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What new models/faction could death have?


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A few ideas we've had locally:

- Skeletons/Zombies for other races. Zombie Ogres for shock infantry, anyone?

- Ranged Grave Guard-style unit, with Chu-Ko-Nu style crossbows. Two shots each at say, 12", but no Rend,

- Some sort of siege unit. I can see a Mangonel or Onager fitting the aesthetic nicely. Maybe a Trebuchet,

- A counter-cavalry unit armed with pikes. Due to GW's penchant for dual kits, could be an alt-build for the Crossbows above,

- A unit for Nighthaunt that are effectively individual Vengeful Spirits. Come in 10 man squads, 5+ Ethereal, 1 attack each with a similar profile to the Spirit Hosts. Works as a cheap Battleline, models could be ethereal humans,

- A big, nasty ghost. Imagine a Spectral Giant, maybe. Something scary, big and hard-hitting,

- Fold the Mortis Engine into Nighthaunt and the Necromancer into Deadwalkers,

- A Strigoi unit, the ghost of a Vampire. Could probably be Nighthaunt, it'd be a unit blender Hero that regens wounds when it kills a model,

- Give Necromancers access to a spell to add, say, D3+3 models to a unit that have been lost during the game. (Make it just D3 for better units.) It'd be a nice way to bring back their classic function from Vampire Counts,

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3 hours ago, CoffeeGrunt said:

- Fold the Mortis Engine into Nighthaunt and the Necromancer into Deadwalkers,

I don't think we'll see necromancers joining Deadwalkers. It doesn't make sense to me - zombies are only the most common necromantic servant. I think necromancers will remain a grand alliance level option. I do agree with your prediction on the mortis engine, though, especially if Nighthaunt gets a wizard.

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On 20/10/2016 at 8:44 PM, TerrorPenguin said:

Yes this would be great, I would love a voodoo type mortal death worshippers theme.

If there was a stormcast 'heresy' I would also like to see them come to death but let's face it, they'd be chaos

You say that . . . .but the stormcasts have more reason to be corrupted froma death standpoint atm considering its Nagash thats messing with their immortality.



In the Lord of Undeath book and the audio drama's. Nagash has not only captured a stormcast soul (Tarsus). But also makes several comments about how impressed he is (and worried) that Sigmar can make such a powerful force of warriors (As the whole cheating death thing is kinda Nagash's bag) saying how difficult it is to construct/animate creatures like the Morghasts and swearing to find out the secret behind there creation.


I would say that this is a big indicator that given the opportunity Nagash would love to gain control of the stormcasts or perhaps even create is own versions.

In comparison Chaos has very little direct connection to the Stormcasts and have plenty of immortal warriors in the form of Daemons. Lets not forget that unlike the current 40k setting Chaos hand big burley super warriors before the good guys did while 40k only gained theres after the space marines fell from grace. in otherwords other than the whole revival thing they already have the likes of Blood warriors and putrid blightkings. So corrupt stormcasts really wouldnt make much of an impact the the faction me thinks.

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Personally I'd love to have a Heinrich Kemmler-esque army of the barrows faction - it would scoop up elements of deathrattle eg grave guard and warriors and include spirits but also fold in chariots and ushabti like constructs - see this for the vibe I mean...


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45 minutes ago, Ademo said:

Personally I'd love to have a Heinrich Kemmler-esque army of the barrows faction - it would scoop up elements of deathrattle eg grave guard and warriors and include spirits but also fold in chariots and ushabti like constructs - see this for the vibe I mean...


Yes. Yes. A thousand times, yes.

Barrow Wights and the like would be excellent.

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Nagash is a God, so where is his priesthood? Priest heroes and units for various factions are pretty much a necessity thanks to various battleplans and terrain pieces requiring them, but I feel there should be even more, like faithful of Sigmar, just, you know, for Nagash.

Nighthaunt/Malignants could be nearly everything thanks to their incorporality. I would like to see a dullahan/headless horseman. It's a classic mythic ghost and it wouldn't be the first time GW takes a classic, gives it a IP specific name and design interpretation and calls it a day.

It looks like the Underworlds are something yet seperate of Shysh and seem to have their own guardians Undead or demonic. These may be a part of Nighthaunts/Malignants or their own faction. There are plenty of mythic creatures that could be drawn from ,blended and twisted to make an all new faction.

I really hope Gw lifts the ban on ranged weapons that was on the old Vampire Counts. Deathrattle could really use marksmen, artillery and warmachines, allong with the nigh mandatory range of heroes "proper" AoS armies tend to get.

Courtly Vampire Infantry (think coven throne maidens, just on foot and including male equivalents) might be nice for Soulblight.

I also feel there should be place somewhere for (more, if we count Necromancers) death aligned mortals, wether as Vampire Thralls in Soulblight or as worshippers of Nagash in their own faction (deathmages or something new).

Last and not least, there are awefully few animated constructs in AoS. In Fantasy battle those where a Tomb King thing, which really makes me wonder where they stand now. If tomb kings where discontinued, as I suspect, because their aesthetics didn't fit the planned death grand alliance, I'd expect most concepts revisited with a new design and background. I sure think a Nagash themed kinda-Ushabti/Sphinx army would be sweet.


P.S.: I forgot: In AoS, story follows releases and releases follow story. And in the story, Nagash had his posterior handed to him continously through the Age of Chaos. His forces are entirely beaten and shattered and I feel the current factions in GA:D reflect those shattered and beaten fragments. So I believe, we won't see "proper" new releases for death until, in the storyline has reorganised and ist prepared to show his hand. I think when that happens, the entire line (barring Flesheater Courts) will be reorganized, more kits discontinued and propably a new "flagship" faction for death used to spearhead the developement. (not death stormcast, but serving the grand alliance similar to the way stormcast serve to showcase the developement of the Order line)

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