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What Death Battletome do you want to see, and why?


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So, I just got done looking at the rumors thread, and noticed that though there is yet another Order Battletome on the rumor horizon, and 0 reliable information on what we may be getting.  Which, to be honest, has me quite miffed.  But rather than starting a a rage thread about how we get no love, I thought I'd just ask you folks what death battletome you would be most excited to see?

I personally would love to see the return of my TK, and there are some hints, from what I've been reading about the current fluff, that they may make a return.  It would be awesome to see their most recent releases (I know, can we really call any of their releases recent?) paired up with new core selections.  Specifically, I'd love to see new skeleton warriors/archers, cavalry/mounted archers, and Chariots.  But most off all, I want plastic Ushabti.  They have always been one of my favorite looking units, and I think an update would be awesome...  Of course I know this is just wishlisting, since they are 'officially' gone.  Not sure if I really just need to let this one go...

So my second choice would be to see Deathrattle get an expansion.  If you didn't notice my avatar, I'm a huge Army of Darkness/Evil Dead fan.  I want serious hordes of skelie's to send after my opponents, but I think to be competitive (or even just more interesting), Deathrattle is going to need some sort of caster, and a monster option or two.  I'd love a Skeleton Dragon... Or better yet, a Draco-Lich!!!!

After that.... We'll tbh I'd be happy to see anything for my preferred Grand Alliance.

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I think whatever we get, if there are new models they will not exactly be revisions of old models but will instead be brand new versions. Like how Kurnoth hunters compare to Treekin. 

I would also like a revitalised tomb kings that focuses on crazy stuff like the sphinxes, ushabti, snake riders and bone giants. Not so interested in seeing new archers or chariots unless they look radically different.

My second would be the return of vampires! Maybe combine them with the Tomb Kings in a neferata style thingy.

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19 minutes ago, deynon said:

I know I should say about the mummies, but sincerly, I'd like to see a NIghtHound or a Deathrattle Battletome^^

I'm all about the Deathrattle!  One of the things I really want to start seeing in our battletomes, would be a realization of the idea that in death, all serve Nagash.  I want to see skeletons, spirits, etc, that look like the dead of the other races.  Like the old Cursed Company from the Regiments of Renown/Dogs of War.  (Obviously with updated sculpts.)



This would make me happy beyond belief. 

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Just now, MechaBriZilla said:

I'm all about the Deathrattle!  One of the things I really want to start seeing in our battletomes, would be a realization of the idea that in death, all serve Nagash.  I want to see skeletons, spirits, etc, that look like the dead of the other races.  Like the old Cursed Company from the Regiments of Renown/Dogs of War.  (Obviously with updated sculpts.)



This would make me happy beyond belief. 

yeah, I always loved the dwarf skaven orks and lizards skeletons miniatures. Unlucky I never have been able to find those mercenary miniatures. But I was lucky to see them^^

The Deathrattle Battletome I think it would be interesting (hoping it's not only about 2 units of skeletons and a cople of heroes.

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1 hour ago, deynon said:

yeah, I always loved the dwarf skaven orks and lizards skeletons miniatures. Unlucky I never have been able to find those mercenary miniatures. But I was lucky to see them^^

The Deathrattle Battletome I think it would be interesting (hoping it's not only about 2 units of skeletons and a cople of heroes.

I just saw them on eBay a second ago.  Talking about them got me wondering if any were still floating around.  Prices range from high to unreasonable though... :(

2 minutes ago, Druchiilord94 said:

Tomb kings or a combined death rattle death lords dead walkers soul blight and death mages book

This would seriously disappoint me.  I don't want to see us condensed back down to essentially one army.  I feel like one of the reasons we were at the bottom of the barrel in the summer campaign is because when things switched from WHFB to AoS, Not only did we loose the only other Death faction with the departure of Tomb Kings, but the Vampire Counts got divided up into factions that only have about 2-5 models per faction.  A condensed battletome like this would be a serious disappointment to me.  What we need if for each of the factions you listed with the possible exception of the Deathmages, since we have no idea yet how they plan to handle these 100% caster factions, to get their own battletome with expanded options.  

I know in my heart of hearts, that Chaos and Order will always dominate in this game, it just happens to be what most people want to play.  But well rounded Death and Destruction factions shouldn't be ignored.  (Not that Destruction's been ignored to this point.)

What I seriously hope is that there are big plans for Death in the near future, and that will see a bunch of releases all together combined with another series of campaign books similar to the realmgate wars.  But that, of course, is more wishful thinking.

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Those could still be added in a more specific faction book.  i.e. Battletome Deathrattle. 

They don't seem to have too much concern with changing some of the legacy content once an army gets it's official AoS Battletome.  I may be wrong here, as I don't own the book and am pulling from the podcasts I've listened too. But, as I understand it, the legacy warscrolls are getting at least minor modifications when their battletomes come out.  For example, the old Savage Orc legacy warscrolls don't exactly match the ones for the same units in the bonesplitters battletome.

By Legacy, I just mean the ones that have been available in free download or via the grand alliance books, prior to the Battletomes that collected them into their specific faction.

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39 minutes ago, Blackheart1223 said:

I would love to see Deathrattle next (I think that's reasonable considering that they are the most fleshed out faction next to FEC), but a Soulblight tome with new Vampire Infantry units (like Blood Knights but without the horses) would be awesome.

I can't agree with that more.  My only problem is that I feel like there isn't much in the Soulblight line to hold onto.  The best models are the Blood Knights, and they are seriously showing their age IMO, not to mention that, I will never pay that much for a non-customizable resin kit, and I think there are other folks out there on the same page as me.  Most of the character models could use updates too.  The Coven Throne is fine, of course, but I find it interesting that the Vamp Lord on Zombie dragon is missing under the Soulblight heading on the GW main site.  Any of you remember if it got listed with them in the GA:D book?  That said, I've never particularly liked the way the Vamp Lord sits on that model.  Just seems like he's begging to be thrown...  So if you do Soulblight, seems to me you need a new hero, new cav/multiunit kit, new infantry/multiunit kit, and possibly even a new Monster kit, depending on what's going on with the VampLord on Zombie dragon kit.  That's 3-4 kits.  I'm sure it would be an awesome line, but has any Battletome gotten that many new units, I mean besides ones that for factions that didn't exist at all before AoS?

On the other hand Deathrattle might need a new hero, or at least a recast of the Wight King.  Primarily because in his current sculpt his foot is apart of the (currently square) base, though the model is beautiful, and I'm guessing could be fixed without too much trouble. After that, you could add a multipurpose Monster kit (probably with an option to mount a hero), and some multipurpose heavy hitter/monsterous infantry or cav model set, and the faction is done. So 2 Kits and, what I suspect is a minor adjustment on one hero, and you're finished.  Making Deathrattle the lower lying fruit as it were...

Of course, there is a lot of low lying fruit around, and that didn't stop them from making a whole new dwarf faction in the Fyreslayers.  I don't think any of those models are old.  So who the heck knows what they'll do.

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Tomb Kings is gone I don't know why it is always brought up.  Look at the way the factions broke out and look what is in Tomb Kings.  90% of the tomb kings units fit into one of the other existing factions.  They aren't doing races and kingdoms anymore, its different factions(flavor) that are a part of a larger alliance.


With that said I'd like to see a Deathrattle tome and some more heroes released.  Next to that I'd like to see a Deathlords tome done like the Everchosen tome where you have a focus on those few units in there but being the leaders you have battalions and such that pull from the other factions.

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33 minutes ago, ust66 said:

Tomb Kings is gone I don't know why it is always brought up.  Look at the way the factions broke out and look what is in Tomb Kings.  90% of the tomb kings units fit into one of the other existing factions.  They aren't doing races and kingdoms anymore, its different factions(flavor) that are a part of a larger alliance.

I think you still see this primarily because the last batch of models they released for TK were awesome, and also because they keep dropping little hints in the AoS fluff about chariot mounted skelies, and such.  Also iirc Setra, very dramatically, survived the End Times.  They took the pains to have him resurrected by the Chaos Gods, after Nagash initially defeated him (even then he wasn't dead, he was just a disembodied skull in the desert), to serve their purposes by offing Nagash, He basically told them that they could get bent, because of course, 'Settra does not serve, Settra rules!' and then he whent so far as to save Nagash at a pivotal moment both to ensure Nagash would survive long enough for Settra to have his own revenge on him, and to make sure the Chaos Gods knew exactly how few craps he gave about what they wanted.

Now.  If that's not completely Bad A$$ I have no idea what is. ;)  Which I believe is, at least part, of the reason so many of us would like to see their return to the AoS.  I mean, seriously, no other faction that I'm aware of has such a high profile unofficial project dedicated to them. (see Mengel Miniatures http://www.tga.community/forums/forum/87-the-endless-deserts/  The popularity of which should at least cause GW to consider the possibility of a TK return to the AoS world.  You might also take into account that the two would be GW competitors 9th Age and KoW are both scrambling to make a profit off the absence of TK in the AoS line up as another indicator that interest in the TK line is far from dead... See what I did there? ;)

Anyway, given how much Settra hates Nagash, if the TK did return, I have a feeling it wouldn't be on the side of Death.  They could have the honor of being outside of the Grand Alliance Structure entirely.  But that is speculation on top of speculation, on top of nothing.

That said, I'm not holding onto a ton of hope.  I'm just wishlisting it.  Though I do think it would be a major coup for GW to bring them back, especially outside of the Death GA.

Anyway, why u gotta come in here and bust peoples chops over wanting something? ;)  Why u go and make me write a whole wall o' text about my man love for Settra?

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55 minutes ago, bflaherty81 said:

Deathrattle or Soulblight.  I think they could bring back most of the tomb kings through the deathrattle faction.  That being said i'd love to see what GW would do to flesh out the soulblight vampires


They are most likely going to get the necromancers and dead walkers. Maybe with a plastic blood knights, vampire elite infantry and a plastic vampire hero. That's my prediction since those factions cover each other bases well to make a full round faction. While it's clear as day Deathrattle can easily be it's on thing. 

The issue is that soulblight are pretty much heroes and I doubt GW will expect people to buy several blood knights. While deathmages(which are only two models) and deadwalkers(pretty poor infantry unless in huge numbers) can't really be a faction in itself since it's pretty much zombies and dire wolves and its quite er plain and the lack of elite infantry and units. Fluff wise necromancers are always vampire's igor's it has not changed so far going by the lord of undeath novel. Dead walkers in the death grand alliance book are described to be used by vampires as foot soldiers. 

Those three groups together will make a well rounded soulblight book in my opinion. Oh yes with neferata and manny as characters. With Deathrattle Arkhan and Krell as characters since in the death grand alliance they make note that the "Lord of despair" aka most likely krell rules over the rime-frozen Helspoint. So perhaps maybe a new skeleton giant since Arkhan uses one in the new book and a new skeleton chariot. 

It would be pretty cool to see an ice theme for death rattle since Krell rules a place that is "rime-frozen", oh and one more thing a new Liche model that is the like of Arkhan would be nice also. So we might see a frost/rimed themed krell. :D

Now deathlords? They are getting nighthaunts I think that's pretty clear already if you look at nagash's bundle it's full of nighthaunt models and in the start collecting box they say you should get nagash next. The nighhaunts lack strong heroes and the deathlords provide that. Perhaps they might do a generic Liche/wight and vampire deathlord for those who don't want to use characters. 

Now if they do a new form of tomb kings they need to be a book on their own to do it justice in my opinion. 

This is my prediction. 

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Not sure I agree. 


The pattern  AoS is more factions with tighter themes.  I don't think there is anyway we see them merge what has already been separated since AoS. It just doesn't make sense that they split things up only to put them back together.

Same for TK.  If they come back, I don't think they go in deathrattle.  To thematically different.

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I'd love to see a nighthaunt battletome. They need some heroes that can be generals with some unique command traits and a heavy elite infantry unit would be cool as well as some kind of magic user. 

It would be cool if Nagash managed to come up with some kind of Deathcast Eternal by studying the Stormcast. 

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I'll echo the sentiment of Deathrattle. Skeletons and Grave Guard have always been the cool army of darkness aesthetic I loved as a kid. I just wonder how that could be fleshed out (HAH) past what we already have.

Failing that, some kind of Bloodknights/Vampire book with new sculpts and maybe even units of "lesser" vamps could be damn cool. 


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My only thought with TKs as a faction is should they actually fight in the Death faction?  Of course they are undead, but Nagash (+ Neferata) are like their #1 enemy iirc.  That may be one of the reasons they are gone as an army.  However some of their units might be divided up and return (under deathrattle etc?).

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If there are new models to go along with it, then a Soulblight tome would be good.

I'm currently painting 10 metal blood knights, and it would good to have an infantry option other than Vargheists. As a faction they could use some formations though, it would be the first battletome I'd consider picking up.

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I want to see a fully fleshed out Nighthaunts/Malignants battletome.

I want to be able to run a ghost theme army with a useful command ability and magic. Also they need to fix it so I can use a Mortis Engine, a la the start collecting box set, without having to take a battle line unit tax. Finally, where are the Nighthaunt units in path to glory?! At least the rest of the tables suck so I can ignore them too.

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