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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. I'm 100% with @Enoby Don't get me wrong, I love Anvil of Apotheosis (I have an ongoing project to make warscrolls for all Fantasy characters and old miniatures). Another thing that I miss is the uniqueness that the Anvil should give to your Heroe. A good example is the new entrance from Warhammer Community (see @Boss Casman). That Kruleboy is not a merchant as they say, he is a lazy warlord. The old OverTyrant had a bribery mechanic and Skumdrekk has an abiltity that could work for such character. The anvil should give more flavour than just "generic stats than can be tweaked"! I like that we can try to build mounts and monstruous creatures (really good for models with chariots and palanquins), but Imho, an option to take premade animals and mounts with the same abilities of their "legal" counterparts could be a good step (just don't remove the table to create your own monster). I want to buy a Corpse-rippa Vulcha! Imo, the best enhancements were the unique ones from White Dwarfs. I hope that it stays the same in this new book. Vampires should have diferent improvement options than goblins. About AoA being allowed for Matched Play? I hope so! I love Customizable Heroe and Matched play seems to have less and less of that type of stuff.
  2. Really hard to crack, but I'm not sure if it's better to kill a 125p character to upgrade the Incarnate. Run&Charge is awesome, and +1to hit means that it doens't need any buff-bots near him. Unless you aim for a wombo-combo with the All out Attack in an AoE + Ammunition or something like that. Imo, it can surprise a lot of people. Indeed, hard to swallow...
  3. I know that mathammer is just a bunch of numbers, but a kitted Admiral seems to be a good assassin (not sure if it's his role but...). He can do reliable dmg with Grudgebearer + Gattleson's gun (Barak-Urbaz or Custom Barak). Really close tot the dmg of the Incarnate(2) (400 points!!). Barak-Thring Admiral, with double-tap from killing himself can do good tmg too. To bad that Ammuition doens't work on melee.
  4. The Incarnate seems better if it's in Wild Form. It can run + charge with +1hit (and FLY). That means that you can move 12"+1D6 (that can be re-rolled if needed) to put the Incarnate 12.1" away from your units and then still charge with 2D6+re-rolls and hit harder than before.
  5. That's disappointing. They need to make it clear what happens if if other units that doesn't have any Disengage-like ability (can shoot after retreat) can shoot or charge after using a movement-phase teleport when they are engaged. 2 new battalions and the usual Grand Strategies and Battle Tactics. I prefer new Battle Traits. It seems that the "once-per-battle" abilities is the new fotm in the GW rules department.
  6. It seems that Admirals are going to have a lot going on: Main target for Incarnates (being 3+save, with 3++ bodyguard). A lot of utility: Once-per-battle -1 to Rend or ignore Wards. CA to Run&Shoot Incarante+Book to cast something He just needs a new Aether-gold triumph and he will be a really great tech-tool. The only thing that I don't like is that he has only one model (we could use Bugmansson or Dagnai, but still...) and I hate to see some repeated Heroes. I think that we are in need of a female Admiral.
  7. That's really good!! All combined dwarven armies are less than half of SCE
  8. 100% agree with @JackStreicher. I'm curious to see other Incarnates, specifically the chamonite one.
  9. Rules for Incarnates (Transcript Edition!!! only legal Leaks!!) Can be bound to a Hero, counts as an ally and if you take one in your list, you can't take any other allies. If the bounded Hero is slain, the Incarnate turns to Wild Form and is treated as an enemy with unique properties (explained in each warscroll): Each incarante has "states". It starts in the Primal State (2) and can go up and down. If it reaches the lowest rank (0), the incarnate is slain. Wounds are allocated normally, but can't be slain (no wound characteristic). In the Battleshock phase, if there are any wounds allocated to the Incarnate, roll 3D6. If the roll is less or equal to the wounds allocated, reduce 1 State and remove ALL wounds from the Incarante. If an ability Slay or Remove the models, instead, Reduce 1 State. The Incarante is treated as having 18 wounds for spells and abilities and this kind of stuff. Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur: 12" move, 4+ save and 10 Bravery and can FLY and Monster. It's weapons profiles already seen in WC: If the Incarante recieves the All out Attack, all friendly units in Dominiation Range recieve it too (if they didn't already recieve another one). If the bounded Hero is a Wizzard, add +1 spell, unbind and dispell if it's in Domination Range. Wildform (see above). All units in domination range (friendly and foe): Cannot Retreat reroll run and charge -1 to cast, unbind and dispell (bounded Hero ignores this). Can charge enemy endless spells If it kills a Monster or eats an Endless spell (see below), add +1 to it's State: It has an specific Monstruous Rampage to devour Endless Spells. If it beats the ES casting value with a roll of 2D6 + Current State= NOM NOM NOM. But if it can't beat the roll, the Incarnate lose 1 State. 400 points
  10. From KOs whatsapp group: I really hope to see this "new ammunition" mechanic to stay as a main KO trait. It sounds so awesome that I need it for ALL my ships and Ranged Specialists (so... all units!!).
  11. I worte some days ago the same question in the Rules subforum: https://www.tga.community/forums/forum/8-rules-questions/ I still think that RAQ, you get the "status" (being "affected by choking mist") and doesn't matter if you move outside the circle because you are still affected by that "status". But maybe some people have another theory to how it should be played.
  12. 3 days until White Dwarf preorders and still 0 leaks. What the heck is the PotatoCam thinking?
  13. New re-imagined Pigmies!!! Wtf... what's wrong with me!?
  14. To people (like me) that didn't know a lot about Squats appart from their tragic "ending", Arbitor Ian explains in this youtube what happened to original Space Dwarfs Squats: Even if KOs are still the best army in GW range (that's a fact btw), the new League of Odin Votann seems awesome! From what I could read, it seems that Squats use old tecnology from the Age of Strife and maybe from the Dark Age of tecnology. Nothing big but maybe we are going to see some of Men of Iron in their ranks too (one of them can be seen walking around the Blackstone Fortress): And I can't wait to see the first Dwarf with the first full Exo-Armor/Aether-Harness:
  15. It's decided, I'm going to outer space!!! I can't wait to buy everything from League of Votann, multiple times!
  16. I want to be sure, how Chocking Mist is played? So, after being cast, every unit within 6" of the point picked have the status of "being affected by chocking mist". And even if they move outside of the area, that units are still affected by this "special status" (-1 to attacks of melee weapons and it cannot run).
  17. I completely agree in everything but not sure of Bastian. I think that a Primarc/Chapter-master characters suits for Stormcast and it's a big name to make an history.
  18. It sounds awesome XD How do you give 5++ to the Admiral? I'm not used to play with him
  19. I imagine that everybody will bound their incarnates to their most resilient character in their lists. I'm really interested to see how all of this will end, I can see that +1 to cast an "extra" bonus for something crazy (can you buff your Incarnate with spells?).
  20. Not sure if it's a rumor, leak, or whatever, but BoLS has an explanation about how Incarnates work: https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2022/03/age-of-sigmar-the-thunda-in-thondia-how-the-incarnates-work.html 400p for a model with an attack that can do a max (conditional) 34 wounds seems not that bad, but that's a lot of points. Let's see if all his buffs are worth (All out Attack, +1 spells, etc...).
  21. I'm not a Nighthaunt player, but giving 3+ save that ignores rend to Nighthaunt's 5-wound Heroes seems fine to me. But changing all Ethereal units to that will make Nighthaunts a perfect counter to armies that doesn't abuse mortal wounds. I'm not sure if it will be good for the game. I know there are some crazy stuff out there, but I don't think that the game needs more "Stormdrake guards". I'm a Night Lords fanatic (Horus Heresy army) and I always thought that NH are the perfect candidate to play like them. Night Lords main Battle Trait is Talent for Murder. It's an ability that gives a really strong bonus if the enemy has less enemy models than yours. Thanks to the 2d edition leaks, this ability will be changed to affect enemy units that are pinned, fall back or have a negative modified characteristic (really important!). Trophies of Judgement is an equipment that gives Fear to Nightlotds units. Fear is a debuff that targets all engaged enemies, taking down their "to hit" characteristic (yep, that triggers Talent of Murder). Teleportation Transponder: It's exactly what you think. An equipment to teleport your Terminators (remember to equip them with Trophies of Judgement!) They can make the first turns to be Night Fighting, giving them Cover (that can be stacked with other rules). In other words: they teleport near enemies, scare the ****** out of them, that makes your unit hit like a truck, and then return to the darkness of the night. Of course there are a lot more tools to play with (ranged attacks, transports, snipers, flying Night Raptors, etc...), but that's their basic gameplay that I believe it completely suits Nighthaunts: Feed on Terror could be their Talent for Murder. Focusing on bravery and outnumbering enemies (to maintain their Horde gameplay) for a big offensive buff. From Underworld they Come is exactly the same of Teleports Transponders. Aura of Death should be NH Tropies of Judgement: Reduce enemies bravery enough to trigger Feed on Terror. I'm not saying that a 1:1 is what Nighthaunts needs, they should have a lot more synergies like summoneable units, spells, Frightful Touch, buffing charges (Wave of Terror 2.0?), etc... but I'm talking about basic gameplay that can be explored in a lot of diferent ways.
  22. There is a FAQ about that: You can Pile In and Attack, and then Blaze of Glory Note: That doesn't mean that a free Pile In move will always be followed by an Attack (eg: Mighty Destroyer-Ironjawz).
  23. That's exactly my problem... /sadface. It doesn't help that KOs doesn't recieved any juicy updates appart from next month White Dwarf.
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