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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. Maybe I'm wrong, but I always assumed that White Dwarf's rules are just another feature to push sells. They are not there to break the game or save/ upgrade the faction. The rules are just for people that "want" all options to play with their army. Sometimes this rules are meh at best (early stormhosts), sometimes they are a bandaid for a mechanic (gloomspite) and sometimes they are awesome (SLGL).
  2. WD Rules are not about switching battletomes from 2.0 to 3.0. They are just a bandaid that can be undone with less than 3 months. And if you are lucky enough, with a Warscroll of a named character for your army.
  3. Completely agree. SCE (and maybe Orruks) are the Ryu (street fighter), Mario (Smash) or Goku (FighersZ) of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Easy to learn because their rules/abilities/framerates/interactions/complexity are not that the same as a character/factions/whatever from the last season/end of edition/whatever.
  4. Maybe their rules are a bit more lore-friendly but I don't think they pack a lot more than SCE: Yes, they have more artefacts of power and command traits. Their Allegiance Abilities are 100% more awesome than SCE (imo). They feel that they have better rules overall but they don't have any Prayers, Mount Traits or Unique Enhancements. Their roster is smaller and they don't have all the tools that SCE can have (ex.: 10" movement units or ingame teleports). I'm not saying that SCE are better, it's just that I don't feel that SCE are far away from Maggotkin.
  5. Just to point it out. Save rolls are part of the attacking sequence: Roll to hit Roll to wound Roll to save Count dmg After that, the dmg of the weapons turns to a wounds pool that must be allocated to your models. Ward save triggers exactly at this moment: Take in mind that some 2.0 descriptions can be a bit diferent and the timing is written as: "each time you allocate a Wound or Mortal Wound..." or "When you allocate a wound or mortal wound...".
  6. Imho, we are between two big releases. They are building hype for Eldars/chaos in the form of rumour engines. I suppose that anything else will be "hinted" near holydays or just at warhammer-day (or warhammer-fest, whatever is called the january announcing event). I suppose that appart from the big release we are going to see Tau codex reveak (miniature should be previewed early) and something for AoS (fyreslayers vs idoneth box maybe?).
  7. I haven't read the books but I don't feel the show is bad. I think their main target are teenagers and that's why some of the clothes, colors or the fighting scenes are done that way and it seems a bit odd sometimes. But that's the way it goes. Let's hope that wircher 2 have more budget than the first season...
  8. I'm still reading their warscrolls, but they don't seems to have a lot of teleports (unless you build exactly around it with a subfaction and specialist units) and their Mortal Wounds output is tied to a lot of conditionals (artefact, disease build up, wheel, etc...). And I think that their ranged dmg is really meh overall (ranged profiles) unless you commit to magic (mirrors, 3 sorcerers within 3" of each other, etc...). Not sure if it counts, but they don't have artillery nor fast cavalry (8" flyes I think, not sure if there is something faster) nor priests.
  9. Yeah, I know. Not sure if "one of the best armies" are the right words. They are just an army that is stomping a lot of other armies just because interactions, rules and my main issue with them: the result of becoming a 2.0 army using/abusing 3.0 rules (Heroic Actions, Monster Rampage, damage check, body count for objectives, Ward5+, etc...). Imho, they are really, really bad for the game. They don't belong in 3.0 and they are just a big wall of bricks for a lot of armies, but that's just an opinion from a random dude in this forum. (Anecdote: one week ago, another gargant player won a 16 man tournament).
  10. Na, they got some "bandaids" that didn't work (it got worst) in 3.0. They don't even have a 3.0 battletome and I'm not sure that the rules team is the same as the ones in the WD...
  11. What? Gargants are a 2.0 army, they are not even in the same ground as SCE, Orruks or new Maggotkin (3.0 armies). I've already pointed out that the problem is still 2.0 vs 3.0 battletomes and bandaids are just that, bandaids...
  12. Not exactly. As Sam Pearson (Bottles) said in twitter, 3.0 is shifting to put more power on profiles and warscrolls than abilities and sinergies as we had in 2.0 I'm glad about that. I know that is going to be an slap in the face for tournament players because not all Battletomes are in the same 3.0 ground, but I prefer to see some bandaids (FAQs) than just a full army race (again).
  13. Seems everything is fine. A lot of better profiles overall and a lot of diferent styles to play. What do you think?
  14. I just want to point out that disengage is an ability that allows to shoot if the unit retreats. I don't know what does it mean for other units, but KOs can shoot after High Fly (same description of Ride the Winds) beacause we have Disengage (and not because Fly High is instead of a retreat). Edit: not sure if it helps, but we agreed to play with the same restrictions of a retreat move for all abilities that have "instead of retreat..." until a FAQ clarifies how it works.
  15. Yeah, it's a bit cheating, but I was talking about generic battleline and not one subfaction 🤣
  16. There is a KO FAQ that maybe can change that: Not sure how it affects all other abilities with the same wording, but the answer is clear: KOs skyvessels can shoot after using High Fly (same description as Ride the Winds) because they have an ability that allows that.
  17. I voted for Lumineth because it seems the most rounded army at the moment: Awesome design (miniature wise) At least 3 unique themes (Hurakan, Alarith and Vanari) that can be expanded. All classic roles for a well rounder army: cavalry, war machines, ranged, melee, monsters, troops, elite troops, blender heroes, support heroes, magic, Endless Spells and terrain. Grounded and Over the top designs in the same army. Win/win. Well rounded lore, with their own named wars, societies, geography, cities (crossover with Cities of Sigmar) and... ... named characters to support their background: Teclis, Tyrion, Avalenor, Ellania and Elathor, Lyrlor, etc. Maybe their gameplay seems to "OnLy SeNtInElS", but rules can change from FAQ to FAQ or even every year or new battletome. Models are here to stay a bit longer (same with their background). I have a full army (4500p) of kruleboyz and they have so much potential, but they miss some of my checklist (like 90% of AoS armies): They don't have all basic roles even if they are a prime candidate to have all of them (monstruous troops, cavalry, terrain, endless spells, etc...). They have "some" themes, but they are not represented well enough: snatcha-tribe (snatchaboss and I think the sloggoth) and the breaka-tribe (mire-brute). You can't build a thematic army or anything close
  18. KOs has a lot of problems, but I disagree that we are that bad. We are in the middle of the table and that's really good for the army. We can use 90% of our roster and still challenge 90% of the armies. Only a few that are overtuned can auto-win vs us (not sure if that's the word, sometimes a bad dice a tthe right time can decide the game) and that's more about the other armies than KOs. Btw, we are still waiting for FAQs to "clarify" how our army is played...
  19. You wasted one of your successful dices in a unit that can't be removed.
  20. You already know that if we start arguing about that, a MOD will pop up at some point to say that this is not the right place to discuss that. No need to discuss it here!
  21. Hey, no need to give any input here! You will not change my mind, and that's why I posted my opinion in Unpopular Opinion. If you want to open a new post talking about how or why some people think it's not competitive, just do it.
  22. I disagree. She's not "bad", you just don't like her new sculpt.
  23. I was talking about +170p Mawcrusha (that @Nezzhil corrected to be +70).
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