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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. How do you know? Usually, warscrolls are changed when their battletome is released (and some Kaijus already had a minor nerf in the last FAQ). And we don't know what are we going to see in the first two battletomes for 3.0!! Btw, did you see that Kruleboy's Artillery? It seems good for big Kaijus!! Maybe we are going to see more mechanics that indirectly touch/nerf all Kaijus.
  2. But they need resources to do that, and doesn't matter what they do, tankcrusha will have 3+ save or worst, that's better than 2+!! Still with Ward 5+, but that's another story... Btw, we already saw some -2 and -3 rend in some SCE and Orruks warscrolls, that's something to take in mind. That's because a world with Archaon & Gotreks is boring. Don't follow them, instead, remove (I mean nerf) them!! Archaon already lost his rerolls of 6 when he was hit, time to nerf Gotrek & all other 3+ Kaijus!!
  3. Imho, that should be good news for every AoS player! Let's be honest, tankcrushas are a thing and half of AoS armies can't deal with this monsters. I hope that Archaon, Nagash, Gotrek, Morathi, etc... are the next ones.
  4. That's something that they need to explore, and it seems that 3.0 it's the perfect edition for that!
  5. Imho, we are overthinking all this ward-nonward saves adn remember that we already had stacking non-ward saves before (not as powerful as newchaon/nagash but still, it was faq'd later). We had exactly the same rules in 3.0 before de FAQ, but we just assumed the best, instead of reading how it was worded and prepared for the worst. That's why it seems a big deal. After talking to some TO and friends, it seems that nobody will use more than 1 negation-save, in other words, this rule will have 0 weight on my country.... Btw, Sam Pearson already said that they are going to look at this mess, that's 100% better than any other issue we had before.
  6. At least, updated rules are going to be cheaper than a battletome...
  7. It could be really nice if the leader was a shaman, to help that "clone" problem of Big Yellers with 2-3 shamans
  8. Yes. Deathless minions comes after "before you allocate...", so, diferent timing that Ward/bodyguard. Btw, my first quote should be another FAQ (the new one that you must chose if you want to use a Bodyguard or a Ward save for your attacked dude). I will fix it later. Fixed!!!
  9. Yep. An odd example could be: A Necromancer, chosing his bodyguard to redirect wounds to skeletons instead of his Ward save: The skeletons could be on a Mystical Terrain using their Ward save 6+ And then Deathless minions for another 6+ Use any other FNP saves that doesn't have "before you allocate...".
  10. What kind of sorcery is this??? Btw, talking about weird rules, do anyone know how to disembark from an skyvessel? It seems that their interaction is nerfed or buffed if we follow the rules (dependes on your interpretation). I saw some tournaments and people are just playing like 2.0, so...
  11. There are 2 (3?) options: As @C.A.O.S said. The parenthesis is used as a reminder and not as a rule, and our skyvessels can't move in the second movement phase (if they moved in the previous round) if you want to disembark anything, as it happens at the end of the movement phase. You can disembark because the parenthesis is used as a clarification to what you can do: You cannot do X (but remember that you can still do Y!). In that case, you can disembark and still move because leaving a garrison is not considered a move (because it should only happen at the end of the movement phase, but that's another thing...). After talking to other KO players, the last month had a lot of tournaments, and KOs played as 2.0. Option 1 and 2 follow the new rules, but they are clearly a big nerf/buff, so I'm not sure what to think about all of this.
  12. AoS 2.0 already worked like this The same description of Ward saves makes it clear that only abilities that negate wounds before are allocated.
  13. @PJetski that's because it worked in 2.0. The timing was clear: 1-"before you allocate..." abilities (usually bodyguard) 2- Then, "when/each time you allocate..." abilities (usually FNP). 3.0 introduced Ward Saves giving them the same timing as point 1, without removing abilities with the same effect (negate wounds) of point 2. After talking a lot about that in this early edition, it seems that this FAQs confirms the problem. I suppose that new battletomes are going to remove all other abilities that are not Ward saves. With some luck (coff coff Sam Pearson), we could see a new FAQ soon.
  14. Grudges affect Thryng non-KO Duardins again: But Fly High seems to be in a weird state: That can only be true if we count a Fly High as a retreat. So, we lost a setup and we won a "special" move, or at least, that's how I understand this FAQ.
  15. Imho, only the old Save after save that trigger "when you allocate..." or "each time you allocate..." (or any other wording that happens after "before you allocate...") are the real problem here. Bodyguards rules seems ok to me: If your Hero has a Ward save and is near a unit with bodyguard, you can chose wich hability you are going to use. If the bodyguard recieve the wound, if they have any Ward save, you still can use it. After that, I think we shouldn't have any more abilities to negate wounds.
  16. Saves after saves that triggered "when you allocate" or "each time you allocate" were assumed by the community to be Ward Saves. It seems that's not the case. We talked a lot about that, so not a big surprise for me even if the answer doesn't fix the problem. I assume that all of this dontwannabeWards are relics of 2.0 and 3.0 battletomes will remove all this stacking (or I hope so).
  17. Maybe it's just a Game to promote Dominion? Using Matched play rules but only with miniatures that are on that box?
  18. Out of the Mist is not an "auto-win vs alphas", but there shoudn't be any Allegiance Ability that totally stops a strategy just because you play that subfaction. It's still useful. Remember that there is a Dirty Trick for -1 to wound in the first round. That can stop a KO alpha if played well (cover+AoD).
  19. Fly High for Palladors: Tramplin Charge for Stormstrike Chariot: Warning Cry for Gryphhounds (9" to 12" and 3 units-only): Darting attacks for Gruph-hound pack:
  20. A quick question that we talekd about in our WhatsApp group: What do you think? Imo, that not shoudl be allowed, it seems like an unwanted interaction.
  21. Explanation: Contrary to Joining a Garrison (17.2.1), Leaving a Garrison (17.2.2) is not "instead of a movement" and it doesn't count as a move. Imho, that's because Leaving a Garrison is done in the end of the movement phase (FAQ for explanation): The issue is that Kharadron Skyvessels have a modification in the timing when you can leave, overwritting the main rule: My Question: If leaving an Skyvessel is not a movement/ replace any movement, can I move after disembarking/leaving if I didn't join the Skyvessel in the same turn?
  22. That's a really good question. Maybe we could start a thread about what people think about AoS (the game) as a whole product and what changes we want/love to see.
  23. It's a bit daunting early on, but not a big deal after two or three more games. There are a lot of "AoS 3.0 Resource Sheet" with all you can do in each and every phase. You can try to customize them with your own list (attach your own warscroll CAs to the main ones, etc...). As a KO player, I think they are fine. We have some "within" and some "wholly within", but with Skyvessels and usually a 10 man troops, it's easy to play around. Imo, AOS 3.0 is an improvement, but I still think that GW is using Monstruous Rampage and Hero Actions as a parasitic design instead of integrating them to the core game. Josh Strife talked about that design some weeks ago for anyone interested (based on videogames, but they can be extrapolated to tabletop wargames):
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