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Everything posted by EccentricCircle

  1. I got into the hobby through the Battle games in middle earth magazine instead so while I read my friends' white dwarf magazines when they brought them into school, I actually never bought one until a couple of years ago when Cursed City came out and they had some extra character profiles for the game!
  2. Agreed, the Conan stories aee essentially set in the Cthulhu mythos (Howard and Lovecraft were friends). So while terribly "evil" gods exist, they are the uncaring cosmic horror sort. Cults to them exist, but Howard's idolised barbarians have no truck with them. He was all about the idea of some sort of macho primitive ideal, which his heroes are atavistic paragons of. They are pure and uncorrupted in his view because they reject civilisation. Chaos as alway borrowed some of the look of Frazetta and Brundage's conan covers. However it's ideology owes more to Michael Moorcock. The idea of bartering with mostly uncaring gods of darkness is right out of the Eternal Champion.
  3. Not really a secret, but when the AoS interest among my friends dried up I started playing solo games against myself. I got really into the narrative and had way more fun than playing against my more competitive minded opponents.
  4. I misread that as "40 miniatures" for a moment then and my mind boggled. 40 minutes seems a very manageable goal though.
  5. The White Dwarf is everything I hoped he would be. Definitely getting him to lead all my Dawi hosts in every time and setting!
  6. Great advice here. The hobby isn't a job, you are not under any obligation. You also don't have to be either 100% committed or 100% quit. I remember two times when I just stopped having any motivation, and had no idea whether I'd pick it all up again or not, but both times it turned out that I just needed to wait for my circumstances to change and then I suddenly found myself dusting off the models from a few years earlier and getting really into it all again. ( far more so in fact than before the lull!) The first lull was when I was a student. I had no proper painting space, nowhere locally to buy models etc (no ordering online in those days, or it was in its infancy at least!) Not to mention not having the most time or money. I ended up basically just painting during Christmas holidays when I got models as gifts and was back home at my old hobby desk. However I then moved to a town with game shops, into a larger student house with more space, and like minded flatmates and we basically turned the lounge into a hobby and gaming room. Suddenly I had all the motivation and finished two whole armies in the space of a year. But that burst of productivity then fizzled out as I got towards the middle of my PhD project. I had no bandwidth for anything else, and was so burned out that I just abandoned my half painted projects for a couple of years. Again I thought, "maybe this is it", but actually after finishing my thesis write up I ended up with some free time and picked up the paint brush again. I was sort of still burned out on everything verbal or left brain related, but found it really therapeutic to sit and paint, do arty stuff for a bit. So don't feel bad about putting your models in a draw and not worrying about them. Sooner or later you might find that things have changed and you are motivated again.
  7. I think citadel have the advantage of inertia and sunk cost. I'm not opposed to tryung other brands and use army painter and colour forge spray paints a lot. For regular paint though, I have a large box of citadel pots from the last twenty years, and when one runs out in the middle of a project it's easier to just replace it rather than try something else which won't quite match, or which I'll need to use differently and experiment with to get the same look. I'm thus a bit looked in to using citadel. I certainly can't afford to just replace my pots wholesale, even if it would then be cheaper to replace them in the long run.
  8. Ooh cool. How do you find out which sculptors worked on which of the newer models? I didn't know we had that information, but I'd love to know who the artists behind my favourite models were.
  9. Its interesting to see the dichotomy between hobby first folks like myself going "we'd better get the models we like before they're gone" and the game first folks going "glad I didn't buy those models" Both are legitimate points of views but I'd like to expand on my philosophy a bit in case it helps anyone come to terms with things. If you are feeling down about having "lost" a lot, remember you don't have to do what gw tells you. There are a lot of great games out there which aren't nearly as prescriptive as warhammer. Casual games, proxying, playing older rulesets, conversions etc. are all valid options. Rules have always been ephemeral, because gw churn everything as fast as they can get away with so they can sell the same product over and over with pointless changes. birthday B what 20 years of hobby, and the death and rebirth of games like wfb and necromunda have taught me is that minis are what matter. So long as you have models you love, you can find ways to use them and their time could well come round again. But I think getting invested in any one ruleset is risky because frankly GW don't make them to last or give us anything like what would usually be considered long term support. We as a community may find we need to do what the mordheim and inq28 folks have done, and build our own AoS. So hold ob to the models you've poured love and effort into. And don't let a bunch of corporate shareholders motivated by greed tell you what you can and can't do with them.
  10. I never got into 3e in the first place, so I'll just keep on using them for second edition, warcry, and mini agnostic games. I'm much more into the hobby than the game anyway, and thankfully this cull doesn't take away much that I wanted to collect. (They already decimated my collection the last three times they did this, so I'm pretty much over it at this point.) I mostly have the models I like and have more fun with old or mini agnostic games anyway. Grognard status here I come I guess.
  11. The 40k people are currently confused and sad that they haven't had much new stuff since the new edition dropped. Short memories, as that literally always happens, but I guess we are more aware of what's going on in 40k than they are in AoS so I guess they pay attention to half as much of what goes on, so are less likely to spot the pattern!
  12. I enjoyed broken realms a lot. Found Malign portents a little skimpy. I've not read dawnbringers. I couldn't afford that many books, either in terms of money or shelf space so prioritised collecting warcry and soulbound. I think it manages to be both, but how well it dies that varies. I prefer the large scale stuff to be a setting, and story to mostly stay at the scale of the black library novels or our own campaigns. I don't think they've done a bad job of balancing it, no worse than 40k or wfb. AoS being so vug helps in that respect. But I do agree that the bug earth shattering events don't ever really fulfil their promise...
  13. Yep, it's one of the short stories that led up to the soul wars novel. One of the most pivotal bits of context in the whole setting, and GW just put it out there as a but of marketing fluff and haven't even kept it on their website. Things like the Blacktallon tv show suggest it's still canon though, and it's one hell of a lie...
  14. "SIGMAR LIED" My guess is that the lie is about the alleged "flaw" in the reforging process. We've known since Malign Portents in 2018 that the Stormcast have been lied to about why they lose their memories. For reference check out the Malign Portents story "The Price of Apotheosis" So we are most likely getting the Ruination Chamber at last. Bring on the lightning gheists! https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/27094-malign-portents-the-compiled-stories
  15. Given how long the R&D cycle takes, we can be sure they have the first 2-3 years planned out. Its clear they are planning a relaunch for each faction and some sort of campaign narrative. I reckon the best comparison is Necromunda, where they gradually introduced each faction with a new plastic kit, while releasing a random assortment of resin models. If it gets that level of support, or maybe between that and what the current edition of Middle Earth has got, then I'll be happy.
  16. Well, the abilities of all these characters happen to be represented by numerical stats, so surely figuring out which is more powerful is just a matter of comparing their warscrolls?
  17. I never needed it for plastic or most metal, but I've painted more metal historical minis lately, and they seem to chip more readily so i probably need to start. What's everyone 's recommendation for good brush on varnish in gloss, matt and satin? Most of my models go for a gloss finish, but it might be useful to make some areas like skin satin and dry cloth matt instead.
  18. I really hope they do. Those old terrain kits are fantastic and I'd love the chance to get the ones I couldn't afford at the time! We shall see I guess.
  19. I think the stone thing could work quite easily. Since these are chaos dwarfs it would be easy to say that using dark magic turns them to stone, not all magic. That way it needn't be an all "dwarfs can't use magic" thing and more just the price of using Dhar, rather than one of the proper winds, or sticking to good dwarfen runecraft. There's plenty of potential to have your evil sorcerous cake and eat it too. Turning to stine is definitely my favourite chaos mutation, the petrified sorcerers with their mechanical suits are just so iconic that they need to do something with that!
  20. Lets not forget that the ancient Egyptians believed that small painted figurines called "ushabti" could serve you in the afterlife. If it turns out that they were right then we're all going to be much better off than anyone who doesn't collect warhammer. They believed that you needed one figurine to do one day of work for you in a year. So by that metric we each need 366 minis to take with us into the beyond. Anything above that could presumably be a good bonus. Maybe like the terracotta army they could protect us from our enemies!
  21. By any reasonable metric I have enough. I have multiple armies, some fully painted, a few a work in progress, and plenty of options to use for RPGs. I have enough sprues that I could probably go a few years without buying anything and not run out if stuff to paint. I can more or less proxy anything with a reasonably close alternative at this point. However, there are still projects I want to do, and I often pick up some miscellaneous D&D minis when I decide to use that creature in a game, but don't quite have the perfect model for it. I don't see myself starting a whole new warhammer army any time soon, but I've got enough in progress that not starting something new isn't really going to stop me adding things to my existing forces.
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