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All Hands On Deck! Kharadron Plog -Gunhauler & Crew

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VonRunestorm here finally commited to a Sigmar force after dabbling with Seraphim, Stormcasts, Flesh-Eaters and Rattlebones I've commited my Aetherhammer and pledged to the Code!

So I've set sail to The Grand Alliance forum boards to share my tales of glory with you all. So let's jump in and welcome my Kharadron Overlords of the Tic-Tok Mercenaries. 

So first up I was eager to get myself in before the releases as I just couldn't wait. So first up I had a Warhammer Quest game this weekend gone so decided to make a custom hero (counted as a Knight-Venator).


Used parts Thunderer helm, Cogsmith body, Iron Hawk familiar, Necron Deathmark gun and leftover Gyrobomber bits to add the KO flair.



I feel my Aether-Seeker with Rocket pack and Drillbill fit in well so he's likely to count as another Hero in some games in the future.

So after that I went to my built but unpainted Gyrocopter to fully commit to my imagined colour scheme and see how it will look before I try it on a Skyvessel. Unfortunately I only have an almost finished picture of it at the moment (I'll take some better pictures soon as it's now 100% finished).


This is my first glow effect I've ever done that I've liked so very happy with it and the chosen colour scheme.

So I hear you landlubbers shout where are the Official Kharadron miniatures? Well today I have put together the head of my force Admiral Vrakk Drakebane. I love the miniature goes together so well so I made only a few adjustments. A Gear mohawk from the Cogsmith and using some Gyrobomber bits a custom Aether Hammer. To finish it off I used the Gyrocopter base rocks to give him a more unique pose and to reinforce the overcoming of the Dwarf stereotypes that came before standing on an Ancestors statues head.



I've already started on my Frigates base ready to start on my first Skyvessel so expect this PLOG to take off soon!

Thanks for looking.


(Note: If there are any IMG issues I'll look at them tomorrow as I did this all on my tablet )

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Just a quick update of the Frigate base, I've put it in B&W to show off the crater better.


The idea is to have a scorched zone on a dark rocky earth base. The bomb crater has a vapourised skeleton in it and bits of a Gyrocopter Bomb scattered around. There will be green flames from the Aether weapons with a glow effect but that's all so it doesn't take away to much from the ships.


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Thanks April I hope to use all the left overs at some point.

Well had to do some internet magic today with a new router so not alot done with the KO but I'll share what I have done.

Some clean up on Vrakk and basecoat on the Frigate base.


Now if you like the Frigate base and think VonRunestorm you should have waited for the Ironclad base for this... well I have a skeleton horse for that base.


And something I've had sitting around and wasn't sure what to use it for (was meant for some plants I got as a Birthday gift) but I present a mock up for the Aether Research Waystation. The idea is I'll add two port holes on the side with removable gangways (perfect to park a Skyvessel alongside) inside will have two layers where miniatures can be placed and a Telescope that will poke out like an observatory looking for new mining spots. I plan to get it to look the colour of the artwork buildings with the dome staying clear with its framework.

I'm not sure if to build a vault door at ground level so this can be used for battle wizard scenery as well and 40k if needed.

Hope you guys like the ideas so far.



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Lunch break progress on the Frigate which will be built and then painted in three parts for ease. Most of the hull now built.





This thing is an awesome build and for it being the mid sized ship I'm impressed. Still have to finish a few bits and clean up some gaps etc but twice as awesome as any 40k vehicle I've built.


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Thanks guys, as you can see it has been blackened up with the crater more some and the skeleton blackened. I'm still deciding on what to use for the residue of green Aether fire to add colour to the base to finish it off. Green flames or green smoke?

I'll take a close up picture of its current state tomorrow like I said the idea is to not lure away from the model and to fit in with a table I made for my club. (Ill get pictures of it when I've got a bunch of models painted up).


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Thanks Fretful, I've added the flames and a glow effect on them now. Still might darken it a little more as it still looks to light to me.



Also I White Tacked the Frigate together as I still need to spray it in parts. The large struts are pinned and gun magnetised.



I need to smooth some gaps and tidy up a few bits but other wise all done.

My review of the kit is it's stunning you won't even need to go up to the Ironclad to impress with size and looks. I'd recommend painting in parts and that's unlike me just because of how its built. The kit actually has no spare parts not even a head just the two gun options. I'm really impressed with the kit and can't wait to add some colour.

So before painting we are going to build up the Arkanaut Company first so keep posted.


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Okay I fear I put the flight stand facing the wrong way in comparison to my crater so I may need to repose that.

But on a new section of news I have decided with the WD apparently including WQ cards for KO Units to rethink my WQ Hero. I really liked the concept of an Aether-Seeker so I am thinking of making some revised Aether-Seekers to stand in for the Stormcast units for the Aether-Strike Warscroll. Winged Automantons are the vibe im going to go for but that will be after the main force has been built. On lunch now so playing around with some Arknaut Company building.


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Just a quick update on how terrible today is going. Normally magnetising miniatures is nice and easy today not so much. Some messy connections on the Arkanaut Captain and Specialists, I'm trying to clean them up so they are not so obvious but fear these may still be visible to those looking at the at joints. So as these are still drying I am going to pop off and grab my Thunderers and Hauler and crack on with the rest. (Just need an Endrinmaster after that for my first 1000pts list).


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While I'm still fiddling with some bits to clean up magnetised joints here are some pictures of the Arkanaut Company.



Then I went in store to get the new releases and Kinda built one. Also got some cheap telescopes for the scenery.



And we have started spraying! The struts for both ships have been sprayed (along with Slaanesh Daemons I have on the side). Once I start spraying again we will have silver and brass basecoat and then I can start painting in earnest. I might paint the ships up and then the infantry once the Thunderers are built also.



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3 minutes ago, VonRunestorm said:

There is alot for the kit of that size but I like it no problems at all putting it together. Very similar to the Frigate in instructions, I haven't yet magnetised the front gun but it's a smooth join so simple enough.


I don't know if I have the hand strength to use a pin drill/vice to place magnets ( joint issues ) and a mini power drill would be overkill. Any advice buddy? 


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19 hours ago, April said:

I don't know if I have the hand strength to use a pin drill/vice to place magnets ( joint issues ) and a mini power drill would be overkill. Any advice buddy? 


You could always stick a magnet to the Gunhauler and cut away some of the gun and stick another magnet on there. The right size magnet would just took like part of the barrel if done cleanly. (Or build /sculpt a box to cover the magnets). Hope that helps.

19 hours ago, Dez said:

Really nice so far! I wish I had more Techy Dwarf bits.

Thanks! I'm not going to lie this seems to be an army that's going to pull me in and harm my wallet.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to update why ive gone Silent. I have been changing around my office workspace so I have better room and light to work with.

Also my Airbrush seems to have died on me after alot of cleaning and taking apart its still spitting rather than spraying last thing I have to try is seeing if I can fix the needle but ive got a Spray can on its way to tide me over so hopefully back on it soon!


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