the worst kit GW makes), and GW loves to get double use out of the plastic kits that they make. I could certainly see the Marauder horsemen being kept in the line though, as they actually look halfway decent (IMO), and GW could just retcon them into being some sort of Dothraki-style horse clan.
  19. I literally had the exact same thought. I feel like they were trying to psych us out
  20. Well I don't particularly go to them either, but the thing about tournaments are that if you want to know how a particular rule really works, look to the tournament scene. They HAVE to know how the rules work, since the stakes are a bit higher than your average game at the local shop.
  21. You are behaving like the three blind men who found an elephant. One touched its tail and proclaimed that it was like a mouse. One touched the elephant's trunk and said that it was like a big snake. The last touched its leg and said that sure an elephant was like a big tree trunk. Point being that you need to see the WHOLE THING before passing judgement on how powerful the book is. Until then, please turn the drama dial down a skoach?
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